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Guide to starting?

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Forum » General Discussion » Guide to starting? 11 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 21, 2015 2:10pm | Report
JohnTheScout wrote:

mids a bit more complicated because of the need to ward,

As solo you need to ward too otherwise you can get ganked adc is one of the roles that dopesn't ward a lot (you should keep 1 ward with you if the support isn't around and the wards are down.

Also would I say jungle is easier to learn then support (I can jungle but still can't support) as jungle is mostly farm give buffs and gank when possible. while support needs to be everywhere sometimes.

As mid you don't need to be ready to rotate a lot unless the other mid is back to base or rotating too you should rotate (when your wave is pushed up)


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