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Hackers >.<

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Forum » General Discussion » Hackers >.< 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mailly92 » June 4, 2014 1:01pm | Report
So I was playing as Baka for the first time since the beta ended.
I end up getting matched against a Ne Zha, with 0 items for the whole match (35 minutes), but he still ended up tearing my *** appart, since none of us could deal more than 1-5 damage on him (hell, my ult only did 5 dmg. per attack, even with my 3 active >.<) - so he basicly carries the enemy team.
Now I ended up with him being my ADC as Artemis - enemy have Odin, Poseidon, Zeus, Anhur and a Tyr jungle - they tried doing all of their ults on her (with no effects at all - and no, she didn't have aeigis)..

Afterwards I told my team to report her for hacking, but they wouldn't, because "it's her fault we won"... even tho she admitted to hacking several times...

Why the hell would you hack in ranked >.<


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » June 4, 2014 1:03pm | Report
Pics or it didn't happen.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mailly92 » June 4, 2014 1:45pm | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 4, 2014 1:55pm | Report
Send the match to HiRez support ;)

Post the link here as well, I want to watch it myself :p
IGN: Marki

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