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How do you decide what Gods to buy early on?

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Forum » General Discussion » How do you decide what Gods to buy early on? 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DarkMatterGaming » June 11, 2015 1:46pm | Report
Right now I'm in a very... interesting spot; I'm still super early in Smite, and I don't have many Gods, but the Gods I have are ones I'm happy with currently. I've read that - at Competitive level - 16 Gods in varying roles is what you want to aim for, and as a result, I'm not sure what to purchase.

Right now, my ideas are:

    Bacchus (
Super rusty)
Ares (Not fantastic...)
Sylvanus (The one time I got him in Assault was fun.)
Loki (Because.)
Awilix (A friend wanted me to get her and... She seems stupid fun.)

Those are all the ones I can name right now, but I'm not just asking for opinions on this. The way I go about buying Gods is usually playing with them on Free in Assault or Joust, and eventually deciding depending on how I liked playing them. Alternatively, if they're cheap enough, why not?

So what's the method to your guys madness, and if you already have all of them, how did you prioritize?

Edit: Ugh that formatting.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 11, 2015 2:22pm | Report
I only play Assault, and so have just been forced to play all gods through rotation, and there are definitely gods that I just clicked with quickly, and some that either took me a long time to get a feel for, or that I still do not like.

In the beginning, I took the advice of my nephew, but in hindsight, I should have gone by my own experimentation and feelings. As I got more familiar with the game, I just sort of found my own flow for which ones I wanted to unlock next.

I think what you're doing now is great. You can take some advice from friends, but you really do want to play them yourself, at least once or twice, if not more.

For conquest, barring ranked, probably best to get and familiarize yourself with at least 2 of each class that will fit a specific role (say, support), so that in case one is picked for a different role (e.g. someone going solo w/ Athena), you still have another god that works in the support role.

As you get more serious, you'll have built up plenty of favor to unlock whatever gods you want. I wouldn't lock my mindset into that "16 Gods." Really, you want to be semi-familiar with ALL gods, so you know how they play, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how to play/pick against them.

From your list, you have 3 guardians. I'd choose 2 to start. Sylvanus is still a strong support god, but Ares and Bacchus have a more limited function, as they're really more offensive. So my suggestion would be Sylv over those two, but that's just me.

But I'd round out your list a bit more...absolutely choose the gods you feel you'll like more, but give strong consideration to the strongest in their categories in the current meta:

Smite Tier List
  • Hunters: think about Rama and Xbalanque, though you already have Neith as a free god and she's very strong right now.
  • Guardians: Athena is top pick, and has been for a long time. Absolutely consider a different guardian like Ares or Bacchus to have an option that plays drastically different.
  • Assassins: Loki is great with a strong said because, and that's good enough reason, right? Where Loki is super burst via abilities, if you want to try Awilix or whatever, go for it... Serqet and Bastet are also strong, and you already have Thor.
  • Warriors: Bellona is a super strong pick right now, and her playstyle is very fun and versatile.
  • Mages: Lots of choices here. Figure out what playstyle you like. Mobile? Get Janus. Huge burst? Try Scylla with her crazy ult. Utility w/ regard to playstyle? Chronos

    My personal favorites right now (again, not Conquest) are Guan Yu, Scylla, Eset, Xbalanque, Kumbhakarna, Thor, and Ah Muzen Cab.

    Good luck, and have fun!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DarkMatterGaming » June 11, 2015 2:41pm | Report
Funny you mention Bellona, I actually grabbed her off a whim.

Xbalanque is someone I'm strongly considering, Athena is someone I wasn't... fantastic with when I rolled her in Assault...

I'm strongly considering Chronos since I am enjoying Solo when I tried Solo Neith. Janus is also someone who looks really fun.

Thanks for the reply, though!
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 11, 2015 2:56pm | Report
Assault isn't always the best gauge of how well you'll do with a specific god in Conquest, though. I've also found Athena to be hit-or-miss in Assault. Depends on the rest of your team's comp, and enemy team comp.

With backing in Conquest, a god like Athena is great for getting right back into lane with almost 0 downtime. Probably best to consider the god's kit, and how it might excel in Conquest. That tier list is a pretty good thing to consult specifically for that mode.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 11, 2015 5:51pm | Report
Hey Mat !

I'll be sending you a PM with a response to this, so yeah !
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » June 11, 2015 8:38pm | Report
I always bought gods that I either enjoyed from free rotation or just thought looked interesting (although the only god I bought from that was Poseidon).

However I can't say my methodology worked because I was getting the desire to own gods faster than I was unlocking them (maybe something like wanting to own 1.5 gods for every 1 god I could own). As this progressed over time I wanted maybe 7 gods I had tried out at once, at which point I was just like "**** it" and bought the all gods pack.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 12, 2015 3:36am | Report
well I don;t know what the aim is but I myself always bought gods I liked or looked cool (I started out collecting all mayan gods because I wanted to go by pantheaon and mayan only had 4-5 (it had xba hun AMC and chaac (maybe there was one more not sure only know the hunters for sure XD). But I have the god pack nowadays

but well depending on the aim if you want to go competitive you need to get yourself to learn the most top tier gods in a role.

also small tip never rent a god you can use them all for free in jungle practise. so if you want to look at how stuff works don;t rent him waste of favor delays your next god (especcially sinds favor is nerfed hard since the booster packs)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » June 12, 2015 9:01am | Report
If you plan to play Ranked when you'll be 30, it's all fine, but you need to accept this fact :
Players in Ranked games are there to win, not only for fun.

If you want to chill and enjoy playing whatever god you like, you will probably not enjoy Ranked games as much.
However, if you are fine with that, then go ahead and enjoy.

So, if you plan to go Ranked, and do not want to buy the God pack (which is relatively cheap for what is gives), then you should focus on gods that are viable on Ranked games.
You can consult tier lists for that, but with a grain of salt.
By viable, I mean hier tier gods may have an advantage over low tier gods in their respecting roles.
So, if you are new to the game and are still learning the roles, your life will be easier if you pick a high tier god.

Smite Ranked games are for players level 30 and with at least 16 gods mastered and owned.
That means, if you take some time (not very long) to master the 5 free gods ( Ra, Neith, Thor, Guan Yu and Ymir), you only need 11 more to buy.

Then, because you don't want to hinder your team if you don't get your preferred role, you should (very recommended) try to master a second god for each role, at least.
Finally, by the time you're 30, you should know which role you prefer.
Then, pick gods for your preferred roles, to have more choices during picks.

That is if you plan to play Ranked.
If you plan to play casuals, then I recommend to take some time each day and try a few new gods in the Jungle Practice. Within a few minutes, you can jauge if you like the kit or not.

Finally, once you got your favorite gods in mind, come here and look for guides for these gods.
You'll learn it's strengths, weaknesses, and maybe some tricks from another point of view.

Oh, I forgot to mention, if you plan to play other modes than Conquest. The tier lists may not be that accurate.
Remember when Branmuffin17 told you Ares had limited function. That's entirely true in Conquest. While in arena and assault, Ares is a beast.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 12, 2015 1:59pm | Report
Bullfrog323 wrote:

Players in Ranked games are there to win, not only for fun.

Oh, I forgot to mention, if you plan to play other modes than Conquest. The tier lists may not be that accurate.
Remember when Branmuffin17 told you Ares had limited function. That's entirely true in Conquest. While in arena and assault, Ares is a beast.

first thing is true of you go in ranked and dare to say it when losing you will get a lot of qq

the second thing. only 1v1 joust is ranked too and does have a tottally other tierlist


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