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ThePerfectPrism's Blog
Blog Posts: 65     Views: 142790     Comments: 534
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January 21, 2021
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alive  |  busy  |  elatus  |  hi  |  love  |  rpg  |  ttrpg  |  yeah
Hello everyone! As ya'll know, I hope, I'm ThePerfectPrism, AKA Pris, Prism, Leo, etc. And I've been DM'ing my own table for the past what, 7-8 months at this point? It's been a unique and hilarious experience to say the least, so I decided to share a bit of the joy this has brought me, since Smitefire has also brought me a lot of joy, past, present and (hopefully) future. So, I'll share some of the best Tales from Elatus. I'll try to make it like Stuke's comics and post once in a while a story, so yeah! Let's start this!

Today's entry is a bit of a downer and will be divided into two parts. This is one of my player's backstory (which was 50 pages long so forgive me for giving you an extremely condensed version of it), and it seemed like the best backstory to introduce the world to ya'll, so yeah, strap in and enjoy!

The Pact with Hades

Ara was born an affair from the Duke of Galanodel, a rich and vast elven kingdom, with a commoner, a bartender named Lia. After only…
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October 30, 2019

Busy McPants

Views: 6271 ThePerfectPrism
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busy  |  i miss ya'll  |  much busy  |  please excuse me  |  so busy
Ok, lemme first say I'm sorry for just disappearing without notice, I just got caught up with university, had to hand in a **** ton of papers, projects, and the likes of such, and now I'm having a breathing room but not really cuz I'm going to show this weekend and next week is my birthday so yeah

I'm developing a game for a project in one of my classes this semester, so coding and story writing, planning, developing, is taking much of my free time, and I also have 4 other classes that I have to hand in papres, projects and etc, so yeah, not a lot of free time.

I'm mainly writing this to say that I'm playing SMITE on my birthday, November 8th, a Friday, so that I can talk to some of ya'll cuz I miss talking to ya'll, really only talking to my therapist and my irl friends is getting boring lol. I'll play at the time Bran normally plays, so yeah, if you wanna join, be there <3

Also, if you ever need to contact me for ANYTHING, you can do so by DMing me on Discord, on Steam, or in any …
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March 04, 2019

Just some of my poems

Views: 2080 ThePerfectPrism
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poems  |  translated  |  writing  |  yay
So, I don't think anyone knows about this, but while I was away from the whole SMITE scenario, I took up writing as a hobby. I started by trying to write my first book, and boy did I overvalue my ability to make it cohesive. While I did write about 10 chapters, all of which have 2k+ letters, I started another hobby, by accident: Writing poems.

The first poem I wrote, as a hobby, was a lovy-dovy really confusing and kinda bad poem for the boy I was dating at the moment. But, since that, I have honed my skill and started sharing it with friends and some strangers, even! I've mostly received praise as a feedback, however some people do point out things that they didn't like in the poem (Which 99% of the time matches what I didn't like about the poem either).

Nevertheless, I was on reddit (specificaly /r/ocPoems) and decided "You know what? I'm going to share some on SmiteFire" so here are some of my favorites + well-received poems.

Of course, keep in mind that these poems are translate…
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February 05, 2019
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ama  |  aphro  |  athena  |  cerb  |  guan  |  hera  |  matches
So, while recently there has been a thread with our worst matches in the past few weeks, I decided to make this blog post about the best matches I've had since I've started to play SMITE again. With that said, LET'S JUST JUMP INTO IT!

10/2/20 as Cerberus on Arena - I really want to understand what happened in this match. I solo'd the enemy Ullr, I did tremendous amount of damage and, while I think this is the most important part for you to really get the image, it was my first game as this god.

Also, the enemy Amaterasu was dumb but quite annoying with her Hastaned Katana + crit combo, Fenrir was one of those " Fenrir For Life Brah" types of Fenrir, but I still did amazingly well. Also, my interior support wanted to commit suicide, but I left Hera to die whenever I could've saved her, cuz I was gonna play Janus and she autolocked Hera. I was mad.

8/2/8 as Hera on Conquest - I mean, the score doesn't look like much, but my Aphrodite, IceBolt23, was actually playing with my …
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January 28, 2019

A Question of Importance

Views: 4434 ThePerfectPrism
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guides  |  HaveFaith  |  pris  |  prism  |  update
To keep it short: Which of my guides should I update, discount Athena (Gimmie 3 of them) and tell me which of the following gods I should make a guide on:

I'm actually back, baby.

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ThePerfectPrism's Tags
Prism's Life FirstBlog NothingMuchToSayReal Athena Hooray ! Answers Bad Juju Why Aphrodite Congrats! Ratatoskr Nike IamPrism IamTooGoodForTheDevT IamRockstar Pleasedon'tlookintom Solobek Taleniscute BaRRaissupercute FemFatalisthequeen Zilbythemysteriouski femthequeen zilbythesexyking wolfmanarachne IISROCKSTAR YesImcopyingWolf Idfc I<3aphro femimissyou ucute Taliscute aphro ode whynot sure whatevah BritSpearsCircus Iwon'trun outof tags P's Science Club Shamelessly #stolefromzilby imissyoufem IamRockstart Ducksrock god concep hybrid mage support I thank you Godpack tomorrow bby RIP yaaay Hi ZilbyPlea PlaySmiteWithMe StukeTalkToMe DucksIsSickT_T FemIsMIA ButImMaking ANewGuide !!! PleaseNoHate SeriousBusiness LoveYouAll YAYME GodWillHelpYouAll HaveFaith TomorrowIsABetterDay Must You Downvote My Chiron Guide Other Makers ... Yay random max level lol ThankYouAll LoveForBaethena MyYoutubeChannel HALP ACandleInTheWind E=MC² YuGiOh Paladins Gmod Stuff ._. IWatchHPSince1999 wow JustNoticed Wow. ThankYou IfIWasAGurl HAII ILoveStarWars Imeaaaaan welp HalpPls APHRODITE MY BAE aphrosolo HOOZAH amazing love zilbking I'll#Everything ohhaio FINALLYYYY Nov8th ez gg tryandrun zoom sadasasdgdsgasd PersonalStuff Sowwy PleaNoHate LuvUAll yus reasonception Healing rant trend smf meme trollingbran hibran himom omg personal writing community spotlight NOT A SINGLE PRINGLE alive well college guides update prism pris matches hera cerb ama guan poems translated busy so busy much busy please excuse me i miss ya'll rpg ttrpg elatus yeah

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