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I'm getting so fed up with League Conquest right now. Help please.

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Forum » General Discussion » I'm getting so fed up with League Conquest right now. Help please. 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SweetTenderLove » October 9, 2014 4:57am | Report
I really want to get to higher tiers so I can improve and play with and against players of a higher skill level than me. Really. I do. But almost every ****ing game I play I lose because someone leaves, players BM each other and decide to throw the game, people afk, feed like crazy, hell I've even run into TROLLS. Really, in a game I played yesterday the Ymir was just ****ing trolling the whole game. Walling teammates off my escaping the enemy, trapping teammates in parts of the jungle with the entire enemy team, telling teammates to attack and then leaving them to die, outright LEAVING teamfights that he was needed in despite being close to full health, etc. In another game one guy was giving another helpful advice, because he was playing like an idiot and clearly didn't know what he was doing, but the guy basically told him "**** you, you're muted". Now I'm in qualifiers league and I have to finish a few games to find where I belong, but I'm scared I'm gonna get put back into bronze again and have the same kind of ****ty teammates. Anyone know what combination of wins and losses equals what? Meaning if I lose 5 games and win 5 what league will I go to? 3-7? 6-4?

I just really need some help here, I want to improve really badly, but **** like this keeps happening


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » October 9, 2014 5:33am | Report
I'm sorry if I'm being blunt here, but the League system is a joke.

Really, it's ranked play which is fine, but the fact that you're forced to solo que basically makes you reliant on matchmaking. The system would be much better if it allowed premades, or at least if they added a RANKED premade mode.

As for your current situation, I can't really help you out, sorry. I stopped playing Ranked when they replaced Arena League with Joust League.

I guess you just have to pray for good teammates.
Thanks to Ferrum for making the sig pic! He's beast af people.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 9, 2014 5:53am | Report
I thought that everyone starts in Bronze?

Well I kind of forget how it starts you out.

There is one sad truth about League, well I will start off with the first thing.

That is - Play with Curse. Nobody really uses VGS because most people use curse, there for you are not going to get call outs on who is missing if you are the only one not using Curse.

The main thing is - Pick the best Top Tier God you are good with. That is the sad truth, you kind of have to play with a God that is Top Tier in order to win most games.

Basically you have to pick a top tier God because being more try hard gives you more chances to win. For example, say you wanted to do Ymir mid... it doesn't matter how good or pro your Ymir Mid is, any other mid will simply destroy him simply because the God is more Top Tier then he is in mid lane.

What I was doing was just playing very good gods that I think are the best in their role in order to get wins.

I WANT to play Gods like Anubis, ect in League but I realize that since I am playing against good players I have to rely on my team more than just me trying to carry hard with lower tier Gods...

Basically its easier to pwn with better Gods, thats why in League I go for Agni Mid because I assume I will 90% of the time never lose that lane, where as Anubis even though is my favorite I will probably have a higher chance to lose.

So, the sad part is, you have to pick a God that you are good with and at the same time a God that is high tier.

A God that gives you the best chances to win while being good with that God.
Look at the best Gods in the game for their role and see which ones you are best with.

Thats basically how you win more games.

I team with Geb/Janus/Mercury/Apollo/Zhong Kui

will most likely almost always **** on a team that has a set up like


Simply because the other Gods are overall better.

In League its not even much about, how good are you with that God but more of, how many people are better than your God on the other team and do they counter your God.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » October 9, 2014 7:08am | Report
It depends on your elo, 1500 (which is what you start on) will get you into somewhere around Gold 1 (which is pretty much as bad as bronze).

The "promotion" part of league is 100% ******ed :P

If you win 10 games in bronze you are suddenly like top 5% of the player pool..

Other than that ranked is just as it should be IMO, plz god never add duo queue in ranked!

The problem is that ppl playing their 1st game is matched with Gold 1 and higher even.

To answer your thread all I can say is that you have to learn how to take control of the game, if ppl are on curse tell them what to do call stuff (mid camps, ganks, rotations, targets etc etc). It is all up to you to win the game for your team, way to many ppl just expect that if they do "their" job that equals a free win. Well it does not, you can be 2k ahead of the enemy ADC and still lose if all you have done is farm and win your lane.

Or you can go jungle and pick the biggest hypercarry every game and just get fed and win (requires that you are ****ing good ofc.), but you can still lose when going like 20-1 if you do not get your team to understand how to play the game.

Remember: your team consist of 4 randoms, the enemy team has 5. If you are good your team should be better than the enemy team :P
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

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Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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