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Just brought God Pack, Who would you recommend?

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Forum » General Discussion » Just brought God Pack, Who would you recommend? 21 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TrophieTy » December 2, 2014 5:15pm | Report

I just got my hands on the god pack finally, at level 28 haha. A little late, but better late then never.

What gods would you recommend I try? I've only tried about 5 more than what's in the free roster, so I'm open to suggestions.

Cheers for your response.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » December 2, 2014 5:36pm | Report
Try all of them. That's the point of the god pack, to be able to play all the gods whenever you want to.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TrophieTy » December 2, 2014 5:40pm | Report
Yes I get that very helpful -_-

I'm purely looking for recommendations on who people think is fun to play. Partly for my benefit, and part as a conversation topic. Is that a issue? :(

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 2, 2014 6:16pm | Report
What type of God are you looking for and what type of God do you like to play?

Recommended based on how strong Gods are/easier to play
(I would recommend this Gods to players who want to see what a strong God is like and doesn't have to be that pro with them to do well)

- Ra = Out pushes most, heals too strong, low CD snipe ult, good damage, fast

- Chaac = Good sustain/heal, long range wave clear and pretty good damage on his poke, can increases his defense over 100+ Protections I believe with his 2, hard to lock down because he can teleport to his 2 and heal over and over. His ult is good in team fights because of the silence stopping anyone from using abilities. Oh and free mana passive....

- Thor = Long range stun, super fast jungle clear and high damage on 3, ult is extremely good because it allows you to travel very far for superior ganks, hammer teleport for easy escapes and it does good damage if you hit the hammer on the way back.

- Neith = Easy heals, easy clear, easy ult, ect. Basically she is IMO a easier hunter to play because of the heals and easy backflip escape as well as the fact you can steal kill with the ult XD and she still clears waves pretty fast and can be annoying with roots. I pick her because she is sort sort of like a mix between those higher tier hunters but not as hard and easier because of the heals.

- Ymir = Easy to play and does high damage with easy CC, walk up to people freeze them, 2 them, ult them, the end, buy blink.

All of these Gods I recommend if someone just wants to have a strong God but at the same time does not want to play the most difficult God, these Gods would be best for newer players under level 30.

BUT these are the Gods I would recommend once you feel like you want to move to other strong Gods, these Gods may take a bit more skill or harder to use but I would recommend them because they are strong.


Agni if you want a mage that is super safe and has insane poke/stuns

Janus if you want a mage that has a decent escape and very high damage and the best mobility for a mage when you can ult on the map and rotate anywhere you want because of the ult nobody can catch up with you and you can rotate to turn fights into a 1v2.

Hebo if you want a close range destroyer who obliterates anyone within a certain rage of him, he is one of the strongest mages to fight, the only downside is he is harder to play because he is slow as hell so if you are caught you will die, but he is super strong if you don't get caught. Anyone that stays within close range will surely die from him fast.

Vulcan if you want a easy mage that has some hard to land abilities and does high *** damage late game. His turret is like having an extra team mate in the lane with you, his 2 damage abilities don't really do amazing damage until late game where you can kill with ease. His ult does high damage but is hard to hit, but if you can you will destroy people and Vulcan is very good just lacks escapes and will out push most mages.

Poseidon if you want a mage that can burst someone from 100-0 health in one combo. However aegis can counter him but he still clears very fast, he is very weak with defense though and will die very fast, but I still consider him good, and you MUST get gem of isolation on him.


Apollo - I don't like to play him but he is one of the best, he has stuns to get people off of him, he has a dash to run away, he clears very fast, and his ult is obsurd which lets him fly around the map, meaning you can take a tower and watch 4 people come for you, but you don't have to worry about 4 people chasing you when you can just fly away...... and you can help your team mates on the other side of the map with his ult.

Rama - Fast Clear as well, easy escape, semi-global ult, steroid on his 2, high damage.

Ullr - Best poke out of all the hunters, poke is very long range although kind of hard to use, he has the most utility, he can speed himself up, he can jump away, he can stun with axes, he can clear waves, he can poke, he can increase attack speed, he has built in life steal, basically has everything besides a ult that kills. He is the hunter version of HEL.


- I assume you already play Athena

- Geb if you want to make your team near impossible to kill because of the shields, your bring a good team fight ult and you most likely will never die because of your passive and shield.

- Sylvanus if you want to out push the other dou lane, he brings good long range pulls BUT they are hard to land, and he has a decent long range stun, he is good because of his heal and ult which you CANNOT beads out of after it has hit you.

- ***bha - decent clear, AMAZING CC, Ult is high damaging but only takes out a single target. ***ba shines by brining annoying CC, but most of his damage is only on single targets where others damaging ults hits entire teams but they lack his CC. So its up to you.


- Hercules - Probably the #1 Warrior that is called OP by most players XD He has insane CC, insane damage, insane scaling, and his heal at max rank makes you semi-invincible, before it was really good now its just good. But beware he has no real escape and if they buy anti heal it could screw you over, Herc is more of a close range warrior that seems slow but very strong.

- Odin - Yes Odin, simply because I feel he is semi-Easy for the reward he brings, he has very high burst and his team fight ult is pretty good. I feel that at lower levels you can probably own with Odin, after you hit level 30 it will be harder to kill people who have a brain but even then Odin still is kind of strong with his burst, I am only recommending him because he actually is decent for what he does, clears waves fast, extreme damage burst, only downside is people can see your jump coming and if you use your jump you trap yourself into your own ult (which is why you buy combat blink).


- Serqet
- Loki
- Mercury
- Hun Batz
- Kali

Those are MOST gods I recommend, it does not mean these are my favorite or that the others are bad, its just the ones I would recommend.

It would be better if you listed like 5 Gods that you were thinking about playing and you asked which one of those 5 should you play based no what type of God you want to play.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » December 2, 2014 6:21pm | Report

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » December 2, 2014 6:24pm | Report
People find different gods fun to play. Giving you a recommendation based off of what I like would not be that great of a recommendation since you'll have different tastes to what I have.

Start by giving us what type of gods you enjoy and what roles, and you won't be getting such vague and obvious answers.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TrophieTy » December 2, 2014 7:12pm | Report
That's fair.

Well personally, I enjoy playing Apollo, Cupid, Chang'e ect. Highly mobile God's hold a personal fav place in my heart.

I also enjoy Mage/Ranged gods, as you would have noticed. I'm not sure if this is due to my play style, or if I just suck at the game and these are the easiest to play.

I also enjoy some Ymir from time to time, along with Hades. Tanky god's aren't my first pick, but I still find them rather fun.

Also big thanks to ICEN for that big list, I'll be referring to that in the future :)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » December 2, 2014 7:30pm | Report
Well, it really does seem like you enjoy mobile gods. Based on the list you've given, the one that really resonates in my mind is Rama. Give him a try. As for Chang'e, you might like Scylla or Janus, possibly Agni.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TrophieTy » December 2, 2014 7:35pm | Report
Thanks, HiFromBuddha, I appreciate you taking the time to advise! I'll give Rama a try now, then Scylla. I've seen Scylla in matches a lot, and she seems pretty powerful.

I'm really pleased the god pack is a thing! It would've taken me months to get this in favor, and I'm actually on a level playing field with everyone else, which is sweet :D

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » December 2, 2014 9:42pm | Report
Janus is stupid high mobility, with Scylla's burst. I would definitely recommend you try him.


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