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League Brain Freeze

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 6, 2014 9:59pm | Report
It always happens....

I got done playing League with Anubis, mmmkay I went 9-1 in League with Nubis and got promoted to silver muahahhaa.

Then I went to play another league match so I could start getting promoted up in League since I don't play it much and my brain got raped.

People was getting confused in the chat who was going where, who was banning who, ect.

I'm sitting here thinking "Pick a god", I tell the person I am solo I guess.

Then I get kicked out of League and I am thinking to myself "OMG Another nub who quit".

Then I look up to the top left and see 30 minute desert penalty.... my brain is confused at this point.....

Then I remember that I was 2nd and it was really my turn to pick but because everyone was spamming the chat saying who is going where and who to ban, ect. My brain must have warped into another dimension and I didn't do anything.

Ya, have any of you done this?

I am wondering if that's why so many quit out of league, I used to think they just quit to quit, now I am thinking most people are dumb like me and not realizing its their turn to pick.

Then brain freeze.

Oh ya, and when I went 9-1 with Nubis in league, btw they all had Beads but I countered it by doing what you do to Chronos... just keep taking them down little by little then kill them.

If you look below you will see the RAGE chat of what happens when you rape them with Anubis.
Because I am pretty sure that's why they are raging, they probably laughed at Nubis till he T-Bagged dat team.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » September 7, 2014 12:23am | Report
You're confusing my brain now.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 7, 2014 12:47am | Report
I just went 7-1 with Nubis in League again....

Literally keep going very positive in League with Anubis....

Its quite funny, somehow I am doing better in League with Nubis....

Either its because all my team mates are better, or maybe I am being a try hard or, maybe Nubis too pro.

Funny thing is beads didn't save Rama, its quite funny I watched my last kill before the league match ended.

I placed grasping hands down and he used beads and died to my combo even while using beads hahaahhahah.

Literally died so fast that his beads didn't get him out of my grasping hands in time, btw I didn't even ult him ahhahahaha.

Nubis is bad in league remember that


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » September 7, 2014 12:57am | Report
Maybe you're just playing against bad players.
Every Anubis I've ever faced in league fed (except when the enemy jungler got fed etc).
It's just so easy to kill him while ulting or using his 1, he dies instantly.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 7, 2014 1:42am | Report
Pentargonite wrote:

Maybe you're just playing against bad players.
Every Anubis I've ever faced in league fed (except when the enemy jungler got fed etc).
It's just so easy to kill him while ulting or using his 1, he dies instantly.
Did the Anubis's you face use Gem of Isolation? That sounds like a dumb question but its actually not and does make a big difference, I see a lot of Anubis's that don't use Gem and its probably why they lose if they face anyone who has beads, aegis, magi's blessing, ect.

Basically in league, I camp my tower hard core until like mid game. I have herd people say Anubis is strong early game but there is no way in hell that is true, Anubis early game can get wrecked.
Its almost impossible for me to get a kill even at level 5 unless the other player is absolutely ******ed and stands still. Anubis early game has almost no way to kill because CC doesn't even last long and its basically a waste to even waste mana using it early game unless you need to use it on someone ganking you or running away.

Seriously, I just buy life steal then camp tower, I usually get pushed but its okay to lose gold, I Just camp until I level up my abilities some more. Then I have slow movement speed because I am going for early life steal so I pretty much have to camp more until I get boots.

Only after I get boots am I even safe to leave lane at all, and btw I camp with 2 wards all game.
So ya, pretty much nobody in league will ever get a real gank on me unless they do a Ult like Thor or Thanatos and I don't see it coming on my wards.

Gem of Isolation though

Pretend you are facing me in League, I am Anubis and you are lets say Janus. Lets say you have beads. Now pretend that I mummify you then put grasping hands under you, what do you do now???
You can either waste your beads and not have it any more, or you can not waste your beads and take half your health or close to it away. That is from grasping hands alone.

So, lets pretend you didn't use your beads. What happens when I do it one more time? You surely are going to have to waste beads then, because your forced to die if you don't.

Lets go back though, what I am saying is, even if you keep your beads for my ult, if you never waste beads and I never ult you, then you will be forced to keep taking damage since I am never going to ult. Meaning, once I get gem of isolation and you think you can just sit in my abilities your going to have a rude awaking when you can't get out and you end up dying.

Basically, Gem forces them to use beads most of the time.

The only time its hard to use Anubis in league is if they have all 3 annoying *** counters, mainly ****ing aegis, but magi's blessing too.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 7, 2014 3:21am | Report
My league history says that Anubis doesn't suck


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » September 7, 2014 3:24am | Report
ICEN wrote:

My league history says that Anubis doesn't suck

Your league history says that you don't suck.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 7, 2014 4:42am | Report
Pentargonite wrote:

Your league history says that you don't suck.
You jink me, now I have a ****ed up nubis leage match after those.... dirty *** team.
Got dat troll match


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » September 7, 2014 7:04am | Report
Anubis.... This god is good in siege and 3v3's. He does work in conquest casual and against low division league teams if you're good but any good team will be able to take care of anubis, piece of cake. Gem of Isolation helps but doesn't make way to the fact you''re rooted and anyone like Scylla, Agni, Ao Kuang, etc can take care of you from a distance. If you land Mummify you usually get a kill but in a teamfight you're focused on due to your damage potential and lack of mobility.

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