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Mojo tier list with god explanations

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BurnMojo231 » April 6, 2015 12:38am | Report
So I decided to try my hand at making a tier list with reasons for why I placed what god where.
Mojo tier list

Updated list

S+ tier reasons
Serqet: She is a monster her passive can take 20% of your health, her ult is uncounterable, incredible mobility, a dash that can crit cause that's balanced, a relatively unlimited stealth, and a taunt it is a given that she is s+.

Bellona: Her kit is giant. she has a passive that increases her speed like Bakasura without the need to kill, and getting protections like Sobek by hitting enemy gods and getting hit by them as well. She has Athenas 1 without the charge time, a hammer that hits incredibly hard twice, a long disarm with built in lifesteal, with a longer attack range, and an ult that stuns buffs and has a long range with cc immunity. The nerfs moved her from ss to s+ she is still very good.

Bakasura: No bad match ups in solo. The best any god can do against him is survive maybe. best in solo with true damage an ult that cripples and can body block, slows, cc immunity, and is a cone aa. If you can't be beat in lane you are s+ or ss but he is squishy.
(edit He also is a great counter jungler.)

Athena: Her taunt and map presence with her ult is all she needs to be s+.

S tier reasons
Agni: Safe with high poke damage and can burst you down to zero.

Anhur: His wave clear is back watch out. One change makes a massive difference.

Cupid: Great for duo partner. Has a good ult. Relatively safe with a buff if you want to attack instead(not recommended unless you're sure)

Bastet: Mobility plus damage with a good early/mid game ult makes her a real pain to fight.

Thor: Or I like to call him Ol' Reliable. Great ult, good stun, good damage, mobile just what a team will need.

Hades: Wave clear that can heal is what he brings.

Geb: He shall protect you. Good shield, high cc, can take a crit like no other.

Janus: He is safe, mobile, does high damage, and can move your team to objectives very necessary.

Xbalanque: He has great aa damage, good 2 and 3 combo and escape, and a good underestimated ult.

Chronos: Very safe, very mobile, very defensive ult, and does good damage

Aphrodite: Can maybe survive Bakasura in lane. good wave clear later on incredibly defensive ult, plus a stun on demand.

Scylla: In her own words damage for the win. plus she has a good escape and good cc.

Hercules: He can still fight with the best of them great 1v1 cc, good sustain, and a good ult.

Hun Batz: Not much has changed about him people are realizing just how good he can truly be. He has the ult of doom, a great passive, very mobile, and a strong cone ability.

S- tier reasons
Artemis: Slight change to her ult and great late game are why I put her here.

Poseidon: Fast, strong, and has a hell of a cripple.

Nemesis: Can and will destroy a tanky god. plus she is mobile.

Kali: Risky but worth it late game.

Ymir: Great stun zones well.

Mercury: Great late game plus good team ult.

A+ tier reasons
Isis: Good cc, good damage, not the most reliable ult.

Bacchus: Less mana problems main cc is slow to activate plus low stun time. Escape can be cc but very risky, and a great ult.

Loki: Pick off the weak with his abilities.

Freya: Rips through magic defense, mobile, good jungle clear, and great ult.

Osiris: Nearly inescapable with his stuns and slows.

A tier reasons
Rama: Good slow, can trade well, good mobility, ult can get you killed.

Arachne: Good at assassination, fine at the jungle.

Ares: Chain of annoyance , bead wasting ult, and a health burning fire.

Chaac: Good damage, high sustain, hard to confirm kills with.

Neith: Good cc, good sustain, good escape, good ult, comparatively low damage.

Vamana: Good but affected by the Witchblade nerf.

Ao Kuang: Mobile, has a relatively safe ult, stealth, and high damage.

Chang'e: Very hard to kill but has low damage, plus a heal and a anti heal debuff.

Zhong Kui: Good damage with a teamfight changing ult.

Ullr: Very versatile, but can burn through mana if not careful.

Hel: High damage and heal. Cc immunity can save other players and you, fast as well.

Nu Wa: Clay Soldiers AI is incompetent much of the time. Plus a very good ult.

Ra: Reliable wave clear, good healing,fast. and a ult with low cooldown times.

Thanatos: Great early game bound to fall off later.

Vulcan: Unreliable ult but has good ability damage.

Tyr: Predictable wave clear combo.

Kukulkan: Good wave clear, and a strong ult.

Odin: Very squishy for a warrior, but is a good counter pick for gods without leaps.

A- tier reasons
Awilix: Decent jungler , with a relatively weak ult, and invincibility frames on her two.

Apollo: weak early game wave clear, great split push later in the game.

Sobek: Weak passive, horrible mana problems, his pluck leaves you vulnerable, decent self heal and anti heal debuff, decent to strong ult.(still very fun to play)

Fenrir: Not much of a burst killer but can be a good bruiser.

Sylvanus: Defeater of passive players be aggressive against him and he will fall.

B+ tier reasons
Ne Zha: His ult is bad and he should feel bad about it. Makes a fun support to play though.

Guan Yu: Low damage, decent heal, and a good ult.

Ah Muzen Cab: Not safe, no escape, no hard cc, good aa damage

Kumbhakarna: Lots of decent cc, and a trap passive if team can capitalize.

Hou Yi: Decent damage, bad ult.

B tier reasons
He Bo: Poor mobility(unless you waste ult), high damage, very squishy.

Nox: No mobility, decent damage, good poke, odd ult.

Anubis: No mobility, roots self for two abilities, high damage, good cc.

C tier reasons
Zeus: Build a team to utilize his damage or don't use him at all.

Sun Wukong: Very low damage, decent cc, use ult to escape.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 6, 2015 6:04am | Report
You forgot to state baksura's awesome counter jungling by just eating one of the smaller creeps (or his clear speed with 2+HoG which instakills camps).

Also lol Ne Zha support


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BurnMojo231 » April 6, 2015 10:03am | Report
Oh I did forget to mention Bakasuras counter jungle thanks.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » April 6, 2015 10:40am | Report
I guess you are NA otherwise you never would put that 3 man ult he bo on b tier. I would put him in A+ to S- since he is the strongest Mid to Late Game God, with 800+ dmg on all his damaging abilities.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BurnMojo231 » April 6, 2015 11:44am | Report
Definitely from NA, mobility is king for me in Smite.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » April 6, 2015 12:07pm | Report
Well his 2 have a 40% speed buff and a 40% speed debuff for the enemy, so you can juke a lot while dealing more than 2000k in a few seconds. Anubis is far worse. He Bo is for example much more mobile than a ZK/Vulcan/Freya/Nu Wa and so on.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » April 6, 2015 1:12pm | Report
Pretty decent list. I'd switch Thor and Serqet because Thor has so much utility in team fights and his early game is uber good. Early game dictates the meta right now which is why Bastet and Arachne are so stronk. Thanatos is good too but he falls off quite substantially more than any other assassin.

I would take those late game hyper carries out of S- tier just because they're not that good. I'd say A tier fits them best. e.g. Kali / Mercury. Ymir is also not an S- tier god, A+ at best (I'd put him at A).

Everyone except Isis and Freya doesn't deserve to be in that A+ list. Isis is hella good rn, people just don't realize it so she shouldn't be there either tbh. Loki has too many bad matchups and offers pretty much nothing to a team fight unless he's ahead. He has his own niche and can only usually be picked as a counter pick to certain mages. Osiris isn't as good after the nerf, but still viable. A tier.

Push Ullr, Tyr, and Ra up one or two notches - they're all very solid and reoccurring picks.

Pretty good tier list I guess. But hey, I don't make tier lists ~.~.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » April 7, 2015 12:54pm | Report
Nox and Sun Wukong being at the bottom of the tier list makes me want to cry

It's also very very weird to see 6 different tiers from A- and up. Usually if you see an "A" it's one of THEE top but in this tier list you have soooo many. Should probably consider stretching it out a bit, but it's not too bad.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » April 7, 2015 1:49pm | Report
Hi-Rez's logic is to nerf god that are balanced to a point of no return, and those who are completely over-powered they leave them how they are and not bother to nerf them enough.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BurnMojo231 » April 7, 2015 5:40pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

It's also very very weird to see 6 different tiers from A- and up. Usually if you see an "A" it's one of THEE top but in this tier list you have soooo many. Should probably consider stretching it out a bit, but it's not too bad.

It is a bit odd when I first saw it too. So I categorized it differently in my head.
as I came to view it: ss to s- as tier 1 gods or the better ones, a+ to a- are tier 2
or mid tier and, b+ bellow are tier 3 or the less better off gods.


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