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New player intimidated by items..

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Forum » General Discussion » New player intimidated by items.. 17 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jst3p » April 22, 2016 10:58am | Report
You guys are great. Loving the game. Hit level 24 last night and am starting to do some serious damage with Agni and Bastet.

I notice that the mode I seem to enjoy most gets the least attention in the form of guides and or recommendations. I LOVE clash. Is there a reason it seems to be taken less "seriously" (for lack of a better word) than other modes? I get that conquest is "real" SMITE but I see build and god guides for Arena and Joust but little talk about Clash.


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » April 22, 2016 11:18am | Report
The only reason I see that could explain why there aren't many Clash guides is because the Clash map is relatively new compared to other modes.

So, by the time this map got released, players already had their own prefered mode I guess.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 22, 2016 12:42pm | Report
It's also a bit weird because it's sort of like Arena, but a bit like Conquest/Siege too. I'd probably say that you would probably have the best success with an Arena build, but that's just my guess.

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Mythical (400)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aephyn » April 27, 2016 11:08am | Report
Clash (in my opinion) is a fantastic game mode for learning and testing things. There's plenty of team fighting, while still having lanes to push and objectives to secure. It teaches you how to efficiently clear waves, rotate, and handle the occasional gank (though they're a bit different in Clash). I'd recommend spending time practicing in Clash, if you'd like to move to Conquest one day. Though the OP has probably improved drastically since the OP...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 28, 2016 3:45pm | Report
Bran Clash feelss more like an assault with normal CQ builds


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Asger Warduna » April 28, 2016 3:53pm | Report
I see a lot of long drawn out explinations and ideas here, and that's fantastic! But if I may put it simply here are your key terms:

Physical/magical power- the amount of damage your basic attacks and abilitis will put out.

Physical/magical protection- mitigates damage dealt towards you.

Magical/physical penitration- increases your true damage against enemies with protection.

Attack speed- how fast you can use your basic consecutively.

Mps/hps- mana and health per second.

I would reccomeND getting familiar with God's and their classes, so when you see a tank you can identify that you might want some penetration for them. Also be sure to look at the score board so you can see what they are building so you can adjust your build accordibgly.

Lastly the best place to learn is jungle practice under the training selection. Here you have unlimited gold and can max out your level to practice your basics and abilities, and learn what difference certain items can make in your build.

I hope this helps, and welcome to the smite community.

Asger Warduna

Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 29, 2016 3:08pm | Report
A couple of quick clarifications, Asger, not trying to be a stickler but also wanting to be accurate:

Penetration/true damage: not sure if I'd link these two words. Penetration reduces the enemy's natural and item-based magical or physical protections, increasing the actual damage you do from abilities and basic attacks. True damage isn't magical or physical, as it ignores ALL protection (other than unique mitigation effects like from Spirit Robe). An example of true damage is Bakasura's Butcher Blades. It just does a set amount of damage, no matter if you're fighting a tank or a squishy god.

MP5/HP5: it's not s, it's the number 5. It refers to the amount of mana or health regenerated every 5 seconds, not per 1 second.

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Mythical (400)
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