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No more 4queue

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Forum » General Discussion » No more 4queue 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TooHeeZ » July 25, 2013 4:37am | Report
So recently this the newest patch, 4 queue was taken away. Is it true that friends of 4 cannot play smite together anymore, or have I understood wrong. There is conquest pre-made that allows only 5 queue, so why not just have it from 4 queue to 5 queue.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » July 25, 2013 4:55am | Report
Smite is heading down a dangerous and bad road it seems. I don't really understand why they won't just make it like in League of Legends, where there's only 2 queues for 5v5 classic, 1 normal and 1 ranked, where anyone from 1 person to 5 people can queue up for. They could've easily created this for all of their game modes without any issues. :(


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 25, 2013 5:14am | Report
The probleme with 4 queue is that somepeople use it to troll by reporting the player who isn't in the queue so hirez got a lot of complaints about that and are trying to find a solution for it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » July 25, 2013 6:55am | Report
All4Games wrote:

The probleme with 4 queue is that somepeople use it to troll by reporting the player who isn't in the queue so hirez got a lot of complaints about that and are trying to find a solution for it.

It doesn't matter if the single person gets reported by 4 people, I'm pretty sure that they're reading the chat log before hitting the button, as with any other game (not just MOBA games). As long as the single person don't start to curse, flame or behave innappropriate, there's no need for him/her to worry. And this is what people does wrong, if someone flames you, some people flames back in the way like "Hey stfu man f*ck you, I haven't done anything wrong bla bla bla..", which actually is the wrong way to behave, and therefore you're being punished for it. When this happens to you, just keep playing and be happy, then after the game you're free to report anyone of them if you want for flaming or missbehaving, or you could just laugh at them and feel sorry for those hardcore "pros".


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 25, 2013 8:13am | Report
Piederman wrote:

It doesn't matter if the single person gets reported by 4 people, I'm pretty sure that they're reading the chat log before hitting the button, as with any other game (not just MOBA games). As long as the single person don't start to curse, flame or behave innappropriate, there's no need for him/her to worry. And this is what people does wrong, if someone flames you, some people flames back in the way like "Hey stfu man f*ck you, I haven't done anything wrong bla bla bla..", which actually is the wrong way to behave, and therefore you're being punished for it. When this happens to you, just keep playing and be happy, then after the game you're free to report anyone of them if you want for flaming or missbehaving, or you could just laugh at them and feel sorry for those hardcore "pros".
sometimes you are very naive. When I say 4 pre-made troll this is what I mean.
4 players who will blame every single mistake, death, kill lost etc. On that one other player.
That solo will 95% of the time curse back which gives the 4 premade somthing report. Before you say just mute them, that will give the 4 premade the "he didn't communicate with us, when we asked somthing he didn't respond" reason.

And when hirez gets those reports they look at how many reports were send to them about set player in set amount of time and what the reasons were, they get so many reports that they just don't have the time to read the chat of the actual match.

This one I can't blame on hirez I mean they get a lot of reports and they are all ready very busy with those.

There were a lot of those 4 trolls premades, a lot more then you probebly think.

So like you say your argument is invalid. "Trollface"
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » July 25, 2013 9:58am | Report
All4Games wrote:

sometimes you are very naive. When I say 4 pre-made troll this is what I mean.
4 players who will blame every single mistake, death, kill lost etc. On that one other player.
That solo will 95% of the time curse back which gives the 4 premade somthing report. Before you say just mute them, that will give the 4 premade the "he didn't communicate with us, when we asked somthing he didn't respond" reason.

And when hirez gets those reports they look at how many reports were send to them about set player in set amount of time and what the reasons were, they get so many reports that they just don't have the time to read the chat of the actual match.

This one I can't blame on hirez I mean they get a lot of reports and they are all ready very busy with those.

There were a lot of those 4 trolls premades, a lot more then you probebly think.

So like you say your argument is invalid. "Trollface"

Who said anything about muting? And if this happens, you getting 4 reports that is, all you need to do is send a report to the support team and they will take one more look at the chat log, I know they do since I've done this myself many months ago. And why would you ever flame back to somebody who is already flaming? Just let it be. Your argument is invalid.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 25, 2013 2:08pm | Report
Piederman wrote:

Who said anything about muting? And if this happens, you getting 4 reports that is, all you need to do is send a report to the support team and they will take one more look at the chat log, I know they do since I've done this myself many months ago. And why would you ever flame back to somebody who is already flaming? Just let it be. Your argument is invalid.

Because im on vacation and I have t write this on my Phone im gonna make this quick

Hirez does not look at chat log because it takes to much time, they only read the report's and If one player gets 4 reports on rapid succsesion and all of which say the Same thing because they are a 4 troll premade than the thought process of the employee is "well this player misbehaved and will be puniched for it" though set player did nothing wrong and just got screwed by 4 people.

You are right about people flaming back, 1 probleme a large group of players do not think of just not flaming back as a solution.

What I said about muting was to take away a possible solution you might have thought about, and that it won't help you by muting them.

There now it's still long and because of this I won't be posting any more comments to this argument for as long as im on vacation because this took way to long to write.

One more thing when you were saying "your argument is invalide" saying that makes it look like your not open to feedback or critisem and makes you look very stubborn. It's also annoying for the person who reads it and I would like it very much If you would stop it.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » July 25, 2013 2:34pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

Because im on vacation and I have t write this on my Phone im gonna make this quick

Hirez does not look at chat log because it takes to much time, they only read the report's and If one player gets 4 reports on rapid succsesion and all of which say the Same thing because they are a 4 troll premade than the thought process of the employee is "well this player misbehaved and will be puniched for it" though set player did nothing wrong and just got screwed by 4 people.

You are right about people flaming back, 1 probleme a large group of players do not think of just not flaming back as a solution.

What I said about muting was to take away a possible solution you might have thought about, and that it won't help you by muting them.

There now it's still long and because of this I won't be posting any more comments to this argument for as long as im on vacation because this took way to long to write.

One more thing when you were saying "your argument is invalide" saying that makes it look like your not open to feedback or critisem and makes you look very stubborn. It's also annoying for the person who reads it and I would like it very much If you would stop it.

I am sorry if I offended you in any way, that clearly wasn't the purpose of this discussion. The reason I responded "Your argument is invalid" this time was only for the funsies since you did it, and I wanted to give it back to you. Anyways, I too have been banned this way several times and for me, all I had to do was to write a report to the support team and they sent me a email message when ever they had looked it through and they even apologized to me for their mistake and that the account was now up and working again, it might just have been a copy-pasted sentence, but it still made me happy to feel that they care for their population. This has happened to me 3 times, the last time this happened was somewhere in october on my first account, which I'm currently not using since I wanted to change my user name but I didn't want to pay for it, and didn't have anything special on it anyways so I just made a new account.
You go have fun on your vacation now! :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 25, 2013 2:49pm | Report
Piederman wrote:

I am sorry if I offended you in any way, that clearly wasn't the purpose of this discussion. The reason I responded "Your argument is invalid" this time was only for the funsies since you did it, and I wanted to give it back to you. Anyways, I too have been banned this way several times and for me, all I had to do was to write a report to the support team and they sent me a email message when ever they had looked it through and they even apologized to me for their mistake and that the account was now up and working again, it might just have been a copy-pasted sentence, but it still made me happy to feel that they care for their population. This has happened to me 3 times, the last time this happened was somewhere in october on my first account, which I'm currently not using since I wanted to change my user name but I didn't want to pay for it, and didn't have anything special on it anyways so I just made a new account.
You go have fun on your vacation now! :p

The reason I said your argument is invalide is because you kept saying it to me in some other thread so I did it Back to troll a bit.
Im happy that there is atleast away to fix any damage done by the trolls but the trolls are the reason im happy that 4 queue is gone because I have been unable to play smite a few Times just because of trolly *** 4 man premades which is why I hate them.

But im happy that you found a way to fix it because is 4 queue comes back I atleast know what to do now to get the sub spension of of my account.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » July 25, 2013 8:41pm | Report
I don't care much for arguments over discussions, so I won't lie, I haven't read most of this thread, so if this has already been stated, I apologize

Basically, the reason there is no 4 queue? The 4 people would be on skype, with the 5th person in the dark.

That means in the duo lane, you have 0 synergy, in the mid lane or solo lane you have no way to communicate with the jungler, and in the jungler it's hard to convey that you are prepared to gank.

Obviously typing works, but it is simply not as good, especially since you will not be hearing conversation amongst the skype members. If they're talking about how bad their lane is going, you have 0 idea, and cannot help due to simple no-fault ignorance. That's why there's no 4-queue. It's not good for the 5th person.


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