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No More Hi-Rez Smite Forum!

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Forum » General Discussion » No More Hi-Rez Smite Forum! 26 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BullD0G » August 10, 2013 10:51pm | Report
They are using Reddit now. Sorry if someone already mentioned it but they might also be looking at these forums too.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » August 11, 2013 12:39am | Report
BullD0G wrote:

They are using Reddit now. Sorry if someone already mentioned it but they might also be looking at these forums too.

They switched to Reddit, where all constructive criticism is downvoted to oblivion. Honestly, it's such a stupid move for a company to do, especially in its beta stage; proper feedback to improve the game will be much harder to come by.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 11, 2013 2:04am | Report
they clearly never valued the feedback... and since they rarely sought it, I don't know why we're surprised.

Remember how everyone was begging HiRez for fog of war and an even smaller map? Remember that? Oh that's right... no one asked for that. Did they tell anyone they were going to do that? Nope. Did they test the consequences of that change before releasing it on the public? Nope. Did they even do internal testing to figure out if little things like ranged gods out ranged towers? Nope.

Sorry... I loved smite but hirez has gone completely mental. They go from one stubborn idiot move to the next. The game gets more content with every patch... don't get me wrong. I don't fail to notice the new gods etc which is great. But the balance gets worse and worse. They have no f'ing idea what they're doing as regards balance.

I'm not claiming its easy... but they're not even trying. I stand by that. The problems with these gods and balance changes are obvious in concept alone. You don't even need to test them half the time to know its a mistake. But that goes completely by them every time. And then they release the god and tweak it into "balance" by seeing if people are statistically successful with the god. Which is the worst way to balance because while it is empirical it is only accurate under very ridged statistical conditions which hirez doesn't even understand much less attempt.

Feels good to rage. :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BullD0G » August 11, 2013 1:59pm | Report
They may get down voted but the have people that look at ALL the post so they are still read and taken in considerations.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » August 11, 2013 6:47pm | Report
BullD0G wrote:

They may get down voted but the have people that look at ALL the post so they are still read and taken in considerations.

The problem is that proper discussion cannot occur through a single post. Reddit is simply inferior to forums in that field due to the voting system, and therefore Hi-Rez should not have *attempted* to force everyone onto Reddit.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jgabrielmrbr » August 12, 2013 5:52am | Report
I like the reddit from smite. But it cant compare it with the forums.


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