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Non hunter gods in the hunter role?

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Forum » General Discussion » Non hunter gods in the hunter role? 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » October 14, 2014 8:41am | Report
I kind of want to discuss some stuff I've been seeing in both high and low level smite; the use of non hunter gods in the hunter role such as freya, chronos, vulcan and mercury. I personallly think they are great for niche picks and are often very good at catching enemies completely off guard. What do you guys think? Also, any bringing up of other games will be nuked.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GeouZu » October 14, 2014 8:56am | Report
Can't say much about it because I don't play ADC ( love you ping ) but i have seen Hun Batz played as adc by Barra, Vulcan by Snoopy, Scylla but i don't remember who did it. Loki and Mercury are mostly played non-hunter gods in adc role. As i know Loki adc was first played in the SPL by Zapman


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 14, 2014 9:49am | Report
People are derpy... they think what someone says means its the law.

Like people actually believe there is a such thing as solo lane LOLOLOL!!!!!

Solo lane is something we invented, in reality you could make duo lane solo lane and mid dou lane and solo lane mid lane....

Meaning you can literally put Gods where you wanted if you wanted to do that...

Very simple : Pick a God that wins the game or beats the lane

Mid Lane Gods will crush half the hunters if not most

Thats why you barely see hunters in mid

So if you know Mid lane Gods can crush hunters, then obviously playing a mid lane God in Duo lane is going to have the same result assuming you don't get ****ped on by the tank.

What happens if I picked Agni or Ra and solo'd Duo lane by myself?
What If I made two go mid instead????

There is no real such thing Solo or Duo lane... Duo lane is which ever lane you put two people in and solo lane is any lane which you have 1 god in.... mid lane is even a solo lane.

The only reason we play how we do is people people think its the best strategy overall.

* Lets see

Duo lane is by Gold Fury because the Tank who has Hog can take it easier, and the lane is longer so people think you need another team mate to help you escape or get away...
(In reality 2 could go mid lane and by almost as close to Gold Fury)

Mid lane is basically solo lane.... any God that usually is played in solo lane can go in mid lane because its still a 1v1...

the only real difference is that usually people pick certain Gods like Tyr or something in Solo lane based on if the other person picks a God that Tyr can go against, but like I said technically you can play solo in mid and mid in solo because its basically the same thing.

There is no real such thing as rules in Smite....

People invent what they think is best, People think Tyr is bad, thats why one of the best solo's use him in solo lane and win with him....

People think only hunters go in Duo... thats why Freya ect goes there....

You can do what you want, as long as you win it doesn't matter if you picked 5 garbage gods, if you win its a win.

Basically, you can play any God that will win and its going to work....


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GeouZu » October 14, 2014 10:44am | Report
Yeah you can take any 5 garbage gods and get rekt by people who took 5 OP gods( lets not say that Smite is well balanced )considering that both teams have same game knowledge. Of course there are no rules, but there is META ( Most efficient tactics available ). People sometimes make mistake and call it rules. Those aren't rules for casual play, those are rules for tournaments like SPL, where you participate to win.

Any god can go mid, but the thing why mages go mid is that they have burst damage. They farm in mid lane, rotate to both other lanes and wreck there with their abilities . I can go Tyr mid lane, win that lane but my team will lack burst damage that gods like Agni , He Bo, Scylla have.

Some might ask why do we need hunters? Lets go Vulcan and Janus duo lane (happened a while ago in my game). The thing is that hunters have insane damage late game, add to that crit attacks and penetration.. they can kill squishes in a few shots. Without hunters teams late game is pretty hard.

As seen in SPL and ranked games ADCs aren't always hunters. gods like merc and loki can go duo lane too, the only thing god needs is auto-attack damage.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » October 14, 2014 12:58pm | Report
I play Merc ADC occasionally, and it's not bad.

It's viable, too, just unorthodox.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GeouZu » October 14, 2014 1:06pm | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

I play Merc ADC occasionally, and it's not bad.

It's viable, too, just unorthodox.

Yeah, i mean any god who has good late game and can hit like a truck ( and merc definitely can, with his crits ) can be adc


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 15, 2014 8:01am | Report
HolyPudding wrote:

freya, chronos

these too can do pretty well there. Freya actually meant to be a jungle mage and with her Pulse she gets a bit adc like.

Chronos is just the most oddest mage I know. If you ask me he was meant to play in the duo lane because early game chronos can't do much and late game chronos you will get reckt. just like most hunters are early game they don't do so much damage other then there abilities late game their basic attacks do ridiculous damage.

still the problem with them is they can't do the damage that hunters with DB so on a crit


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Reverend Belial » October 15, 2014 9:12am | Report
So that's what meta means... I had no idea it was an acronym. I agree with ICEN though. It's not that it's the best option, or that that's how its supposed to be, it's there because "pro" players tell us it's there and it sticks. Sports fans, especially the E variety, are sheeple.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iSnod » October 18, 2014 5:37am | Report
GeouZu wrote:

Scylla but i don't remember who did it.

Funballer from Exposed Secrets and he did it pretty damn well :)
Just another Loki haha =D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheZodiacWolf » October 18, 2014 6:32am | Report
I use Fenrir for the adc role when I have at least a party of 3 in conquest. I make it work really well, I just make sure I have a good support. Usually go 20/2 in most matches as Fenrir adc. My Fenrir Late game is equivalent to a pro Kali player.
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