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Problems when updating Smite.

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Forum » General Discussion » Problems when updating Smite. 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » March 6, 2018 1:29pm | Report
I have not played this game in about 2 years, so when I started the launcher, naturally, I had two years of updates to install. However, when it got to downloading the Smite Public Test, it absolutely destroyed my computer. Every single thing I did took over 5 minutes, even launching chrome;I had to uninstall EVERYTHING Smite related to get it to stop.

I run Windows 7(I don't like 10) and my computer has never had troubles running/installing a game before.

Not being a wizard at game installation, could it have just been my computer wanting to die over the massive amount of updates I was shoving into it? Would just redownloading Smite as a whole be better? Or am I doomed to need a new OS to run the new updates...?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 6, 2018 1:35pm | Report
The PTS system is terrible. I would avoid that one, and just download the main program. I'm currently using it through Steam, but should be fine direct as well.

If anything, since you have so much to DL, just start from scratch.

If your PC can handle it, don't forget that you can activate DX11 in game settings, download the high rez texture pack (Steam add-on), and run 64 bit (command line in the launcher itself..."-USE64").

If anything, if it continues to really slow down your computer, have it DL overnight or something.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » March 6, 2018 1:56pm | Report
Well I've never even used the PTS, but the launcher was forcing me to install it before I could play the game, and the PTS download was what was causing all of the lag.


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