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"Yolo" and "Swagger"

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Forum » General Discussion » "Yolo" and "Swagger" 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by AddixXxion » December 26, 2012 2:37pm | Report
So I had my work schedule changed to night shifts and I thought, what better way to get used to a new schedule then a burger, a dr. pepper, and a friend who already works the schedule to help me get used to it.

So things were boring to begin with, played a couple smite games inbetween training time's for Eve, maybe the occasional netflix futurama episode inbetween those 2...

I was dying by 2-3 am. Couldn't figure out what I could do other then strip naked and run outside in this negative degree weather atm....

Then IDK why, but I said swagger, a combination of 3 times, following with Yolo in a game, just because my friend and I had just jokingly said it to eachother as we tower dived 2 whatever they were and got the 2 kills and were also killed.

While waiting to rez, our teammates commenced the trolling of why are we feeding, to which we replied Swagger and YOLO!

I have never seen such a negative response, needless to say,we continued with the swagger's and the yolo's all night.

My point is, YOLO AND SWAGGER, gave me an amazing feeling, almost a slight erection, so i said to myself, could this be the beginning of my life as a semi troll???

well, to that i say



Posts: 23
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by treefiddy350 » December 26, 2012 3:05pm | Report
That's nothing. I killed Anhur inside the jungle and started singing into my mic "IN THE JUNGLE, THE MIGHTY JUNGLE..."


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Silv3rX » December 26, 2012 3:34pm | Report
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by AddixXxion » December 26, 2012 4:54pm | Report


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