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Silv3rX's Blog
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November 27, 2013

MMS - Surrender

Views: 2683 Silv3rX
I started the MakesMeSad series around a year ago and I think it's time to roll back and get on with it again.

Here is the game that made me wanna write this :
I had a feeding He Bo, a feeding Ao Kuang a leaving Ares and an average Cupid and then there is me.. The 9-0 Mercury who can carry this game easily. My team surrendered right after I got a triple. This was just an example, I am not here to cry about my teammates or anything.

Basically what we can see from this is that people literally only play for themselves. As soon as they aren't as good they think that the game is unwinable instead of considering different ways to still win. People always say that they are great teamplayers blah blah and it might be true that you are great at teamfights and a really good support, but when it comes to self confidence everyone's ego is huge in almost every game. This means that almost every player would forfeit a game simply because they are really bad in this game, even tho there is st…
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November 18, 2013

What Smite Became

Views: 3356 Silv3rX
Many things have changed and changes aren't always great.
My favorite gods, Kali, Wukong (Now Hun Batz), Artemis and Arachne are basically " worthless " you could say, since there are just better gods like the new Wukong, Chronos and Mercury for example. Those are not only good, but more than often also overpowered, which can be quite annoying, yet I managed to win almost every game with my beloved gods.

The jungle changes are the most important and basically changed the whole meta, jungling has always been a kinda sideway thingy, but now it is a fulltime-job. To be honest, I didn't really like the map design at first, it is kinda neat, even tho I still like the oldschool look of the map more. The new Assault mode is basically a joke, since it is simply chaos most of the time and gods with a wombo combo dominate even more than they do in arena. I am happy that they didn't change any parts of the domination gamemode, since this is still pretty fun to play.

When I start smite and play …
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November 16, 2013

The King

Views: 2706 Silv3rX
The stupidity, ignorance and lazy attitudes of the members of this site remind me of MOBAFire all to well.
The laughing stock butt of most jokes from reputable sites for LoL.

I see this site falling into just that and have had MUCH better luck with events, theory crafting and team progressions. I find myself wondering why I even bother trying to help people as there are a few that want to learn and the rest are just dead set on stupid ideas and bad choices who then blame others for bad plays and or ideas.

Good luck to any of you ever making it smite with the ideas and playstyles that you guys defend to the death thinking they are good.

The King has spoken.

Best Carry EU, defending my title since 2012. I give you a chance to take my title 1v1 me or even 1v5 if you dare, cause I don't care.

Best Wukali aka. Hunkali signing out.

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January 14, 2013

MMS - Elo hell

Views: 4944 Silv3rX
Many people will probably disagree with me when I say :

There is an elo hell !

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, the elo hell is a catch-22 in ranked game modes in every moba. Sometimes you get matched with people who also stuck in the elo hell (0-1900) and are actually really good at the game and sometimes you get matched with people who are plain bad and just started playing ranked.
Thats why you will always stuck in this loop. You will gain, lets say, 100 elo and then you will lose 100 elo the next games, because your team is bad.
Many good players stuck in that loop and aren't enabled to get out.

Well.. I managed to get out of the doom loop and I'm currently at 2150 elo, which is kinda awesome.
Also it seems like I always get the best teams these days.
Today I didn't play well.. actually let's be honest I sucked.
But my team managed to carry me hard so I could still go man mode.

So in conclusion:

If you want to get out of the elo hell you gotta be lucky.

This MakesM…
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November 28, 2012

MMS - Ultimate Ragequit

Views: 2161 Silv3rX
I just played a normal Smite conquest game.
It started quite normal, had a Bakasura feeder on my team who died 3 times in the first 5 minutes. On the left there were Loki and me as Artemis and we totally wrecked them flawless. We couldn't be stopped so the time had to come when we just destroy the whole team.
Someone from the opponents left the game, so it was already a bit easier to win.
Loki and me killed them again and again, so another person left, now it was 3vs5.
They tried to gank Loki and me, but my bore was up and I stunned all 3 of them and went for the triple kill, which also was a deicide and guess what? Another person left.
This is just so annoying.. there are always ragequitters, but I've never seen that many in a single team. Even our Bakasura didn't quit, even though he was quite bad at the beginning.

This MakesMeSad


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