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Smite Cinematic?

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Forum » General Discussion » Smite Cinematic? 3 posts - page 1 of 1

Poll Question:

Do you want a longer cinematic trailer for Smite?
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fredathor » August 6, 2014 3:53pm | Report
I fell absoutely in love with the cinematic teaser trailer when it got released, but is it the only cinematic we'll get? Does anyone know if we'll get a 2-4 mins length cinematic trailer?

I'm a huge fan of mythologies and various of deities, so >IF< they'll create a longer version of the cinematic, I'd like to see some gods that isn't quite as well known as Thor and Ymir etc. (Thanatos, Nu Wa, Rama, Ne Zha and so on)

What do you guys think?
Would you like to see a longer trailer with more gods and goddesses?
How would you like the trailer to be? How would it start, what would make it interesting, how would everything come together (as we see all the pantheons and not just some of them), and what would the build up and the ending look like?

I've always enjoyed designing and sharing my own interpretation of things, and I'm curious of your ideas! So please, feel free to comment your thoughts about this :3


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Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Reverend Belial » August 6, 2014 4:22pm | Report
I frankly wouldn't even call it a cinematic. Sure it's animated, but it's also like four seconds with about as many gods in it. Maybe I'm just spoiled because LoL has actually been making legit cinematics, but even their original trailers had more substance than this one does. I would definitely like to see Hi-Rez actually put some effort into something for once in a long while.
Chaac and Ah baby! Chaac and Ah...

Reverend Belial

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 6, 2014 5:05pm | Report
Nothing compared to LoL. #NewDawnForever


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