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Teamwork: A dying breed.

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Forum » General Discussion » Teamwork: A dying breed. 19 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Majestic_Jackal » March 9, 2014 1:49pm | Report
Alright in all honesty, i don't mean to do a rant post of any kind, but it's just really bad experiences i'm having right now with Smite is making it very un-enjoyable.

For one thing i've been on a constant loss streak after about 3 wins in a row, but now i've gone 5 matches of loss, i only really play 3v3 Joust cause it's the only one for me that runs pretty smoothly (compared to Arena that is a lag-bomb for me, and Conquest plays fine till 15 minute mark then suddenly just begins lagging and crashes me) so 3v3 joust is my go to game type, and honestly it's a much easier and less challenging gamemode, and i enjoy the simplicity of 3 on 3, but recently the teams i'm getting is what is causing me to lose, because i've learned the golden rules of Smite and the Do's and Do nots, I can take partial blame and i will fully take blame when i know i'm the one doing terrible and bringing the team to a miserable Defeat, but recently i've went about 3 games forced into Support Tank role (which i have became a master at basically as i get stuck with it ALL the time)and i don't mind, BUT when you get stuck with teammates that literally are looking at you as a kill potential, they're letting me go in alone and stun them, while they literally hung back, THEN when i basically used all my CC moves they move in and start fighting, and then usually get picked off by the enemy team's tank/warrior iniating then actually their teammates following up. and it's ridiculous how they'll literally during or in the end game lobby throw all blame on me and have the enemy team is actually the ones defending me lol.

the last 2 games i played ADC Ah Muzen Cab and then last game Scylla. and then this was total vice-versa, AMC we had a Sobek who literally insta-locked him and said he was gonna tank, claiming he is one of the best tank players, then he got in game and he totally just started going into battle alone, going into jungle and getting picked off by fully healthed enemy teammates, he kept just putting himself in really bad postions that me and the Ra couldn't really pull him out of, then afterwards he just got frustrated and DC'ed calling us terrible teammates, basically instant-surrender was our go to response to a fed enemy team, As for the Scylla game, things were going pretty swell and all, the Tyr was decent, Neith was decent, i thought "May actually get a victory!" then suddenly Tyr died once and then Neith died and both instantly-rage quitted..leaving me 1 vs 3...WTF? i mean literally you died once and you rage-quitted over it is so immature, because i even waited a little bit losing tower, and by that time i couldn't believe both of my teammates had just literally rage-quitted on their first death of the match while Neith had 7-0 and Tyr 5-0, And that made my 5th loss and i just called it quits frustrated.

I mean really what can i do? I love Smite, i've sunk ALOT of money into it buying ultimate gods pack and picked up Voice Packs and Skins and such, I would say this is over re-acting for just one day but THIS has been happening every day, yesterday i got 2 wins then got 4 losses, today i got 3 wins and 5 losses, and it's starting to stack up a good record of 60 wins, and once upon a time had a 40 deficit of W/L and now it has literally climbed from these horrible games to 57, so i'm just managing to stay above it, I mean i don't know what to do anymore, when i'm a support i have to hope the teammates are good to secure kills, and then when i'm an ADC/Mage/Assassin i gotta hope the support on our side is as good as i am, I can understand when it's a lower ranked player trying a god for the first time and we lose because they're learning, so i ain't very frustrated or annoyed by it, we all were learning once upon a time, but when an X rank Neith and rank IX Tyr suddenly just rage-quitted over one death because they got out-foxed it is totally pointless and just chalks me up another loss. Like i said i don't mean to rant or sound totally dramatic but i just wanna see if anyone else is having these horrible issues as much as i am.

~~The Jackal


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » March 9, 2014 2:52pm | Report
Welcome to Smitefire and to solo q. What you are describing is nothing new, solo q is like Russian Roulette where sometimes you get good players, sometimes you eat the bullet.

Solutions to your problem:

Find people to play with, thus making it so that at least 1 other player on your team will be competent.

Get good at Smite, so you can carry bad players.

If you see that players on your team are starting to rage/talk about surrendering try to calm them down and assure that you will be victorious (even if it's bs and you are loosing horribly).

If you are on a 3v3 loosing streak try a different game mode.

And last, but not least everyone runs into bad streaks with ragers/feeders/afks/trolls it happens, it's the nature of solo q and if you can't deal with it well this game ain't for you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » March 9, 2014 4:29pm | Report
If your "fairly" new to the game. Any game with below level 15s, you'll mostly get those kind of games. Smite is not considered an MOBS to some other MOBAs.

You'll usually get those that are "new" to the MOBA experience. Not those who have already played LoL/Dota.

Just keep playing. And you'll eventually get to the point where you have "Good" teammates.

So many have posted the same thing like you. And they're new to the game too.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » March 9, 2014 7:58pm | Report
MadDanny wrote:

Just keep playing. And you'll eventually get to the point where you have "Good" teammates.

Wrong. Lol.

You'll eventually get to the point where you have some good games and some noob games. You'll always encounter the person who, like Obama, blames everyone else for everything. Or the person who is determined to do what they want to do regardless of the team. Or the person who wants to F6 and quit at 10 minutes because they died once.

But the game def gets better as you gain higher elo. Its just never perfect :-p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » March 9, 2014 10:52pm | Report
Ryvvik wrote:

You'll always encounter the person who, like Obama, blames everyone else for everything.

I ****ing died. This is perfect.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » March 10, 2014 3:32am | Report
You pretty much described my Smite experience so far. I play mainly 3v3 too, Conquest can sometimes be a struggle with my computer. Arena doesn't really interest me too much.

I usually end up with teammates that don't know what they're doing, I've also made a thread expressing the same as you. Support can be really tough with bad teammates. I love Aphrodite but it's usually hit or miss playing her, my teammates usually just leave me to fend for myself = A dead Aphrodite. Also way too many people that insta-lock or just literally do not say a word throughout the whole game, can be super frustrating.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » March 10, 2014 3:47am | Report
Tip: play a really trollsy character where you can act like an *** but still be doing your job, in arena.

Play someone like Loki or Fenrir or something in Arena, where your only goal is to get kills, and it doesn't matter how you get them - no matter how killstealy it is - because that's your job.

I usually don't advocate it, but as long as you, as a person, act nicely toward your teammates, it can be a LOT of fun to swoop in for a kill and just have fun pubstomping (or puckstomping, depending if you're a DotA fan) people who build even slightly wrong or open for deaths.

It may not fix the playerbase, but it can help you relax and reset.

Otherwise, just try to get a good group going - find friends, whether in real life or on here - that can make the game fun. Break the meta in conquest, or try ridiculous builds in arena. Don't feed purposefully, but have fun with it. Don't play the game to win (although doing well enough to do so is always important), do it to have fun, and you may end up winning anyway.

I think you can do very well with just these couple tips. And if someone is toxic towards you, the best thing you can do, no matter how wrong they are, is agree with them and be polite. How can someone rage and be toxic towards a man who says "yeah, you're right, I'm sorry man. I'll try to get it together"? You can't. 90% of the ragers would stop if you legitimately acted nice towards them in a non-sarcasstic manner. And who knows - it may make them happy too!

Anyway, these are coverups for an underlying issue that every moba has, but hopefully it can help alleviate some of the pain.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » March 10, 2014 5:56am | Report
Raventhor wrote:
And if someone is toxic towards you, the best thing you can do, no matter how wrong they are, is agree with them and be polite. How can someone rage and be toxic towards a man who says "yeah, you're right, I'm sorry man. I'll try to get it together"? You can't. 90% of the ragers would stop if you legitimately acted nice towards them in a non-sarcasstic manner. And who knows - it may make them happy too!

Sometimes, maybe. Other times it instills the wrong mentality. I'm sure most 'ragers' have no idea what is even going wrong in the game, they just look for someone to blame, usually the guy/gal with the most deaths, not even caring about their assist count or if they're a support character. Their usual 'rage' message is something like, 'Y U DIE ALL TYM? U SO BAD !' Instead of something constructive such as, 'Hey, you're being too aggressive. Just hold back a little, ok?'


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by asianslikepie » March 10, 2014 4:54pm | Report
I don't want to rage but some of these players just ask for it:

Match ID: 49950667

(I think I'm allowed to share this since it's a ranked game right? that's why replays are available)

Checklist of a troll
2. Frequently dives into opponents starting fights that lead to the team being killed
3. Thinks he can take on Odin and nemesis in the cage
4. Steals kills he didn't in the least bit earn
5. Refuses to communicate or make any discernible effort to acknowledge to our criticism
6. AA vamana..... i have no fricking idea
7. You are level 30......
8. You leave the game
9. You do 5k worth of damage......
All of the above
The trolls be alive.... -_-'

HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY GET TO LEVEL 30 and still do this?! IF you can't play CLOSE THE DOOR AND GTFO. I deal with this **** anymore 4v5's are not fun. Playing a finicky tank like Ares is hard enough without me backing up you autistic morons.

funny thing is, even down a player we were ahead of the kill count for most of the game. If we had even a half decent player clearing waves we would have won.

All the hate for you CrazyHorse1
..... all the hate


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dasBurges » March 10, 2014 9:44pm | Report
First thing I would try is not picking support in 3v3. Especially if you've had a run of poor games, play a carry. Someone else said this already but i would like to reiterate. In 3v3 the support role isn't as defined, so don't worry so much about having a classic supporter. I've played many a 3v3 with Ao Kuang and have held my team up despite their best wishes. Secondly, and this is another repeat of a previous poster, play with people you know. In a 3v3, even if you get a completely inept 3rd player, having 2 people who are competent can make the game. If you play 3v3 alot, just friend people who you see perfoming well. Having that other person you know that has even a minimum level of competence can make a big difference. 2v3s are possible to win in joust. Last of all, if you are feeling bad about smite try playing a practice joust and just annihilate the computer. As pointless as it is against poor AI, it still feels good going 40-0.


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