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The Noob Solution

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Forum » General Discussion » The Noob Solution 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 25, 2013 5:41am | Report
Here is a few ideas that I think would help new players progress more quickly.
1. Provide an official and comprehensive glossary of how the game of Smite actually works. It should include everything from abbreviations of common phrases like OP, DOT, etc. to how things like physical penetration function and interrelate. A player should be able to look up an Item, say Titan's Bane, see what it does, and when they read that its passive gives 30% physical penetration, they should be able to decipher how percentage of physical penetration differs from straight penetration. Players should be able to simply look up the answer to questions like this rather than chasing down the answers by asking other players. Often the answers they get are uncertain, conflicting, and something just plain wrong.

In this offical guide, a player should be able to find the current maps, showing where the buffs are, explaining what the buffs do, and how long they take to respond once killed. Trying to familiarize yourself with the conquest jungle by playing games is inefficient at best and often means ruining games for teammates.

It is almost incomprehensible to me that you can offer a game and not provide an understanding of how it works in all its features. Not everyone has friends that introduce them to the game. Anyone should be able to understand the basic rules and operations of the game on there own.

2. High Rez should provide better practice modes. For example, I think it would be helpful if new players could simply enter a conquest map and walk around in order to familiarize themselves with there surroundings.

3. Provide a queue for new or developing players that much higher ranked players are not allowed. It would be a queue where new players are welcomed and not subjected to all the salt from more experienced players. This would be a good training tool, much better than can be achieved in practice mode. It might be a good thing to set a standard of proficiency for new player before allowing them into the "normal" queue, so that when the enter there, they are not too much of a drag on their team.

I imagine most new players do not want to spoil things for others, but they are not given the help or environment to improve gracefully. Practice mode is not enough. They have to throw themselves into games where they are way over their heads. Unfortunately, this exposes them to a lot of ridicule and saltiness. This is an unhealthy situation that needs to be rectified. New players need to feel welcomed. They are the lifeblood of the game and the key to Smite's success.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShinjiEvangelio » September 25, 2013 6:27am | Report
I think that HiRez should provide an official guide especially about META. People who are on 30 level still don't know that two meele gods shouldn't lane together... Maybe game mode in which You HAVE to pick up right gods would do? In such a mode Your team must contain one tank, one ADC, one solo laner and a jungler (just an idea, I know that jungler is not so very important in casual since it's not so easy to be a good jungler).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 25, 2013 6:53am | Report
Shinji, I like the idea of the guide, but no, you can't force people to pick a 'role'. 2 melees in a lane is a thing - it's called DuoBruiser or Kill Lane. It's made to hard counter really squishy carry/support lanes who rely on poke instead of all-ins. An example is Thor/Fenrir wreck a lane with Artemis, Neith, or Apollo.

Love the ideas from Krispy though, all are good. Except the 3rd. High rated players will just make smurfs, for the sake of ridiculously easy, fun games against unskilled people.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » September 25, 2013 7:03am | Report
The best way to deal with smurfs is to change the matchmaking so that it will immediately toss smurfs into an upper-level queue if it becomes obvious they are completely stomping against new players, carrying a game 30-0 or some incredibly lopsided statistic. DotA does just that to help level the playing field as it's pretty obvious in that game when someone is way more skilled than his opponents.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShinjiEvangelio » September 25, 2013 7:56am | Report
Raventhor I wouldn't complain aboout such duo lanes if they were succesful. From my experience from casual duo meele lane will be wrecked.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 25, 2013 8:55am | Report
Love the responses, thanks. That sounds good to me, Sunfall. As an example of why I wrote this, I had never heard the term "smurfs" before. From the comments above, I guess I get what it means, but I didn't know it was a thing. Common terms like that appears to be should be included in a comprehensive, offical glossary so someone can simply look up the meaning rather than always having to decipher it or ask about it. It isn't easy being new and needing to "figure" everything out.

I like the idea of the META guide as well, and see no reason why it couldn't be provided fairly easily. It shouldn't be too limiting but should include all reasonable possibilities. It might even provide an historical account of Smite META as it has developed, explaining not only what the META was but why it changed. I think that would help newer players, and some not so new, understand the inner logic of the game.

All this stuff should be in one place for easy reference. A good example of why this is needed is, though I have come to understand what META means, I really have never heard it defined, nor do I know if it is an abbreviation or acronym or synonym. Let me look it up in my super convenient Smite guide. Oh right, there isn't one. doh!

OK, I looked it up. "meta" is being used as a synonym placed before the word "game." "Metagame" is apparently the full term being referred to when some says "meta". I had never heard the full term before. Though it is still a bit ambiguous, I assume what is meant by "metagame" or "meta" as used in dota is the playing strategy or strategies that lay beyond the simple rules of the game but which experience has shown to be the most effective of fitting for the situation. Well, how close did I come?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 25, 2013 10:40am | Report
Meta, in Moba games, refers to the general strategy of team placement that should be used to achieve a good end-game team, with proper laning phases. E.G. the current best 'meta' is High MP Mage mid, Assassin or Bruiser-Assassin Jungle, Marksman with Support Long Lane, and Tank or Sustain Solo Lane. That's the 'meta'.

So I suppose my first sentence would be my most accurate definition.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 25, 2013 6:34pm | Report
Which is basically what I said in general terms, but thanks for delineating the current meta specifically, Raventhor. Very helpful as always!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Misbelief » September 26, 2013 1:43am | Report
Misbelief's guide to success(if you're playing neith)

Jump away
Pin fools
Heal yo self
Steal peoples kills from across lanes with your ult

Lane with sobek or athena

You're welcome.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShinjiEvangelio » September 26, 2013 2:57am | Report
I remember when I started playing Smite I was looking for some help because I sucked so much and I wanted to get better. Well I managed to find some builts and tips for certain gods but nothing about general strategy. It took me a veeeery long time to dig this things up from this forum. Also watching competitive matches helped me a lot. General strategy guide is needed because many people are really good with their favourite gods but they don't know how to balance a team. Main problem is with tanks I think, I hardly ever meet a tank who knows that besides crowd controlling the enemy he should also protect allies (even with his own body f.e. against ranged ADC).


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