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This Soloing/jungling bullshit

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Forum » General Discussion » This Soloing/jungling bullshit 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by treefiddy350 » July 26, 2013 10:36am | Report
One of the main reasons I only play assault now and have basically stopped playing conquest is because someone always wants to "jungle".

"jungle" means sit in the jungle and wait for easy kills while one lane gets destroyed because its outnumbered.

My teammates said "Just hold the lane, you can do that alone."

No, you can't. 2 vs 1 the 2 will always win unless they're bad. Its simple math. There is no way one god full health proper gear can win against two gods with full health proper gear and equal skill level.

Like seriously stop ****ing "JUNGLING" and GO HELP YOUR LANE

What do you guys think of this soloing and jungling ********? Is it dumb or am I the one who is dumb?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » July 26, 2013 10:57am | Report
Okay the jungling is a bit over exaggerated now.
I see threads like this all the time and you have to be just getting nub team mates because my teams are not this bad and junlging is not that bad to where I will ever stop playing smite, conquest or anything else.

It is possible to win a 2v1 lane, I know because I did it before although its because I was facing nubs probably so no wonder that happened.

But you should be able to HOLD OFF a 2v1 lane depending on who you picked to solo and who you are facing and who is your jungler.

This is why jungling is not a problem for me. At least for me all the junglers I get now understand how to jungle and I never have a problem much anymore like I did when jungling first came out with bumbas mask.

This is how most of my games go.

I solo a lane. I am not pushing my lane to win but I am trying to push enough so they are not to my tower.

By this time I am just holding off the middle of my lane, I am not too far pushed back and I am not pushing them much either. I am just simply clearing their wave then going back to my tower.

By this time my jungler is going to start ganking other lanes while I am soloing.

I don't have a problem because by this time I can still hold off long enough for my jungler to get some ganks in.

Okay if I don't have mediation or HOG then its about time I am running low on mana so I tell my jungler to defend my lane until I come back.

Usually they listen and I am back doing the same thing.


So for me I have no problem with junlgers because all I need them to do is two things.
Defend for me when I need to return to base and get mana, and gank.

Sometimes the junlger will gank my lane and get a kill or two.

For me I don't have problems with junlgers anymore because by now alot of people know how to jungle properly.


If you are having problems soloing then you can do a few things.

#1 Buy HOG to clear a minion wave if you have problems doing so.
#2 Buy meditation to stay in your lane longer without having to back
#3 Don't solo ask someone else too solo

But you should really have no problem because of one thing.

once you clear a minion wave you have alot of time to return to base and get back to your tower.

The only problem is if you are not getting gold from minions or your junlger is super bad while you face the best people ever.

But for me 80% of the time I have a good junlger and can hold my own lane off.

I don't know I haven't seen much problems lately like before


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by treefiddy350 » July 26, 2013 11:55am | Report
The reason I made this thread is because I was Odin against Freya and Apollo and they expected me to hold the lane. Both of them were very good, and my teammates said I should have been able to hold the lane solo. I think that's an absurd expectation. I'm a pretty good player, but as a tank I can't handle two good AD carries.

Within the first 15 minutes I lost the first tower and they started *****ing about how much I suck, and I got mad and said "****ing ****** stop jungling and help me."


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 26, 2013 2:51pm | Report
treefiddy350 wrote:

The reason I made this thread is because I was Odin against Freya and Apollo and they expected me to hold the lane. Both of them were very good, and my teammates said I should have been able to hold the lane solo. I think that's an absurd expectation. I'm a pretty good player, but as a tank I can't handle two good AD carries.

Within the first 15 minutes I lost the first tower and they started *****ing about how much I suck, and I got mad and said "****ing ****** stop jungling and help me."

You held of apollo till 15 mins in before he got the first tower then you held that lane good or that Apollo was bad. They should not have been angry with you if you solod that lane for 15 mins without any help from the jungler.

ICEN jungling treads usually are people having less fun ever since it was there even If they are talking about nerfing or buffing. Not always though but If there is any flame or hate than it's not them having a probleme with the balance but wit the way jungling was reintroduced and them having less fun because of it. That is an emotional reason which in video games are often the best reason's for anything.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 27, 2013 8:32am | Report
treefiddy350 wrote:

The reason I made this thread is because I was Odin against Freya and Apollo and they expected me to hold the lane. Both of them were very good, and my teammates said I should have been able to hold the lane solo. I think that's an absurd expectation. I'm a pretty good player, but as a tank I can't handle two good AD carries.

Within the first 15 minutes I lost the first tower and they started *****ing about how much I suck, and I got mad and said "****ing ****** stop jungling and help me."

I've been in the same position when I was playing Ares. Somehow I got stuck soloing an outer lane against a carry and a mage. I literally tried my best to hold them off but our jungler was quite useless. (Loki)

He never once helped me and he was horrid at jungling. Actually dying twice from jungle mobs. Yet they *****ed at me for not being able to hold a lane solo against two ranged mobs. I don't mind if someone jungles but they need to at least help out the outer lane soloer once in a while. Like give the enemy the threat of being ganked.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » July 27, 2013 8:40am | Report
that's why, tank is not viable anymore to solo, a pusher will be very great as solo (ao or ra) they just need to play passively and will be more fed than the enemy


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » July 27, 2013 9:27am | Report
It's because tank cannot be in the solo lane anymore, they have no pushing power. With the changes to tower gold, as razemage said, you need a pusher. The ONLY tank who can hold 1v2 at this moment is vulcan due to his pushing power, regen on turrets, and sustain. Ra, Ao Kuang, Chronos, Chang'e, thor, hun batz, and hercules are some of the only good solo laners now, because all of them have 2+ multi target abilities or pushing power, with the exception of hercules who has mitigate wounds to win trades 1v2.

It's not your fault, you just get no gold anymore, and if the jungler hasn't successfully ganked 1v2 with them pushed all the way up to your turret (especially with a person with no escapes like freya), it was the jungler's fault, not yours.

Jungle is still better than 212 meta, because the 1v2 lane and jungle will soak up more experience than the 2v1 lane, and the jungler will have free buffs, ridiculously more gold, and much much more map presence, punishing overextension.

If you go with the 212 meta, the pushers will win the game, because they can overextend with NO fear of ganking unless they see someone disappear from the minimap. If everyone is in their lanes, they can push straight to tower and force the other team out of gold.


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