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Top 5 Gods In Each Role (SPL Week 4)

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Forum » General Discussion » Top 5 Gods In Each Role (SPL Week 4) 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » October 2, 2017 9:59pm | Report

For those of you who watch the SPL, you'll notice that certain gods are more trending on the professional level than others. The purpose of this thread is to chart the most popular gods of the week in the Smite Pro League. This can be interesting even for those who do not follow the SPL. For those who want to take their game to the next level, it can be interesting to see what has been trending among the top players in the game.


5. Bellona

Bellona only appeared in 1 of the 24 matches this week. Other Warriors who only appeared once include Amaterasu, Hercules, Odin, and Chaac (also note, Tyr appeared in two matches). However, Bellona is separated from these other gods in a few ways.

For one thing, Bellona won her match that she appeared in. But the significant factor was her ban rate. She was banned more than the aforementioned gods, which testifies to her impact in a game.

4. Ravana

Ravana made quite a few appearances this week, with most of them featuring him in the Jungle position. Aside from this, he also had a considerable ban rate. This god has the ability to put lots of pressure on a team in the right hands.

3. Osiris

Osiris was a part of several team compositions throughout the week, and was the most banned Warrior in the draft. He definitely made a huge impact and was a well respected pick.

2. Cu Chulainn

Coming in at #2 is Cu Chulainn. The most recent Warrior addition to Smite has been going strong in the SPL, and for good reason. His ability to disrupt and deal tons of damage while being so tanky makes him a force to be reckoned with.

1. Erlang Shen

At the top spot is Erlang Shen. Out of the 24 matches played this week, Erlang Shen appeared in 15 of them! He had an incredible showing and was able to seamlessly fit in to several different team compositions. Such a versatile god that can be a solid addition to any squad, and he made his case this week.


5. Camazotz

Barely making the list above Awilix and Susano, Camazotz proved that even after the recent nerfs, he is still a solid pickup.

4. Ne Zha

Ne Zha had some good appearances and came through in a big way for TRIFECTA. Although slightly behind, the Ne Zha was able to secure some kills against NOBLE to give TRIFECTA the numbers to push and kill NOBLE's titan. A very strong god in the right hands.

3. Ratatoskr

After recent buffs, Ratatoskr found his way into several teams this week, and did quite well.

2. Serqet

Serquet had a strong performance this week, and was the most banned Assassin as well. Serquet's ability to get in, do damage, and get out makes her a devastating god.

1. Nemesis

At #1, Nemesis had perhaps the strongest performance of any Assassin throughout the week. Her ability to shred tanky enemies and burn through relics is a valuable aspect of the advantages she brings to a team.


5. Scylla

Scylla and her monstrous burst potential saw a bit of play this week. Her ultimate is very strong when paired with high crowd control teams who can keep an enemy in place to ensure the hit from I'm a Monster.

4. Janus

As long as Janus has his ultimate, he will be relevant in any meta. The ability to move your team through walls gives you so many options concerning mobility. In addition, he can also do some solid damage.

3. Thoth

Thoth's popularity dropped a little bit since his latest adjustment to his ultimate, but he remains a strong pick. His ability to do high damage at such a long range gives your team a ton of poke potential.

2. Sol

Although she had a lower ban rate than Thoth, Sol saw herself being drafted several times. She appeared in 13 of the 24 matches this week.

Sol is a very safe pick. She can do great damage, has a good escape/engage tool, and has some good flexibility as far as what role you need her to fill. Overall, she is a really solid god right now.

1. Raijin

Although Sol was a part of several teams, Raijin was in even more, and had a higher ban rate.

Raijin's resurgence as of late has been something to marvel at. His early clear is so strong, and his ultimate has tons of teamfight potential. There really aren't many downsides to picking him. Safe to say, he has made a good recovery.


***Disclaimer: Artio had the highest ban rate of ANY god in the SPL this week, but only had a 33% win rate in the matches that she did play in (3 games total). As such, there is really inconclusive evidence of where exactly she would be ranked in my opinion. It can be estimated that she would be near, if not, the top spot though. Due to these factors though, she will not be ranked here.***

5. Terra

Terra proved that even after her strong nerf, she is still a viable pick. Her ultimate will always be relevant in Conquest, as it is such a strong team ability. Barely making the list over Sobek, she had a good performance this week, especially in the hands of PolarBearMike.

4. Sylvanus

The tree man can be a risky pick, as he doesn't have much escape potential if he gets jumped on. At the same time though, he can be a strong central anchor to a team. His healing, along with his great fight initiating tools, makes him a strong support in this meta.

3. Geb

Geb is notorious for having a terrible early game. However, if you can get him to the late game, he can be a nightmare for the other team. Many teams opted to take this risk as Geb found himself being picked up quite frequently with decent success.

2. Ganesha

Ganesha has such a strong, supportive kit. This is primarily the reason he got so much play this week, and had good success. In the right hands, his ultimate and silence are super annoying for enemy teams. Ganesha even saw early bans in drafts, especially against teams with support players notorious for using him well.

1. Fafnir

Fafnir saw the highest pick and ban rate among Guardians this week of the SPL. Such a strong support. In the hands of skilled players like Emilzy especially, Fafnir can be a late game driving force behind a team. His Coerce especially can really power boost his ADCs throughout the match when taking objectives.


5. Skadi

Just making the list past Rama, Skadi is seeing a lot less play with a significantly lower ban rate since her nerf. Although still a solid pick in her own right, she is not as powerful as she once was (thank god).

4. Cernunnos

With Skadi dropping in the ranks, it opened the door for other Hunters to make their way back onto the scene. Cernunnos is one of these gods, who still (in my opinion) is a solid pick up for most teams.

3. Ah Muzen Cab

Seeing a lot of play in the ADC role as well as the Middle Lane role, Ah Muzen Cab saw a good amount of play. His strong wave clear and poke makes him a pain to play against, and he has the ability to rack up some good damage numbers.

2. Jing Wei

Jing Wei is a strong choice when going for a critical strike focused ADC option. She is able to do huge damage, and her incredible mobility makes her a tough kill to secure. Combine that with her passive, and you have a god whose farming is almost impossible to disrupt. The next thing you know, she is levels ahead shredding your team and towers.

1. Hou Yi

Hou Yi didn't have quite as much play as Jing Wei, but saw considerably more bans. There were some teams that even opted to first ban him. In the matches that he did play, he had a good success rate. Hou Yi can offer you a bit of flexibility going into a match in the fact that he can move into a crit or qins build very easily while keeping his ability damage at an optimal level. His boxing potential in lane is deadly, his team fight ultimate wreaks havoc, and his objective takedown is superb. Overall, he is a pick to be feared.

DV-8 wrote:
For those interested, I can provide a list of bans here (it is quite a long list though) since the eSports website does not keep them updated:

# of Bans:

Do note, that these are all my opinions and are subject to debate. Again, the purpose was just to convey to others what has been working at the professional level, so that they may in turn have the chance to expand upon their own game knowledge.

If you would like me to continue these on a weekly basis, let me know. As of now, I'm not sure if I should leave this as a one time thing, continue it here and there, or do it regularly. In any case, thanks for reading.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Authorize » October 2, 2017 11:19pm | Report
Raijin top mage pick and AMC was first picked often, what a time to be alive


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » October 3, 2017 1:17am | Report
Wasn't Raijin considered one of the worst mages in the game not all that long ago? I know he's been buffed since, just a little surprising to see him go from bottom to top so fast.

I'd like seeing posts like these more often, but I'm assuming there aren't going to be too many changes on a week by week basis. Maybe every 2 or 3 weeks (whenever the SPL switches to playing on a new patch) would make more sense.

Also, is there any easy way of viewing the full list of recent SPL picks & bans?

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » October 3, 2017 3:24am | Report
Whatever happened to Thor? I thought he was pretty solid. He hasn't changed much since season 3 I believe?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Authorize » October 3, 2017 4:48am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

Wasn't Raijin considered one of the worst mages in the game not all that long ago? I know he's been buffed since, just a little surprising to see him go from bottom to top so fast.

I'd like seeing posts like these more often, but I'm assuming there aren't going to be too many changes on a week by week basis. Maybe every 2 or 3 weeks (whenever the SPL switches to playing on a new patch) would make more sense.

Also, is there any easy way of viewing the full list of recent SPL picks & bans?

The reason we see him so much is mainly because he can full clear wave at level 2 on his own. It allows a lot of pressure and options to the team in the early game, and he doesn't fall off too hard with Raiju actually doing a considerable amount of damage.

As far as I'm aware, there's no website that's up to date with recent matches and picks and bans.

boogiebass wrote:
Whatever happened to Thor? I thought he was pretty solid. He hasn't changed much since season 3 I believe?

Thor will always be good and in the meta, but there are better junglers. In the tank meta and rise of warriors we're seeing, Nemesis will be the go to. Serqet works in the same, as her Last Breath has that true damage and healing reduction so they can't use Bracer of Undoing or proc Gladiator's Shield. That's just my take on it though.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Drexler » October 3, 2017 5:36am | Report
This is just based on how often they were picked correct? It might be a good idea to note who was frequently banned out because that influences team compositions quite a bit.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 3, 2017 9:02am | Report
DV mentioned some of the bans in the intro of some of the classes, like this:

DV-8 wrote:

***Disclaimer: Artio had the highest ban rate of ANY god in the SPL this week, but only had a 33% win rate in the matches that she did play in (3 games total). As such, there is really inconclusive evidence of where exactly she would be ranked in my opinion. It can be estimated that she would be near, if not, the top spot though. Due to these factors though, she will not be ranked here.***

Would be good to know the entire ban list though, to see how often each god was banned...don't know where to get that info though...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » October 3, 2017 9:04am | Report
As for Wayne and Boogie's questions, Authorize addressed those correctly.

Drexler wrote:

This is just based on how often they were picked correct? It might be a good idea to note who was frequently banned out because that influences team compositions quite a bit.

Not quite. It was based on my opinion of how they performed throughout the week. For example, Jing Wei appeared in more games than Hou Yi did. But I felt that Hou Yi had a bigger impact.

For those interested, I can provide a list of bans here (it is quite a long list though) since the eSports website does not keep them updated:

# of Bans:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 4, 2017 2:36am | Report
then I'm gonna call false advertising.

For those of you who watch the SPL, you'll notice that certain gods are more trending on the professional level than others. The purpose of this thread is to chart the most popular gods of the week in the Smite Pro League.

this means the most banned+picked god is the most trending/popular god.

performance is something that is impacted a lot more by the player then the picks/bans (because in most cases teams get drafted around strong picks. If for some reason every pro makes a big throw with a god tier pick it's performance can be super low, however it's still popular.)

there is a reason comfort picks exists or in sometimes a targeted ban to a certain players comfort pick. (or another god that that player can perform pretty well on)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » October 4, 2017 10:53am | Report
Even Raijin and AMC are being picked. Poor Bakasura.
#9e2aff #a12bfd #af29e8 #bd29d0 #c828be #d728a8 #d728b0 #e02899 #ee2891 #f02887 #d72875 #d72860
#8a42ff #9c30f6 #ab21ec #b329e4 #b829d9 #ca29c7 #d429bd #de299f #ee2887 #e62873 #e03163 #e53d44
#7b54ff #8d39f6 #a311f4 #a22afb #ae29ed #b63dc7 #a247c7 #ca3d9f #ee3175 #e6325f #e94348 #f14f2c
#676cff #793fff #910aff #871ef5 #7f2ee4 #7542da #665bc7 #8e519f #c04777 #f0464b #f2552d #fc6410
#5384ff #6545ed #7b00e0 #6b1ada #5738d0 #4356d0 #2d74cc #5c65b3 #985b77 #dc5037 #e94c1b #de4606
#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

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