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Ummm, no cons?

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Forum » General Discussion » Ummm, no cons? 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NinjasWrath » August 16, 2013 6:34am | Report
why wont they show the "cons" of the gods anymore? It's not that Idk them already but there are new players that should know that if they take Fenrir caouse he's "cool" and has a high-single-target dmg, they should also know that he has a very low amount of defense. ("Assasin, Bruiser") Those who will understand the meaning of those might be confused couse of the Bruiser ndicating eh has a medium defense atleast.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shamu » August 16, 2013 7:44am | Report
All the cons said was the same thing anyway... all tanks said "Low Damage" and all carrys said "Low Defence".
Maybe I'm wrong but whether they are there or not makes no real difference.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 16, 2013 7:56am | Report
Shamu wrote:

All the cons said was the same thing anyway... all tanks said "Low Damage" and all carrys said "Low Defence".
Maybe I'm wrong but whether they are there or not makes no real difference.

your right new people can usually see "okay this guy is big and this is a moba so he is probebly a tank because he is a frozen giant." or "this guy looks freile but has very pointy daggers so he is probebly an assassin."

cons being there of not most people won't try to tank stuff with there face if they have a very thin character. trere will always be people who try to dive you under tower at level 1 with a squisshy.

i dont even think people knew that when they hoverd over a god that they tell you the pro's and cons.

nothing will change.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » August 17, 2013 3:57am | Report
Well i did!

Are the losses on stat windows lost on purpose? I hate that :/


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 17, 2013 9:42am | Report
fenrir has very few cons. He has two leaps.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by berenerchamion » August 18, 2013 10:54pm | Report
I agree with All4Games that the pros and cons of most of the gods are easily deduced from their appearances. Also, the roles of gods pretty much describe their pros and cons.

If a god is a tank then a new player can probably tell it has high defense.

If a god is an assassin then a new player can probably tell it has high damage.

With mages it can get a bit trickier but you can always just look at the stats and abilities of gods to find out their strengths and weaknesses.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 18, 2013 10:59pm | Report
>only tank who doesn't look like it has super defenses, save a shield
>makes up for it by being more of a man than apollo


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by VorikVolens » August 22, 2013 7:22am | Report
Raventhor wrote:

>only tank who doesn't look like it has super defenses, save a shield
>makes up for it by being more of a man than apollo

I resent that! >:O Apollo and Athena are great lane partners, and I end up saving Athena's *** or helping her make plays with her ult all the time. Not to mention apollo is one of the best if not the best split pushers, I can dive your lane and mop up you enemies, dive in and save your life, etc. His kit is basically made for helping dudes out and messing up enemies.

Back on topic, I don't mind so much that the cons are missing, but why the heck is the CONS section still there? Like when you hover over a god it says "PROS: blahblah CONS: (Blank)" I say at least go the whole way and remove the cons section if nothing is going to be in it.


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