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What Should I Do?

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Poll Question:

Clan or New Clan
New Clan
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Meow_Wow_Pow » October 24, 2016 9:21am | Report


I'm sure we've all encountered these types of players, you know the ones that are constantly checking your build telling you what to buy, what to sell, where to go, and even when to ult

This pretty much sums up two of my clan mates ever since I joined that is the only sort of behavior I receive from them never do they consider my opinion or even include me in tactical decisions on how to proceed during a team fight.

It ruins my plays

When I play with them I feel a constant need to prove myself so that they can give me at least an ounce of respect the same respect they want me to give them, as one of the only two girls in the clan I just want to be treated the same I'm tired of initiates losing respect and faith in me because They made me look like a fool

Anytime we lose it's blamed on me whether its my god pick, or just my build it's always my fault I can admit when i'm wrong and there are times when they have been right but they can't be right all the time


We had an Odin,Hun Batz, and me as Kukulkan the enemy team had a Nox ,Guan Yu, and Loki

I chose Kukulkan because he has good clear, high burst damage, and synergies well with Odin maybe not as good as Zeus (I don't play Zeus) but well enough as soon as i chose kuku i could hear he was itching to question me as to why i chose kuku but chose not to as i wasn't in the mood to be nagged
long story short we lost and as soon as our titan died he said "We lost because of Kukulkan Kukulkan wasn't a good choice he's horrible for joust"

I know Kukulkan isn't horrible for joust I know he isn't he's got great clear and the narrow lane makes it easier to land minions and enemy gods in his whirlwind/ Spirit of the nine winds yet its all my fault we lost granted I died 9 times but that was because Loki was focusing me down yet they both kept leaving me alone to gank leaving me to fend for myself no matter what i did he two shot me no putting my whirlwind on top of me was going to stop him

with that being said I've since started avoiding them like the plague and playing with my own friends they respect my choices don't blame for any and every loss not to mention they don't get broken up over anything they just move on to the next game even when we lose we joke till the end

So I guess what I'm asking is I love my clan but these two have made it a hell to play with my clan so how can I get them to lay off and stop bullying me into submission?

Should I leave and join my friends clan?

Any feedback is welcome please :)
I don't claim to know all the answers silly <3


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » October 24, 2016 9:33am | Report
The point of smite is to have fun, and being harassed and scapegoated for losses isn't an enjoyable experience. Play with your friends, the ones that make you laugh, I think it's clear to anyone that sees this that they're the ones that deserve your company.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 24, 2016 10:42am | Report
Agree w/ Zilby...that's horribly toxic, and coming from people that are in your own clan. Shouldn't be that way. Good clanmates will suggest here and there, and encourage, but never ridicule, blame, and otherwise BM you. Leave that stuff to randoms.

So yeah...unfortunately even though you love the rest of your clan...why would you NOT play with your friends?

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » October 24, 2016 10:58am | Report
If it's like that every time, I suggest finding a new clan. Who knows you may even make a bunch of new friends.

People like these are one of the reasons that SMITE can become boring, not fun, etc...

If you'd like, we can play together as well sometime. I myself don't have many friends either, so...

<Hunter Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » October 24, 2016 1:28pm | Report
Join the SmiteFire Clan!
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 24, 2016 1:36pm | Report
I suggest kicking me out of SfBc and you taking my place. XD

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 24, 2016 1:40pm | Report
I hope you know techno that there are two smitefire clans. Might want to be specific. Also Meow_Wow_Pow (nice name btw) if they wont stop it is better to just leave. What clan is it btw?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Meow_Wow_Pow » October 24, 2016 1:44pm | Report
Midnight Snack its a small group on PS4 that i joined when my Pc could no longer run Smite efficiently
and thank you for all of your all advice (O x O)
I don't claim to know all the answers silly <3


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