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Technotoad64's Blog
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March 21, 2019

One of these days, I swear...

Views: 1908 Technotoad64
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It's been at "0MB remaining" for the last five hours now. Also, the percentage seems to be going down.

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May 09, 2018
+Rep | Report
Boring  |  DearGodWhy  |  PlzFix  |  Smitefire  |  Update
"Smite is waiting for HiPatch update."
[Check For Updates]
"Update server last contacted at 5/9/2018 6:06:26 PM)"
"Smite is waiting for HiPatch update."
"Do you want to validate the installation of Smite? This may take several minutes."
(Nothing happens)
"Smite is waiting for HiPatch update."
"The Hi-Rez Studios Authenticate and Update Service is working normally."
"There are no recommendations at this time."
[Re-run Prerequisites]
"Do you want to re-run the prerequisite programs for Smite? This will take you back to the launcher to complete this request."
"Smite must install prerequisite programs now in order to play. You will need to remain at the computer to respond to prompts to make sure these programs finish correctly. Are you ready to install these prerequisite programs now?"
"Smite is running prerequisite programs."
(Three-page long AMD CPU driver EULA)
[I Accept]
"Installing Prerequisites"
"All redistributable pre…
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March 03, 2018
Not that I'm pretending to be terribly important, I'd just like to announce my presence.
I've been lurking mostly, as Veterans tend to do. I had planned on participating in the contest this year, but the contest always brings around so many new people, and I haven't played Smite in so long, that actually doing or saying much of anything has seemed kind of daunting lately.
What I've been up to lately is (time-wise) piddling around YouTube and Reddit,
but I've also been working with a group of a few others (including Bernardozomer) on a mod for Terraria, though there isn't really enough content to warrant a release yet (which I blame on my time browsing YouTube and Reddit instead of spriting like I should be).
The contest this year has, as I mentioned, attracted a good number of people.
It seems like last year, the year that I was one of the judges, the first-prize winners all left shortly after claiming their spoils, while second- and third-place stuck around. If memory serves, I…
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December 15, 2017
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BEHOLD  |  History  |  I'mWeird
Arranged from most recent to oldest, going as far back as November 24, exactly as I typed them. I'm not including repeats or things people search for all the time, like YouTube or Email, of course.
  • how to add album art to a file
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  • fixed do sol

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September 19, 2017
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AVAST  |  Grammar  |  JK  |  SaltedMeat  |  YeAllMeMateys  |  YeScurvyDogs
Today be International Talk Like a Pirate day, and I be celebratin' it.
Feel free to join me!

Also, buccaneers got no time for checkin' thar grammarrr, but ye can rest assured, any mistakes in mine speakin' be all on purpose.

some pirate words for ye

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