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What the HELL is wrong with Matchmaking?

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Forum » General Discussion » What the HELL is wrong with Matchmaking? 15 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 29, 2013 11:48am | Report
I get stuck with noobs. As in, unskilled players. And our team suffers for it.

And when I mean 'unskilled,' I mean, 'purchase meditation and spring first level' kind of noob. The kind of newbies who don't ward, make questionable build choices, purchase Heartseeker with 5 deaths, etc etc.

It's not just me, for the entire week so far, both sides of the games I play have had a fed guy, at least one newb guy, and the rest are just normal. Every single match I've played, it's been like that. I see rank 10 golden Aphrodites with 1k kills on the same team as a completely new Cupid with 5 masteries and building no boots.

Am I the only one with this problem?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » October 29, 2013 11:52am | Report
nope. Someone having a negative KD is one thing, but a 0/10 thanatos is kind of sad...
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » October 29, 2013 12:04pm | Report
same here. its really starting to piss me off. yesterday i had a game where a guy switched from apollo to agni at the last second.

the tank was ares. the guy who now played agni in long lane thougth that ares could ignite his fumes. -_- fed like the enemy team were starving puppies.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » October 29, 2013 12:05pm | Report
ok... thats the funniest thing ive heard since 'look at the kills noob, were winning' when we were 150 tickets down and 20 kills up in Dom
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by karnaged » October 29, 2013 11:55pm | Report
As a new player I have to defend my people;) I realise some players are just horrendous and dont really apply to what im about to type.

But then there are us that are just new to the whole moba scene and were trying to learn. Its just as frustrating for us to end up with people way over our skill-level as it is for you to play with us:)
I mean we dont really intend to feed... we just might forget warding or forget calling miss or dont pay full attention to minimap. Theese are the mistakes I usually make anyway. Try to add a polite tip and if the person responds or try to heed the advice he/she just learned something :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » October 30, 2013 12:12am | Report
What level are you? If you are below 20 we will never see you in our games till that level since we are level 30.

He is not talking about new players. He is talking about level 30 players that have no form of map awerness, don't have a clue what they are doing and don't know anything about the gods.

If you like you say are a new player which my guess would be level 6 stil, you will get paired with people around your level.

Around level 30 you will have learned most to all of the things i discriped above but that for some reason some people just miss the parts where they should have learned that and they really don't try to learns it.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » October 30, 2013 12:14am | Report
karnaged wrote:

As a new player I have to defend my people;) I realise some players are just horrendous and dont really apply to what im about to type.

But then there are us that are just new to the whole moba scene and were trying to learn. Its just as frustrating for us to end up with people way over our skill-level as it is for you to play with us:)
I mean we dont really intend to feed... we just might forget warding or forget calling miss or dont pay full attention to minimap. Theese are the mistakes I usually make anyway. Try to add a polite tip and if the person responds or try to heed the advice he/she just learned something :)

This. I'm not new but I was once.

Also, I was doing some Conquest Pre-made matches with 4 other guys, we kept getting paired against ultra-nubs, it was way too easy and slightly boring.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » October 30, 2013 12:57am | Report
A few thoughts here, since I think a few different types of players are being mixed up here:

- Matchmaking does mess up sometimes. Sometimes you face/are teamed up with people who just aren't good enough to be in that game. It's not really their fault, and remembering the couple of times it happened to me when I was new, trust me, they're not enjoying it any more than you. I don't see this happen too much though (talking about the Agni who wanted the Ares to detonate his fumes, etc,) and it does happen against you too, even if you don't notice it. I find it happens less if I don't try to snipe queues at a few seconds left, but no matchmaking system is perfect.

- The one feeder/okay player who snowballs in the wrong direction is a much more likely scenario. HiRez seems to be making a concerted effort to make snowballing harder, but you don't need to be a bad player to die twice early, then be behind all game. It takes practice laning against someone with two levels on you, and it's not easy if they're anywhere close to decent. You can pretty much land your full combo at that point and not kill them. They can push you to tower and poke you down, forcing you to lose more and more experience and fall behind further, and you're just out of the game at some point.

At some point, the team needs to step in and help to save this player, and I rarely see it happen. It's no secret that the average jungler skill level is really low, and If you have a jungler/mid who's clueless and never ganks, you're stuck for twenty minutes as the behind person because there's almost nothing you can do to a fed enemy. You get punished massively for every mistake, and it only gets tougher as the game goes on.

It's kind of a fallacy to think that people should be able to come back on their own in the first place. The farther behind you are, the better you need to be to be a presence later, and you wouldn't have fallen behind in the first place if you were winning one on one. The next time you see a player sitting at their tier two tower four levels behind their lane opponent, do them a favor and gank to give them some air. At some point the onus is on you, not them.

- As far as buying Meditation or sticking to cookie cutter builds, not everyone is watching ranked streams, even those who are at level 30 and are decent. You can have plenty of success in the normal conquest queue with inefficiencies in your game like that. If possible, buy a couple extra wards to help out, or just ask them to do it since they might not know to do it; it's not like the meta is spelled out on the loading screen. A lot of people like this have good intentions or are even good players, they just play the game more casually than you. Communication is your friend, but I don't see it nearly enough. Seems like there are three people spamming VER and VEA on every team death for every one person who offers legitimate help.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BrotherMonkey » October 30, 2013 1:11am | Report
Have you ever lost with more kills than everyone in game combined ? :S


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 30, 2013 1:50am | Report
I can't check the stats because the server seems to be down, but I believe that one game, I got seven kills, six deaths, and the rest were 0-11, 0-7, 5-6. and 4-4.

And no, you cannot help the kind of players I met. I repeatedly warned Apollo and Thor, who seemed to be a group, to not blindly charge into a group of enemies that were five or more levels higher than them, and not to split up, not to invade the enemy jungle without wards, not to push without wards, etc etc. But they just kept using their ults to attack, again and again and again...a nightmare. They didn't even know the basics of conquest, like not taking a jungler's camps. How would they NOT know that?

I don't watch ranked streams either, but I know the basics of item synergy. You don't give Bacchus sprint.


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