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Bot hard mode

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Bot hard mode 18 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Time2medicate » February 11, 2017 1:42pm | Report
I know people really don't play bots. I want two things a bots hard mode and more rewards for playing bots.there is another game like smite you can play and you actually get rewards for playing bots. I just enjoy playing them after a long day I just want to relax and play smite and not play competitive I just want to play some bots. Please be gentle because this might be a little taboo. Anyone have thoughts?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » February 11, 2017 2:19pm | Report
I don't know if you're aware, but this is a community site. We cannot change anything about the game nor influence any of the future changes done to this game. If you really want your ideas to be implemented then you should probably be posting on the SMITE forums or Reddit, presumably.

As for my thoughts, I do somewhat agree with you, to an extent. I to like to go up against bots sometimes just to have some fun after a losing streak in the online scene. So yes, it would be awesome to see some love for those AI controlled gods. However:

- A hard mode? No, not necessary. The "medium" difficulty is good enough as is already. Heck, I sometimes tend to lose games against these bots because the AI on my team seems to be on a setting below easy and the enemy AI on medium. So a hard mode is definitely not needed. If you want hard, just play online.
- Reward, not a fan of it either. If you would get rewards for playing against bots, then what's even the point of having an online mode? People could just go grind off their mastery or favor needs against the bots and wouldn't need to touch online even once. On top of that, it'd make online play a lot worse. Do you often get placed in a bad team? Well if bots would offer rewards this'd be even worse. Players could get to level 30 against AI and then jump into online, get into level 30 play without any experience in the online world and end up on your team, and they'll ruin your online match.

So while I do enjoy myself a "Vs AI" match once in a while (especially to try out new gods, damn instalockers...), I just can't agree with the 2 suggestions you brought up here.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Time2medicate » February 11, 2017 3:41pm | Report
I know what this site is. It's just a conversation. I get bad teams in PvP all the time and in ranked so that would still be the same. I just enjoy playing smite the way I want to play


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 12, 2017 8:23am | Report
xZeroStrike wrote:

I don't know if you're aware, but this is a community site. We cannot change anything about the game nor influence any of the future changes done to this game. If you really want your ideas to be implemented then you should probably be posting on the SMITE forums or Reddit, presumably.

- Reward, not a fan of it either. If you would get rewards for playing against bots, then what's even the point of having an online mode?

Dude, he knows. You should be welcoming him to create discussion, not pushing him to other sites, don't you think?

As for rewards, speak to that one company that has a pretty successful online battle game that people play a lot... I'm not talking matchmaking as yes that could mess things up if Smite didn't program something in to prevent bot games from affecting Elo (not difficult to do) , but rewards? Why not? As a free to play game, Blizzard just wants people playing their game. They reward them with levels and loot boxes. What's the harm?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » February 12, 2017 8:37am | Report
Wow, not so aggressive, muffinman. I'm not pushing anybody or their conversations aside. I was just wondering. Because should he not have known, then he would know now...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » February 12, 2017 8:50am | Report
Hmm I don't think he refers to a Blizzard game (maybe you thought about Overwatch ?).
Because he said another game like Smite, so I would rather guess with Paragons, in which you can get rewards for playing against bots.

And yes, Paragons bots are harder than Smite bots, but still not good enough, so you still have to play PvP if you want a fair game.

What Time2medicate asks has been asked forever since S1, but nothing has been done on that way, except creating the "Medium" difficulty.
The only difference between Medium and Easy difficulty is the fact that now, they don't do stupid things like diving tower at level 1, they are still way too easy to defeat.

It would not be that hard to create a "Hard" mode : they could compensate their lack of tactical gameplay with a positive handicap on their stats, lower their CD, having permanent vision on the map, etc.
Anything that could make it more difficult would be fine, people would play it more.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 12, 2017 9:07am | Report
Bullfrog323 wrote:

Hmm I don't think he refers to a Blizzard game (maybe you thought about Overwatch ?).

No he wasn't, and I'm aware of that, but yes, I was referring to OW, and I actually think it's a decent comparison for the subject matter. No, it's not a MOBA, but yes, it rewards people for playing. For them, it's a loot box, which can also be bought, so that's nice that Blizzard allows progression and loot box rolls.

For SMITE, it would just be favor, so you could buy recolors, gold/diamond, etc., but in the end, that hurts nobody, at least as far as I can tell. As long as they don't affect Elo, matchmaking won't be screwed up in PvP, and everyone is generally okay.

xZeroStrike wrote:

Wow, not so aggressive, muffinman. I'm not pushing anybody or their conversations aside. I was just wondering. Because should he not have known, then he would know now...

You know me, Zero, aggressive! XD

This wasn't me being pissed or whatever. It's just that your first reaction was to basically say "hey, just to let you know, maybe you should consider going somewhere else if you want your voice to be heard more..." So I just went...DUDE!!! LOL. Wow. WoW. OW.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Time2medicate » February 12, 2017 1:16pm | Report
What would be even better would be to actually have intelligent bots that don't get stuck on Phoenix or run around like they are confused.

There was something about paragon bots I liked. Maybe they were smart or something. I also feel like the rewards you get when playing against bots is something that hi rez should be looking at.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » February 12, 2017 6:02pm | Report
Your comparison between Smite and OW is understandable.

However, don't forget that the experience level has no cap in OW, and that account level does have an impact in the MatchMaking of Smite.

So, yes, allowing player to get Favor from bot games is fine, but not experience. Or at least stop after level 10.

Also, in OW, the bots dont suck. Actually, they are pretty good, since they got auto-aim.
I think it could be done in Smite too, but I guess they will never improve their AI.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » February 12, 2017 7:18pm | Report
If they improved the AI I'd be alright with people getting experience from it. Idk if I'd give worshippers though (and to play ranked anyway you'd need some masteries).
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