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God Idea: Balor, The Evil-Eyed Giant

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea: Balor, The Evil-Eyed Giant 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 1, 2017 8:07pm | Report
Pantheon: Celtic

Appearance: Balor would be a muscular giant with grey skin and stony spike-like growths on his shoulders. His attire would be a simple loincloth and most importantly a large blindfold over his eye. His fists have an orange-red glow and emit small flames when in combat.

Class: Guardian

Passive: Seething Gaze
Even with the blindfold, the evil energy from Balor's eye cannot be fully contained. When entering combat enemy gods (up to 3) Balor is looking at suffer a 3 second Cripple debuff and for 5 seconds their defense is lowered by 35. This can only happen every 150 seconds.

1: Raging Slam
Balor slams the ground with his fists, sending out a shockwave and leaving fire on the ground for a few seconds.
Type: Line
Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+35% of your magical power)
Dmg from Fire: 3/4/5/6/7 per second
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Size: About half the size of a typical lane

2: Mighty Throw
Balor dashes forward and grabs the first enemy god he hits. After grabbing a god, he will then throw them where the player targets after a few seconds (you can left-click to throw them early).
Type: Unique Dash
Damage: 30/45/60/75/90 (+10% of your magical power)
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Cost: 80/95/110/130/145 mana

3: Blighted Earth
Balor slams his fist into the ground infecting an area of the ground with his evil energy. Enemy gods who walk through this area suffer a Slow debuff and take damage.
Type: Area
Damage per Second: 10/15/20/25/30
Slow Debuff: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Cost: 100/115/130/145/160 mana
Size: Similar to Kukulkan's 3

4: Evil Eye
Balor removes the blindfold from his eye, unleashing his evil energy in a brief gaze that applies a Fear debuff, lowers enemy god defense by 50 and increases the damage of Balor's abilities by 75%.
Type: Cone/Debuff/Buff
Fear Debuff: 5 seconds
Def Debuff: 8 seconds
Dmg Buff: 8 seconds
Cooldown: 180 seconds
Cost: 200 mana
Size: About 1.5% larger than Medusa's ult.

I imagine Balor would be a Solo or Duo laner? Lemme know if anything needs work, I really wanted to give my own take on a aggressive Guardian and I want it to be good.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 2, 2017 8:17pm | Report
So does the lack of replies mean I did good or bad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 3, 2017 2:00am | Report
I don't normally comment on god ideas...but I'll give it a friendly critique, no offense meant.

Appearance: first thought is...he's sorta Cabrakanish. What's up with the flames? From what I read (basic wiki), it sounds like he's associated with drought and blight. So, dryness, withering, etc. Those concepts can be a bit difficult to provide graphics and animation for, so I dunno.

Passive: Concept is okay, actual implementation would be way too screwy. What does "entering combat" mean? When he first takes or deals damage? Or if they get in a specific range? If it's range, it would be way too difficult to have it function well...would all 3 (if you could do that) enemies have to get in range at the same time, or would there be a short window? If so, not happening except in weird situational cases like using Blink Rune. That CD is also harsh...nothing except maybe Relics should have CD that long. This really would need to change.

Ability #1 (Raging Slam): What's the purpose of the burn? Is he a god that is associated with fire in some cases? The base damage and scaling is so low, I just don't see this being functional. Many guardians don't look to build a ton of power I'd say the base damage should be a bit higher...or, if you keep it that low, the burn needs to do something besides a bit of extra tick damage. I think the whole burning thing should go away, but the concept behind it might be able to stay to a degree. More on that in a bit. This slamming his fist down is... Cabrakanish.

Ability #2 (Mighty Throw): This is basically Mercury's throw... Special Delivery. It's sort of fine for a guardian, as it's good CC, could be too powerful, if the delay before the throw really is "a few seconds." This is basically a stronger version of Sobek's throw, since you can direct the throw, so it either needs even longer CD or something else to nerf it. Also, that low damage and scaling makes it completely pointless to even add the damage in the first place. Either give it some more, or don't give it any but possibly change it up otherwise...maybe a grab duration like Mercury (fairly short), but maybe do something with that fire (but not fire) concept. Or maybe he needs some different CC...too many throws and/or knockups lately... Ganesha, Xing Tian, Sobek, Hercules, Bacchus, Nike, etc., etc.

Ability #3 (Blighted Earth): Slamming his fist into the ground again...does he really dislike the ground? XD So it looks like the start of Tremors, but sort of has a similar feel in some ways to Hades (including the infection-y feel) when he uses his combo of Death From Below + Devour Souls. Yes, I know, not quite the same thing, but sorta close. That slow...7 seconds??? Way too long unless it's like 5-10% max, but even then, still probably too long.

Ult (Evil Eye): Fear is way too long. CD is way too long. It needs scaling mana cost...200 at level 5 is way too much. 1.5x wider than Medusa's ult is fine as long as the range is shorter.

So...let's see, he's got 2 CC abilities (1 being his ult). This is okay but not great for a guardian. He's got really low damage overall except when his ult is functioning, but that ult CD means he basically DOESN'T have much damage. This poor guy is going to have drastic mana issues from start to finish.

I think the god idea is cool overall, especially with the evil eye thing, but there's no synergy with those flames. Turn it into a blight, or "decay" CC of some type. Maybe his passive is that decay, and it has very minor effects overall, but multiple abilities provide it with stacks or longer duration or something. Maybe the 1st and 3rd abilities give it 3 stacks, while his throw only gives it 1 (or none). Going with the decay concept, it could do any/all of the following:
  • an extremely minor movespeed slow
  • very low tick damage
  • minor protection debuff (only affects protection from items, so it's not OP against glass cannon gods)
  • Minor enemy damage output debuff (decay concept sort of blunts their weapons)
Other than that, tweaks on all of the abilities, and maybe you've got something there.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 3, 2017 11:04am | Report
II remember reading somewhere that when his eye was revealed, the whole land was consumed by flames. That's kinda where the fire concept came from. And entering combat could mean either.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 3, 2017 3:16pm | Report
In terms of appearance, I guess he could have some Celtic-style tattoos on him? It also mentions that he was killed by a spear (or sling depending on the story) so maybe he could have spears and swords sticking out of his back instead of the spike growths?

I suppose fire could just replaced with evil energy/blight. I just figured fire was a bit easier to program and represent along with the whole "world catching on fire when his eye is revealed" part of his lore.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 20, 2017 5:30pm | Report
Time for a do-over! (Let's just hope this makes it a bit better which it probably won't cause I suck)

Pantheon: Celtic

Class: Warrior

New Title: King of the Fomorians

Appearance: Balor appears a muscular, hunched-over giant with yellowish-gray skin, long gray hair and two curved horns that stick out from each side of his head. Clothing-wise, Balor has a brown loincloth held up with some straps and a large blindfold over his eye. Over his body there are dark gray tattoos in a traditional Celtic-looking pattern. His weapon would be a large Partizan (a spear with a flattened head that allows for sweeping as well as stabbing).

Picture for reference:
Passive: Seething Gaze
Even with the blindfold, the evil energy from Balor's eye cannot be fully contained. When first hit by an enemy god or when Balor first hits an enemy god, the closest enemy gods (up to 3) to Balor suffer a debuff to their defense is that lowers it by 15 for 4 seconds. This can only happen every 150 seconds.

1: Mighty Charge
Balor charges forward his his spear, impaling the first enemy god he hits. other gods hit during the charge are damaged and Balor passes through them.
Type: Line
Damage: 80/150/220/290/360 (+90% of your physical power)
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Length: About half the length of a typical lane

2: Sweeping Spear
Balor sweeps his partizan in a cone formation, damaging enemy gods he hits and pushing them back.
Type: Cone
Damage: 120/165/210/255/300 (+70% of your physical power)
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Size: About as large as Odin's 3 (with the exception that he only swings in front of him rather than in a circle and it's only one sweep)

3: Fomorian Rage
Balor unleashes his inner rage, briefly adding the Blight debuff to basic attacks and abilities.
Type: Buff
Blight Damage per Second: 8/10/12/14/16
Blight Debuff: 3 seconds (refreshes if hit again)
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 17 seconds
Cost: 100 mana

4: Evil Eye
Balor removes the blindfold from his eye, unleashing his evil energy in a brief gaze that applies a Fear debuff and lowers enemy god defense by 30 for a few seconds.
Type: Cone/Debuff
Fear Debuff: 2 seconds
Def Debuff: 3 seconds
Cooldown: 180 seconds
Cost: 200 mana
Size: About 1.5% larger than Medusa's ult.

"Dare to step into my gaze."
"I will crush you like the speck you are!"
"You face the strongest of the Fomorians!"

Direct Taunts:
Cu Chulainn: "Your rage is but a tantrum compared to me."
Cernunnos: "First you, then your forest!"
The Morrigan: "Your illusions mean nothing to me!"
Ymir: "And you call yourself a giant. Hah!"
Ratatoskr: "Did I step on something? I really couldn't tell."
Vamana: "Did I step on something? I really couldn't tell."
Cu Chulainn (killed by): "All that anger and you couldn't even beat me ya big oaf."
Cernunnos (killed by): "At last, order has been restored."
The Morrigan (killed by): "Your strength cannot stop what isn't real."
Vamana (killed by): "Even a terror like you can be beaten by the smallest man."

Joke: "Balor SMASH!"
"Do you know that I've never looked in a mirror. It always breaks before I can get a good
"I don't know why but everytime I look at my spear I get a bit uncomfortable. Crushing things
shakes the feeling though"

Hope this makes things better (or worse) cause now that I think about it Balor fits better as a Warrior than a guardian.


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Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 21, 2017 10:02pm | Report
Not even the crickets are impressed...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » June 22, 2017 3:37am | Report
The sad life of TheGraveKnight.

I liked your concept.
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#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

<Meat Shield>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 22, 2017 3:49am | Report
Yay? It doesn't feel very accomplishing considering I can't even draw a good-looking picture or draw examples of how the abilities work considering everything I draw looks like it comes from a 4 year old.


Notable (2)
Posts: 24

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