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Hestia-Greek God of Home and Hearth.

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Hestia-Greek God of Home and Hearth. 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NutAndSet » August 4, 2015 6:37am | Report
Right so there's not been a mage addded ina a while so i though about a book i read which contained all the Greek Gods. Anyway one i thought would be ccol to add is Hestia.

lanes/jungle-solo,mid or support.

Lore: As the first child of Cronus and Rhea, Hestia was devoured with her siblings until her youngest brother Zeus killed their father and took control. Hestia was one of the origonal 12 olympians until dionysus discovered wine and took her place. She was given responsibility over caring for the heath at mount olympus. At the start of the war Hestia was against the Gods waring, but now it has started to affect her home and she is forced into action, the Gods will now feel her wrath as eldest child of Cronus she comes to war to defend the inoccent and to end this war between the gods. She no longer hides at her home and comes to war blazing with fire.

passive-homely-Allies in a 50ft radius around her gain a 20% attack speed buff and 5 hp5 and 5 mp5.

1st ability-Home's protection- Hestia grants homes protection and heals allies in a 30ft radius around her.
Heal:210/230/270/310/240(+60% of her magical power)

2nd ability-Eternal flame- Hesti fires forward a ball of fire that expodes after travling 30ft it leaves a burn on the enimies that does damage over time and slows them. it damdges all enimes it passes through and the expion is 20ft radius.
Damage-220/240/280/320/360(+90% of her magical power)

3rd ability-Staff strike-Hestia gets angered hiting an enemy god with her staff, stunning them and dealing damage.
Damage-110/130/140/150/160(+40% of her magical power)

ulitmate ability-Blazing fires of Olympus-Hestia summons the fires of olumpus in the middle that enemies that are near take damage and are slowed. The nearer the enemy is the more the damage. the damage is dealt every 0.5 seconds.
Damage(small)per tick-120/130/150/170/190(+20% of her magical power)
damage(big)per tick-80/90/110/130/150(+10% of her magical power)

Notes from the Auther? Is this writing?
1.Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
2.The fire on the ult wound be like a circular ymir wall so people can't pass through it with-out a jump and it would look like a bonfire but with like a marbl looking circul at the bottom.
3. the book I read for the idea was percy jackson and i do recommed it for kids.

ps This is my first idea hope you like it.


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NutAndSet » August 4, 2015 7:18am | Report
may i clarify that when i put lanes/jungle-mid,solo or support i meant she can mid solo or support


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 4, 2015 6:47pm | Report
Passive is terrible, boring, and literally has no interactivity involved with it.

You don't have cooldowns or ranges for the most part.

1 is literally Hel's heal and is just as boring and stupid.

2 is okay, but its still unclear how its damage works.

Also, base damages are ******ed. 220 base damage at level one is about 2/3 of an ADC's health.

What the **** does her 3 even do? It hits people and stuns, but apparently its a global ranged skilshot.

Her ult is broken and basically a Pos ult that deals insane damage without a stun. At max rank, you deal 760 base damage +80% in two seconds, and can deal a potential 2280 +240% damage over six seconds, and that's downright broken.

Overall, this kit has no imagination, spark, or pizzaz. It's just more of the dull GAINT AOE DUMAGE NIKE CCCC that takes roughly five minutes to think up.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NutAndSet » August 13, 2015 5:27am | Report
so a normail smite god lolz


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nfounder3 » August 13, 2015 3:32pm | Report
Way too much damage. A typical ability should never have a starting base damage of 130+ and even if they did have a typical ability with that much base damage it should scale very low. Really the only viable part of her kit is her 3 and that could even be edited with lower starting base damage but higher late level base damage. Also her 2 is not a 2, it is an ult, a very op ult. This would be a fun kit to play with, but the numbers need to be fixed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 14, 2015 2:10am | Report
NutAndSet wrote:

so a normail smite god lolz

yeah minus them having high early game base or high tick damage

oh and mana cost stats and Cooldowns.

If HR decides to make a god with those numbers it will land into a higher tier then SS or it will land in SS putting all other gods in a max of A- on a tier list.

really no mage heals or damages for 200 base damage on lvl 1. most of them don't even hit 100 base damage or heal for more then 75 on lvl 1.

Also normally if you look to base scaling you see an equal amount of e.g. 90/120/150/180/210 (this is partly OCD and partly this way the scaling is better comparable with other mages) oh and also some base damages downscale because of typo's probably (e.g. your 1st ability)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NutAndSet » August 26, 2015 4:20am | Report
can people please calm own its my first idea i didn;t really understand the base damge all the numbers should be lowered i agree but damn calm down

her one i could completly redo and her two was meant to have alot less damage so i'd put the start around 80 max
cooldowns and mana i forgot as it is my first idea
and also her ult duration and damage would be about half the duration or half as many ticks in it plus the bas damage would drop to about 30 in the small area and 10 in the big area

the 3 is a melee ability
and all base damage should go down overall i'd redo the idea i've made better new ones so please don't be blind sighted.
passive can be reworked too maybe adding more scaling to her new 1?
thanks for trying constructive critism but aleast say good and bad in the future


Posts: 9

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