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Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Serpent (Mayan)

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Serpent (Mayan) 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Alloy J » October 12, 2013 12:37pm | Report



Long before Cortes came around, Quetzalcoatl was said to have two forms - one being a decorated Mayan hero and warrior, and the other being the Feathered Serpent. EDIT: Fixed COOLDOWNS!

Ability 1 - Fanged Blade: Deals 50/100/150/200/250 (+50% of your physical power) physical damage and snare (root) enemies for .5/.7/.9/1.1/1.3 seconds.
IN SERPENT FORM - Poisonous Fangs: Deals 20/30/40/60/80(+25% of your magical power) magical damage in a cone initially, then 30/70/100/130 (+25% of your magical power magical damage over 5 seconds to each enemy hit, slowing them by 20%.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Ability 2 - Iron Feathers: Passively absorbs 5% of all damage taken, up to 100/250/300/450/600 damage. When activated, releases the damage taken in an area around Quetzalcoatl. When on cooldown, the absorb effect is disabled.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Ability 3 - Way of Maya: Quetzalcoatl dashes forwards and grabs an enemy, dealing 40/80/120/160/200 (+25% of your physical power) physical damage initially, then 20/60/100/140/180 (+25% of your physical power) physical damage over 5 seconds. While the enemy is bleeding, all allies near the bleeding enemy gain 15% of your physical damage.
IN SERPENT FORM - Way of the Sky: Quetzalcoatl deals 10/25/40/55/70 (+ 10% of your magical power) a second to all enemies around him. Lasts 5 seconds. Activate again to throw a nearby god into the air, dealing an additional 100/120/140/160/180 (+ 50% of your magical power) damage and ending the effect prematurely.
Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Ability 4 (Ultimate) - Shed Skin: Quetzalcoatl changes to his inactive form, removing all crowd control effects and granting him 50% of his magical power as physical power if he's changing into Human form, and 50% of his physical power as magical power if he's changing into Serpent form for 5 seconds. Changing form enables the use of his alternate abilities.
Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Passive - Blood Sacrifice: When a god dies near Quetzalcoatl, nearby allied gods gain 10% movement speed for 10 seconds. When an allied god dies near Quetzalcoatl, nearby allied gods gain 10% attack speed for 10 seconds.

Alloy J

Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 12, 2013 6:05pm | Report
This god is just broken.

A: Hybridity: You really want to give Polynomicon crit damage?

b: Cooldowns. My god, the cooldowns. A TEN-SECOND DASH?

C: He bursts like crazy. Physical gods are not supposed to burst. Seriously just look at all of his damaging abilities.

D: Iron Feathers deals a ridiculous amount of unspecified damage, not to mention that he becomes slightly tanky. He should not be tanky.

E: He can do everything. He bursts better than most mages due to his two forms, can be built like a tank and still deal good damage thanks to Iron Feathers, has tons of CC like a support. His abilities are also powerful enough for him to be an assassin, and jesus christ, those cooldowns!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shakz180 » October 12, 2013 8:58pm | Report
Very interesting kit, just watch the numbers, I know I have that problem.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 140
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Alloy J » October 13, 2013 9:19am | Report
Okay - remember that this is for constructive criticism. Numbers were not my concern - I based them off of random gods - Help me out with the numbers then. I just had a good idea for a kit.

Now, the reason Iron Feathers has such a low cooldown is the fact that, if used on cooldown, it would do almost no damage. You'd be better off building up the damage.

Also, which combo would be too much burst? The idea is that he's physical in human form, and magical in serpent form.

Alloy J

Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » October 13, 2013 10:12am | Report
and that's where his problem comes in: Physical means you can build crit, and magical means doubling attack for a bit with poly. also the fact of bruiser (because of feathers) with a dash and high damage in serpent form (Which, btw, needs lowering. poison fangs + way of the sky = dead everything)


Remarkable (8)
Posts: 360
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Alloy J » October 13, 2013 10:30am | Report
Right - the theme however is that he can clear/aoe with Magical damage in serpent form, and single target damage/cc in human form with physical power.

I nerfed the numbers in serpent form.

Alloy J

Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 14, 2013 12:21am | Report
The actual numbers aren't the problem - it's the burst.

Let's take Hel. She can chain three damage skills in a row, dealing good damage and consuming a lot of mana. This guy can chain five, which is better than any other god in the game. I say five, as in five skills that deal decent damage.

And you still haven't put down how long Way of the Sky lasts.

Also, no one would put magical power when 50% of your magical power would be essentially the same as buying pure physical power. (Tabi is 30 pp, shoes is 60 mp, etc etc). So for five seconds, you have the benefit of as if you went pure power. Combine this with cooldown items, and you can get maximum physical and magical power for 5/12 seconds.

Again, Iron Feathers is unspecified. Put down that it's damage type changes depending on your form or something. Seriously, 600 damage should never be underestimated. You deal more damage than some ultimates, and it's not hard to charge it up by attacking a jungle camp and letting them hit you.


Renowned (112)
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