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Zeus Rework

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Zeus Rework 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Proleg » March 3, 2016 2:08pm | Report

Let's get straight into it, shall we?

Basic attacks stay the same, but his whole kit changes.


Discharged Thunder
Type: Debuff
Affects: Enemies

Whenever Zeus hits an enemy minion or God with either his Electric Strike or his basic attacks, they get a Discharge stack places upon them. Discharge will lower the enemies Magical Protections, and allow Zeus to deal damage with his ultimate ( Max. 3 stacks ).

Magical Protections lowered: 10 per stack
Duration of Discharge: 6s

1st Ability:

Electric Strike
Type: Line, Ranged

Zeus calls the skies to power up his bolt, creating a bigger, more powerful bolt. The bolt will pierce through enemies and walls in a thin line, and will deal extra damage. If used on an Aegis Shield, it will create a big AoE splash attack.

Damage: 90/130/170/225/265 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Aegis Shield AoE Damage: 110/150/190/245/310 (+40% of your Magical Power)

Mana Cost: 40/50/60/70/80

Cooldown: 10s

2nd Ability:

Aegis Shield
Type: Obstacle, Target Location

Zeus sends forth his shield, dealing damage on the way to the target location. The shield will stay in the location, and attacks and enemies can go through the shield. Using abilities on this shield will add bonus effects.

Shield damage: 20/25/30/35/40 ( reduced per every enemy hit after the 1st target by 2, so the 2nd enemy will only get 18 damage, assuming you're on level 1 ).
Duration of Shield: 6s

Cooldown: 13s
Mana Cost: 40/45/50/55/60

3rd Ability:

Raging Clouds
Type: Buff, Self

Zeus gathers clouds below him, increasing his movement speed. The clouds will increasingly get darker, and start forming lightning. At the end of the duration, the clouds will explode, dealing damage to Zeus and the enemies around him. He can detonate this move early for less damage to both sources. He cannot use any other ability during this duration.
He will be cleansed of his slows once activated, and be immune to slows for the duration.

If used near an Aegis Shield, the damage dealt to Zeus at the end will be negated.

Movement Speed increase: 20/25/30/35/40%
Duration: 5s
Damage to Zeus: 40/50/60/70/80
Damage to enemy: 60/85/120/155/195 (+60% of your Magical Power)

Cooldown: 14s
Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

4th Ability:

Type: Detonate

Zeus rises into the sky, and gathers electricity in his hand. He then strikes his palm, detonating all Discharges on the map in an area around them.
Also stuns the enemy.

Damage per Discharge stack: 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1s

Cooldown: 45s
Mana Cost: 100


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Proleg » March 3, 2016 2:37pm | Report
Before anyone asks a better explanation of abilities, i'll just write it down here in case you misunderstood me:

1st Ability: Basically like a one-shot of Rama's Astral Arrow, but without the reduction of damage per enemy hit.

2nd Ability: This one is probably the most confusing. So when you send it out to the target location, it will act very simililarly to Astral Arrow, where the damage is lowered per enemy hit ( so the 1st enemy will take 20 damage, the 2nd 18, the 3rd 16, etc. ). But then once it reaches the target location, it becomes essentially a Neith's Broken Weave. You can't do anything with it, it just stays there. Your 1 still travels the full distance even if it hits the shield.

3rd Ability: Basically a Sol's Dissaparate, and at the end is a kamikaze.

4th Ability: This is basically what his 3 is right now, but deals the damage to enemies around them as well.


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 3, 2016 3:17pm | Report
So uhm I'm just going to say that some ideas are good however your numbers are terrible. Your goals is to get zeus played again not to throw him into FF (aka FailFish) tier. Also there is a lot of info missing (Mana costs and scalings for example)

So I'm just going over the changing of your stuff from zeus current state and forget the terrible numbers in the beginning:

I kinda like this change. Zeus current passive doesn't really fit him (and sort of never did) as he isn't that basic attack focussed. However I do think 10 magic protection is a bit much. Considering most gods don't get over their 30 base magic protections. Would change it to max 5.

ability 1:
His Chain Lightning is in multiple ways better. Eventually this new one is better for clearing waves but not as good for poking as Chain Lightning. now looking at the numbers the damage is low. Chain Lightning could do more damage to a single target and in higher lvls the damage is way higher. Also including another fact why chain lightning is better. It has something your entire new kit is missing: CC. chain lighning has a 2s 30% slow.

ability 2:
Pretty much Zeus current 2 with less damage and damage potential (as basic attacks don't spark it anymore)

ability 3:
Pretty much before rework 2 without extra protection and with a too big movement speed increase (almost double base movementspeed for 5s).
The self damage mechinc will make it really risky to use.
Damage low and the scaling is of with jumojng from 90 to 200 (stuff liek this works with formula's so the increase is even)

ability 4:
his old detonate with more damage potential early and less late game. And a lot longer CD

a big nerf to zeus, To much missing info and could be heavily improved:

like I said would lower the reduction from 10 to 5 or I would lower the amount of stacks

ability 1:
change the damage number and mana cost to something like Agni's Flame Wave and if it passes through an aegis shield to something close to Ra's Celestial Beam

Or keep the current Chain Lightning

ability 2:
leave it like it currently is. If you wanna add more bonus effects for your abilities remove the basic attack interactions.

ability 3:
change the movements speed more to something like KKK's Slipstream (at least don't make it higher then 50% at max lvl) and at standard slow immunity in.
keep the self damage the way it is, but change the enemy damage to something better like Hades's Death From Below damage. And at a slow on it if it hits an enemy. A change for the shield could be that either the self damage is negated or instead of a slow the ability stuns.

ability 4/ult:
Well it's a downgrade from the normal Detonate Charge I would make it something like 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% Magical Power) per charge. Maybe even lower the CD a bit or add the stun on it again. for mana cost: 100

the thing I wrote sounds already a lot better for an idea. I would really request you to take a good look at your numbers and other missing important stuff.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sodsboy » March 3, 2016 3:22pm | Report
Eh....I think it's a decent idea. But in all honesty I think Zeus is alright where he is right now whether people like him or not. He's ment to be a god that does heavy amounts of burst damage whether over time or instantly. If I could change anything about the Mister Thunderhead is that I would give his original 2 back to him. The added movement and defence that was given was a nice buff to give to the king of gods.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 3, 2016 3:32pm | Report
IMO the problems zeus has with his kit is synergy. it's all about the stacks and with his old 2 he wouldn't be focussed with basic attacks so he wouldn't apply the stacks or damage. now with his new 2 he can however he lost any means of escape.

And still his passive is a bit off. Zeus is more ability based now and the passive encourages to not use detonate to user basic attacks against your target.


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