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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆
Sodsboy's Blog
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April 26, 2017

Decisions about the future

Views: 1663 Sodsboy
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Future  |  Life  |  Me  |  Thoughts
So I recently have had a bit of a rough patch through life.

I don't wanna shed the details of this but basically I'm not so sure what I can do in the near future due to how things are right now.

There are a few ideas however, most involving streaming or video making though mostly towards streaming since that's the relative easier option of the two. Now I know I can't stream full-time and I know that I don't even have a decent amount of equipment to enable to me to do so I've got myself some time to grab equipment for it in case I do go down that road.

Another option is to go looking around for more jobs to see where I can find a decent place that pays well for me.

Just a quick update as well whilst I'm typing this, my Thoth guide isn't fully complete. I'm going to be adding the tips and tricks and matchups also along with a conclusion soon.

Happy Hunting,

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April 19, 2017

The Zeus Problem

Views: 1628 Sodsboy
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Me  |  Smite  |  Thoughts  |  Zeus
Now I know what you're thinking. " Zeus? What's wrong with him?"

Well it isn't really what's wrong with the god itself it's more along the lines of what I feel like whenever I play him. Now most of you guys may witness how Zeus is supposed to the major definition of burst mage. You stack the charges press 3 and then boom, all their health is gone.

However no matter how I build him it always seems like I never do enough damage. It could be the fact that I'm not building him right but I know for a fact that I tend to build him correctly as you would with any other mage. (You can think of the build, I ain't gonna go into detail with the build but for the sake of argument the average power at the end of the build is ~750) Now I don't know about you but with that amount of power you're probably expecting the Detonate Charge should do maybe 300+ damage but I'm getting barely 500 which isn't impressive if you're fighting a warrior or a tank. Then again most burst mages can reach it with ju…
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March 24, 2017

Happy Birthday to Smite!

Views: 3788 Sodsboy
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Birthday  |  Me  |  Smite  |  Thoughts
So Smite is having it's third birthday (They grow so fast don't they.) and I believe it's a time to start recalling memories of Smite.

So I got the game before it fully launched (Back in 2014-2013.) and I managed to stumble across it after browsing for new things to tickle my fancy. Not a massive fan of MOBA's back then this added a bit of flair by being behind the back third person which kinda appealed to me as then I was playing MicroVolts (Anyone remember that gem?) which kinda interested me from the bat.

So I get the game and boot it up and start having a browse through the tutorial and the gods available at the time. I of course went straight for Ra since he appealed. Damage dealer and a healer allow him to be safe. I went straight for Arena as most people do when they first boot up the game and of course I do absolute **** against the enemy team.

I was innocent back then. Building random items since I didn't know what was good and hoping for the best. Never finishing the tier…
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March 16, 2017
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Cernunnos  |  Guide  |  Thoughts
So the new god has been dropped on live.

AND OH MY GOD HE IS WONDERFULLY GOOD! To be fair he does has his flaws which I shall talk about later but he is actually pretty well balanced. Sure, he needs a few tweaks here and there but for a hunter/jungler he is pretty solid.

Let's start off with his passive Heavy Glaive now first of all hi-rez is completely stupid in not doing historical check-ups since Glaives don't get used as a throwing weapon let alone one that boomerangs. But as for the passive it is pretty darn solid. It procs on towers making him quite good at pushing towers and it allows him pretty good jungle clear.

Shifter of Seasons is a wonderful little gem that can get quite confusing. Personally I prefer using Summer over all of them with me using Fall (Or Autumn for us brits) to get early damage off on the tank. The slow from winter is nice if you can't aim and the lifesteal is insane if you shove in an Asi with him from Spring.

Bramble Blast is pretty much standard …
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March 09, 2017

Guide Making and Me

Views: 1685 Sodsboy
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Guide Making  |  Me  |  Thoughts
So. Let's begin.

After seeing the announcements of the S4 guide contest winners I thought to myself. "Huh, wonder where I went wrong." So I went through both my Sun Wukong and my Rama guide (Just saying, they're really both good so y'know go check them out.)

And I can understand where I really go wrong, the amount of BBcoding I do isn't on par to what the winners did and to some extent the detail wasn't as good. But this can be explained.

Normally I do my guides in school when I have nothing else to do (Just like now were I'm writing this blog in biology since I just got my controlled assessment done.) And I normally only have an hour tops to get them done. It's kinda annoying to some extent that I don't force myself to sit at my gaming PC and get it done were I could properly code it all to a fine-art practically.

But then it hit me: I don't really need to do it to that extent. My guides are my take on the god and I wanted to make it as casual - And informative - as possible whi…
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