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LF Mentor!!! Xbox1 player, good at Arena

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Forum » Introductions & Matchmaking » LF Mentor!!! Xbox1 player, good at Arena 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OliverSuddenBAM » November 6, 2018 2:56pm | Report
Hey all Iā€™m Basil, aka OliverSuddenBAM (IGN), and I recently read in a guide that mentors are a thing. Who knew? Iā€™ve been playing for about 6 months on XBox One, and am only really good at arena. I would really like to learn conquest (and all other game modes), but I need a guide. Last time I tried to play a match I got reported for ??? and no one ever really breaks down why I suck lol.
Iā€™m currently reading guides and watching streams (but more often than not, those streams and guides assume you know what youā€™re doing for the most part), and I find myself lost.
Also, Iā€™m always up for groups and friends! Iā€™m a bit confused on how to initiate headset chat on XBox One, so thereā€™s another reason why I havenā€™t had any success with anything besides arena. Iā€™m sooo willing to learn! Help a brutha out? Zoidberg maybe?

Gods Iā€™m practiced with:
Da Ji (ma gurl)

Gods I have general builds for (but am not seasoned with)

*PS* Iā€™m still working on memorizing the items and what they do, so I may have to look up any items you recommend. More interested in fulfilling a decent role and being a strategic teammate than anything else. The concept of wards makes sense to me in theory but I donā€™t know much about it.
Thanks yā€™all! Happy Smiting!


Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » November 6, 2018 3:21pm | Report
Unfortunately, I don't have an Xbox, so my help is limited to these Forums.

In the mean time, it may be advantageous of you to familiarize yourself with the different aspects of the Conquest game mode (you could check out this guide for an overview of the game mode).

I appreciate your willingness to learn, and I wish you the best of luck.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OliverSuddenBAM » November 6, 2018 3:32pm | Report
Thanks! Every little bit helps, or so Iā€™ve heard šŸ˜œ


Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 7, 2018 4:34am | Report
Hello man, I'm myst (as my name suggest :p) and I'm an Xbox Player (gt: x MysTeRioN z).

Conquest is a mode you need a lot of practice to learn each role and their tactics. You can read the Bran's guide as suggest and, although I don't have any guide for the gods you mentioned, you can find really good ones here.

My tip for you is: Try play conquest as much as possible. Arena is fun but DO NOT help you learn the entire game (just help learning how to use some gods). If you get a high level and don't know how to play with some role in conquest, then things like a report for do not know how to play (sent as intentional feeding) will become normal. And of course, don't care about stupid guys that complain about everything you do.

Practice a lot and when you notice you will be very good at conquest.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OliverSuddenBAM » November 9, 2018 1:54pm | Report
Thanks! Is there any role you suggest asking for, as a beginner? Also, do you use a headset?


Posts: 8

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