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xmysterionz's Blog
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December 22, 2022

It has been a long time

Views: 2214 xmysterionz
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birthday  |  smite  |  smitefire
I just can't believe I've been here for 5 years.
December 15, 2017 was the date I joined SF and I would never think that since that I've been through a lot.

I finished my law graduation, I had 2 generations of Xbox, I almost died, I made a lot of new friends here and it's been a wonderful experience with you guys.

Today on my birthday I come here to thank you guys for everything, all the support and awesome people you are <3

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June 02, 2020

A Special Thank You

Views: 2368 xmysterionz
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ratatoskr  |  smite  |  xmysterion
Hello my friends,

Today is a special day, I finally have my own Art :3

Since I created my youtube channel, I was always thinking about the art since I can't draw any ****. A subscriber talked with me and he said he had some friend artists that could help me with that. Then we created a special discord channel to talk about it. We talked a lot and I ended up saying my favorite "god" from the game is Ratatoskr and my name a reference to the "super-hero" Mysterion:

So the amazing artist, the @Hadassa_arts (follow her on Instagram pls) used her creative and awesome mind and hands to draw a mix of ratatoskr and mysterion!!!!

But we thought and worked a lot before she did it. Here are some original concepts:
the arts

And our work is not done yet, we still working on new stuffs that sooner I can bring here too

So, in the end I DO …
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May 13, 2020

Myst, where have you been?

Views: 2391 xmysterionz
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smite  |  youtube
Well, you guys probably didn't notice my participation on the site and/or discord has been very few lately. That's because I'm quitting the site like every Vet does after get this title XD.

Jokes apart, @Boogie and @Bran already know it but the rest of you don't, so here it is: I created an Youtube Channel.

There I basically do what we do here. Talk and Theory-Crafting about Smite, but in my native language, Portuguese!!!
So all my attention has been driven to Channel and my personal Discord Server. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to participate as much as I wanted lately but these things are taking a good amount of my free time. I know you didn't noticed that I'm not complaining, or just flooding your feed however I thought it would be important tell why :P

If anyone wants to support the channel subscribing, even though you don't understand a word there I would be very happy :)
Same for the discord server. That's it guys, thank you!!!!!

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April 25, 2020

Games, games and more games

Views: 1804 xmysterionz
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Hello, another update of my life. Covid caos arrived hard in my city and since I work on a school I was suspended of my work for 2 months. I still receiving my payment but I stay home doing nothing because the school company is handling the classes in their HQ. So, what else may I do locked at home? Yes, you are right, play videogames. I played a lot games and I want to share my experience with some of them with you reader.

Monster Hunter World

Call of Cthulhu

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March 23, 2020

An update of my life

Views: 2515 xmysterionz
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life  |  mhw  |  ori  |  personal  |  smite
Hello reader, today I'm talk about my personal life a bit.

My personal life:
Spoiler: Click to view

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