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Help about conquest

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Forum » Mentoring » Help about conquest 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by muffyblue » May 4, 2014 10:01pm | Report
Hello everyone, I wanted to leave a post a long time ago now I decide to do it. I've been playing smite for 1-2 months and I love it!. I like Neith the most but now I'm also using Nu wa and Kali (but I don't like kali too much for now). I'm in level 7 with neith (reaching level 8) but i'm very frustrating. I usually do good in arena and joust and i love conquest but i dont do good most of times...I don't know if its the team or what but I get killed a lot and i can't do much damage and i don't know which buffs do i need to take and when i do kills people get upset...I'm very new to conquest..and one of the things that i hate the most about conquest is people yelling at me because i get killed or stuff...i really do my best!! but i'm new and I cant be great at first games I played a lot in Co op and i do good but it's not the same with real players...well i would like to have some tips for u guys.. it really made me sick when people is rude and mean in conquest cause i love it and i want to be good but i don't know what should i do in those i don't even want to try to use nu wa in conquest 'cause people is gonna kill me...

In items i usually go in conquest are:

warrior tabi/heartseeker/ASI/quin's blades/deathbringer/rage

or sometimes i use deaths toll and titan's bane

Meditation and sprint for actives


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » May 4, 2014 10:26pm | Report
First of all, never get meditation. It's just bad in general. The only time you want to get it is if you're in assault mode.

Also, get Rage before Deathbringer. Deathbringer really only useful if you have something like Rage or Malice first.

Are you following the meta right (I know that it is arguably arbitrary, however it is useful)?
The meta in question would be Solo lane short lane, solo jungle, solo mid-lane, and duo long lane (with ADC and support)? Generally, the ADC (or hunter, like Neith) wants the blue buff, until late game when the jungler can afford to be without his buffs.

Remember to farm a lot. Try to get the last hits on minions, as it will grant you more exp and gold. Also, try to stay in the lane to ramp up on exp and gold. As an ADC, getting fed is very important, and is thus why you need to stay in your lane and farm.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » May 4, 2014 10:26pm | Report
Go nuts.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Asgardiano_ » May 5, 2014 5:32pm | Report
Thank you!!!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » May 5, 2014 5:54pm | Report
S'what I do.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » May 5, 2014 7:06pm | Report
Aphnex wrote:

S'what I do.

Pffffftttsssshhh, he obviously meant me.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 6, 2014 1:06am | Report
Aphnex wrote:

You are now my wolfy follower


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by muffyblue » May 6, 2014 1:13am | Report
Yep. Thank u both. I tried assault today and I can't believe there is people who take the game so serious. I got thanatos and i had no idea how to use it (and i had a hard time learning) and i got killed a lot (i finished 2/16/20). And an user insulted me all the game! for being a feeder which i was not! (I was just noob in assault). He wanted to report me ( i bet he did). The other people playing agree with me that i was new and that the user was rude (i was happy to find that kind of pple). Lol i just wanted to say this because i think u guys are awesome with this mentoring thing! I wish there were more people like u in the smite world! Cheers for this community!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Okajin » May 6, 2014 2:05am | Report

I'm kinda new, I think I'm going to be more used to the game now I achieved a little bit more half the way to the level 30 ! (Actually 17 with soon 100 games all games modes mixed). For a lot of people I'm still a noob (not the pejorative meaning of term). I'm playing more and more conquest to be used to the meta and preparing myself to the ranked games once I'll reach the level 30 and will have my 16 rank I masteries. I mostly play hunter. I followed Pentargonite's begginer's guide to conquest as a previous poster already linked. It was so much helpful !

Here's by the way a pieces of advices I shall give to you with my little experience. As it was already said, you have to farm. Even at our basics levels, we have to give our teammates the basics rules of conquest. When I play hunter, I "lead" my support to help me doing the first xp camp near the second turrets and the blue buff before the first wave of minions reachs the opposite one. To achieve that, my support have to take the active : Hand of Gods to "smite" (league of legends term) the blue buff to kill it faster without taking much damages.

The laning phase must be a farming phase for you. You will never have to engage a trading damage with the opposite hunter unless :

1 - You have more stuff than him
2 - You have a wave of your minions with you and none with him (minions will usually deal more damage on you than the gods in early stages)
3 - Your support initiated the trading (for example, an Ymir who stunned the hunter)
4 - Your jungle initiated a gank

Following those simples rules will help you a lot to get used on how to play hunter.
And the last advice I shall give to you is to try all hunters the game has. As I said, I read that to begin ranked games you have to have rank I mastery on 16 differents gods. Well, at least you'll know how to play or how some gods are working. So I decided to reach rank I mastery on all hunters in Smite ! I'll know by this way how they're working or I'll have an idea of the match ups I'll encounter. Which god can I trade or which one must I play safely and only farm.

Here's my experience so far, feel free to correct me if I said something unreasonable :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by muffyblue » May 7, 2014 11:30pm | Report
Thank you Okajin!!! U helped me a lot with ur tips ;)


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