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How do I properly start a game?

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Forum » Mentoring » How do I properly start a game? 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by z1103246 » June 10, 2014 5:13pm | Report
After playing a while, Im familiar with most of the concept of the game. However, one thing Im always confused about is how a game should start. I usually play the jungler role, and watching the pros I noticed they always get red(or white depending on which side they spawn on) with the solo, then help solo get blue and help him lane for a while. What happen in real game is when I call help, usually the mid come as well. This made me really confused as most of the time I see mid start mid camp with the duos(might be mistaken). Can someone give me a detailed explaination of how to properly start a match? Thanks!


Posts: 23
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DynastyK » June 10, 2014 5:47pm | Report
I'm not a good jungler to begin with, but that is usually the trend to the meta. The start begins with the middle buff on the solo side (red buff on blue side, yellow buff on red side), help solo get the blue buff on their side, and help solo for a while. The big thing is that as a jungler, it's important to farm up which is why you're helping solo, as well as attempting to get a head start on destroying their tower. After that, it becomes your judgement from that point on, just make sure you always have something to do and think of your routes ahead.


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by z1103246 » June 10, 2014 5:58pm | Report
where does the rest of the team go then?


Posts: 23
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DynastyK » June 10, 2014 6:07pm | Report
Usually the mid and duo goes for the mid camp on the long lane side, though that can be contested. After that, the mid goes to lane and the duo goes for blue on their end to give to the hunter. That's the most ideal situation that I have seen, but I wouldn't worry about that too often. There's also variants to the start, whether you want to invade or not, but I'm not at that point of skill to say much with confidence. Thebestminionever here would be someone to talk to about jungling in general.


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » June 10, 2014 10:10pm | Report
If you are on the order side, i.e the side where the solo lane is on the right, your jungler should start at the red buff camp, while the mid laner and solo laner start at the right mid camps near the fire giant. Then after finishing the mid camps, the mid laner goes to the mid lane, and the solo laner and jungler go to the blue buff. From there they both go to the solo lane, while the solo laner stays there and the jungler stays there only for a few waves. Then he goes to the jungle.
The duo lane start at the left blue camp and then goes to their lane.

If you are on the chaos side, i.e the side where solo lane is on the left, your jungler and solo laner should start at the left yellow buff camp for your jungler, then go to the blue buff nearby for your solo laner, and then both jungler and solo laner go to the solo lane. Again, jungler only stays for a few waves. Your mid laner and ADC should start at the right mid camps from their side, i.e the ones near the gold fury. Your support should solo the blue buff. After finishing the mid camps, the mid laner goes to the mid lane, and the ADC goes to the blue buff to pick it up. From there the support and ADC go to their lane.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » June 10, 2014 10:10pm | Report
I posted on the other thread :3


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by z1103246 » June 11, 2014 8:13am | Report
Pentargonite wrote:

I posted on the other thread :3

Whoops, that was mistake, thought I did not upload the other one. Sorry!


Posts: 23

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