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Loki isn't op, but tips would be appreciated.

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Forum » Mentoring » Loki isn't op, but tips would be appreciated. 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GPDA01 » March 2, 2014 6:58am | Report
Well, I've been playing Smite about a week now. So far, I really enjoy the game (when I get a team that doesn't insist on having three people mid and leaving me to die in left lane). However, there's one exception to my enjoyment. With Loki being on the rotation currently, I've had to play against him an annoyingly high amount of times and in every single game I've played against a Loki, that Loki has gotten at least 15 kills by the 21 minute mark in game. Now, I can counter Loki. Purification Beads do wonders when you're Thor and stun him mid way between his ult.

I've only managed that a couple times and it's frustrating. Could I get any tips on how to successfully counter a Loki as gods such as Thor, Fenrir, Athena, etc? The only problem I currently have is that his invisibility is too long in my opinion. Everything else about his kit is awesome for the god he is, but having a constant source of invisibility for longer than one second max is just ridiculous especially when he can teleport to you while invisible. Anyways, enough of the ranting, anybody have any useful tips for a Smite nub?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » March 2, 2014 8:12am | Report
aegis amulet. the moment he ults you to try and burst you you activate it and most of his damage is avoided.

on mage's if he is a probleme get breastplate of valor and on pysical gods if he is a probleme then buy nemean lion.

zeus is a strong counter to loki because when his 2 is one he reflects some damage done by basic attacks and if basic attacks hit him the god that hit him with it gets one stack of charge. at 3 charge's your 3 does massive damage and stuns. loki is all basic attacks so that works well against him.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 2, 2014 10:09am | Report
In solo queue, you're screwed. Why?

Because a fed Loki is one of the hardest things to counter in the game. Yeah, you could buy some defense items, maybe Aegis Amulet, but none of those matter when he has four levels and 2k gold above you.

Since you can't control your team, nor do they listen to you, the enemy Loki often shoves a giant Sequoia up your team's collective ***.

With a competent team, the idea is to:

1. Ward. Lokis vanish a good distance before they get close to you, and you could see him coming this way.

2. Group. Loki comes in, cuts off 80% of your health with one basic attack. Then you team ideally CC-s and focuses him and he dies.

3. Aegis Amulet counters his ultimate, but only if it's rank 3. Compared to his basics, it deals actually pretty low damage.

I'm surprised you're having trouble as Athena - you can literally block all of his damage with Preemptive Strike, and Confound completely negates his Vanish when used well.


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