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Looking for someone to teach building mechanics!

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Forum » Mentoring » Looking for someone to teach building mechanics! 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LiMBO_FoM » October 26, 2020 6:20pm | Report
Hello! I've played SMITE off and on for a total of about 3 years both on PC and PS4 and over time I've found that I really haven't learned why I would be building what I was in a match. I have a general idea of most of the items in the game but I'm extremely interested in learning how to fend for myself when it comes to certain situations. And although learning to build is my main focus I wouldn't mind and extra advice you all would be willing to send my way. Thanks in advance!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 26, 2020 9:52pm | Report
There are two ways I can think of to help: one: you send us links to matches on (just plug in your player name and hit search. Here's an example of one of my matches. This was an Assault match that managed to not die in, that's why I only have the two items). And/or, two: befriend one of us in-game and we can walk you through buying in real time. I'm personally unavailable for the latter due to some health issues, but I can certainly review your games and give you pointers. While there are items you generally get most games, what you build can vary from game to game and certainly from position to position in Conquest (the other modes have a bit more flexibility). Welcome to site and let us know what specific areas you need help with.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 27, 2020 2:00am | Report
knowing what the items do is already a great start, hopefully, you can say the same about the importance of (certain) stats, which will provide you with the reason boots is built either the first or second item people finish.

depending on class/role it's either building to good damage which is mostly a mixture of stats or some item synergies (good example of the latter is Book of Thoth on Kukulkan) or it relies more heavily on counter building (which especially the solo relies on from the start of the game).

Depending on time I could hop into a VC (I am EU though) trying to explain why builds are built the way they are, as I can tell you it's a ton to take in and in writing it will be more time consuming.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 27, 2020 9:39am | Report
My items guide might be too long for you, but you might find some helpful info there.

If you want to jump on our Discord channel, you can also chat with us there, or if one of us has time, we can jump on a voice chat with you and go over some stuff.

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