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Smite Item: Book of Thoth

Smite Item Book of Thoth

Item Details

Book of Thoth

Cost: 1300 (2500)

+60 Magical Power
+200 Mana
+20 MP5

PASSIVE - You permanently gain 12 Mana per Stack, and receive 5 Stacks for a god kill and 1 Stack per 900 Damage Dealt to minions or 450 Damage Dealt to gods. You gain Magical Power equal to 4% of your Mana from items. At 50 Stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Magical Penetration and increasing the Magical Power gained from Mana to 7%.

+60 Magical Power
+10 Magical Penetration
+800 Mana
+20 MP5

Smite Item: Book of Thoth

Smite Item Book of Thoth

Item Details

Book of Thoth

Cost: 2300

+35 Intelligence
+400 Max Mana
+4 Mana Regen

Passive: You permanently gain 10 Mana per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 900 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. You gain Intelligence equal to 4% of your Mana from items. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration and increasing the Intelligence gained from Mana to 6%.

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Kriega1 (143) | June 17, 2019 4:15am
Just so I don't get asked this again multiple times...

UNLESS you're building Book of the Dead in your build when also building Book of Thoth you DO NOT have to prioritise Shoes of Focus over Shoes of the Magi, especially when you're looking for more damage, because the pen from Magi shoes is worth more than the slight extra power the mana from CDR boots will give.
GaseousClay (1) | September 16, 2019 3:02am
Aside from the shield benefit, why do ppl say "after nerf standalone BoT isnt worth".
18PWR from 200MP is nothing. BoT gives 170PWR when evolved, highest DMG item.
I'd wait till 5th item for BoD, if I get it.
Kriega1 (143) | September 16, 2019 3:06am
Because other items provide high power without needing to be stacked (doom orb, tahuti), as well as building around (at least a bit) Thoth is ideal. Of course, if you're a mana hungry god you could just pick it up for mana, but generally you want to build around thoth.

To get the most out of the (since reworked) Thoth, you want at least 1 or 2 mana+power items to go alongside it (though there are some non-power exceptions, like Breastplate of Valor - but that's a situational pickup, great on some gods like Hel when building Book of Thoth).

The point is BoT isn't awful on it's own, it's just not as potent by itself as it was last season, and you get the most out of it when building mana+power items like (reaver, CDR shoes, poly, book of dead etc...). When non-stacking build paths exist, there isn't as much of a priority on stacking Thoth, especially when you aren't synergy building with it.
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Tlaloc1050 (17) | June 18, 2019 6:34am
Okay, but if I'm building Book of the Dead in my build while also building Book of Thoth do I have to prioritise Shoes of Focus over shoes of magi especially if I'm looking for more damage?
Kriega1 (143) | June 18, 2019 8:05am
You don’t have to, either cdr shoes for the 10% cdr and mana to contribute to Book Of Dead passive or pen boots for the extra damage (especially early game).
Devampi (105) | June 17, 2019 9:04am
While I agree, I do have to say your DPS probably increases more with CDR. However that's because CDR is the AS for mages jot because it gives mana to synergize with BoT
Kriega1 (143) | June 17, 2019 9:46am
Can always get cdr from other item sources anyways.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | December 17, 2018 12:50pm
Viability / General Use: High viability. Stacking item for glass-cannon mages with good damage scaling, best built early in slower modes for mana sustain.

Advantages: Very high power and mana at full stacks.

Disadvantages: High cost. Requires stacking.

Restrictions: Magical gods only. Banned in Assault mode.

Discussion: This item should be built no later than item #3 (and often as the 1st item), as it requires stacking and is perfect for laning stages of slower modes like Conquest. Allows for high damage and ability spamming without much fear of running out of mana.
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