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XBox player LF mentor. Also... clarify how to group up on headset???

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Forum » Mentoring » XBox player LF mentor. Also... clarify how to group up on headset??? 14 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OliverSuddenBAM » February 4, 2019 4:03pm | Report
Hey all I’m Basil, aka OliverSuddenBAM (IGN), and I recently read in a guide that mentors are a thing. Who knew? I’ve been playing for about 6 months on XBox One, and am only really good at arena. I would really like to learn conquest (and all other game modes), but I need a guide. Last time I tried to play a match I got reported for ??? and no one ever really breaks down why I suck lol.
I’m currently reading guides and watching streams (but more often than not, those streams and guides assume you know what you’re doing for the most part), and I find myself lost.
Also, I’m always up for groups and friends! I’m a bit confused on how to initiate headset chat on XBox One, so there’s another reason why I haven’t had any success with anything besides arena. I’m sooo willing to learn! Help a brutha out? Zoidberg maybe?

Gods I’m practiced with:
Da Ji (ma gurl)

Gods I have general builds for (but am not seasoned with)

*PS* I’m still working on memorizing the items and what they do, so I may have to look up any items you recommend. More interested in fulfilling a decent role and being a strategic teammate than anything else. The concept of wards makes sense to me in theory but I don’t know much about it.
Thanks y’all! Happy Smiting!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 4, 2019 4:15pm | Report
Hey Basil,

Welcome to SMITEFire. I won't be able to help you directly, but I can offer some suggestions.

Firstly, you mention you've read guides and watched streams. Watching streams is good, but you also want to get to a point where you understand what the people are doing, and why, on a video. If you have general concepts down, that will help a lot.

If you haven't yet, and you're willing, read my Conquest guide. It gives basics and considerations for each role. Depending on role, it has further information, and it also has some general strategies for laning, warding, etc. It IS a lot to read, but if you can remember a lot of that stuff, it'll help you, even if you can't apply it all at the start.

Builds: Next question, do you know how to build? If you are willing, give me an example of a build you think would work for Athena Support, Zeus Mid, and Xbalanque ADC. Give a main standard build, and some potential situational items you might consider. That'll let us know if you're generally solid on builds.

If you're not super familiar with items, you might also check out my items guide.

Roles: What roles do you think you're most interested in? I would strongly suggest against going Jungle to start. With Season 6 coming up, you'll have a better chance of getting a role you'd prefer, as you'll be choosing 2 roles when queuing. You won't necessarily get those preferred roles, but your chances should be higher than not.

With roles and god choice, you'll need to know when to go in, when to back off, how to help teammates, etc.

If you have any other specific questions, please ask and we'll be happy to answer.

(Also, Futurama was a great show)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » February 4, 2019 4:38pm | Report
Bran, Basil isn't new. He's written a similar post in the past. Maybe the help we gave him wasn't adequate so he's reposting, or this is just a zombie post.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 4, 2019 4:56pm | Report
Oh, well, oops.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » February 4, 2019 5:03pm | Report
Actually, this is similar to his previous post word for word. Basil, you wanna tell us what this is all about?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OliverSuddenBAM » February 4, 2019 5:18pm | Report
Hey Bran! (Can I call you Bran?)
I love your guide, have read it a couple times (but as you probably know, when you don’t have that info memorized, it’s difficult to refer to during a match). It’s definitely helped me understand what’s expected of me based on the role/god that I choose!
So I wouldn’t say that I know how to build on my own... but I’m good about finding a build online, testing it, adding options (or scrapping items altogether) in case of situations that the build doesn’t work for me. But to answer your question, I like to put a few things in my item builder (keeping in mind that I tested these in Arena), like:

Athena—starter: guardian’s blessing, magic shell upgrade, chalice of healing; shoes of focus. In my “core” group, I have Gauntlet of Thebes for health, Sovereignty to bulk up even more, and Hide of the Urchin. I like to bulk up early so my team can go for kills while I rank and distract.
My next items depend on what the opposing team is like, or do I need more attack (phys or mag) or defense (same)? Attack: talisman of energy, jade emperor’s crown; defense: spirit robe, Shogun’s Kusari. Final relic is usually Aegis, or Bracer. Final consumable is elixir of defense.

Zeus—starter: mages blessing, bracer, chalice heal, elixir of defense; core: shoes of the magi, hide of urchin. Damage: pythagorem’s piece, obsidian shard, rod of tahuti, spear of desolation. Defense: void stone, gem of isolation, travelers cloak, rod of Asclepius. Meditation cloak for 2nd rune.

Xbalanque (I love this build)—starter: ninja tabi, multi potion, ward (specifically for conquest, in case you were wondering). Core—bloodforge. Damage: the crusher, wind demon, poisoned star, deathbringer (that’s right, run b*tches). Defense: none (always up for suggestions). Runes: I love heavenly wings and shield of thorns, but sometimes go bracer. Lastly, elixir of power.

It just occurred to me that I don’t put a whole lot of consumable options because they’re fairly easy to find in the item shop.

I wish i was skilled enough to jungle, cuz I love Da Ji, but since I’m not skilled enough I’d usually probably start hunter or guardian so I can have another person in my lane.

I’m glad you agree about Futurama 🤪
What do ya think?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OliverSuddenBAM » February 4, 2019 5:19pm | Report
I posted again because I’ve been away for a while, but didn’t get a person responding about wanting to mentor or practice, so I posted again


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » February 4, 2019 5:21pm | Report
Alright fair enough. Sorry for being overly protective of Bran. He's been working much harder than he should due to a sudden influx of trolls.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OliverSuddenBAM » February 4, 2019 5:24pm | Report
Awe I get that, sorry for looking like a creepazoid lol not intended


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » February 4, 2019 7:42pm | Report
I'd help but I only play on PC. Sorry.

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