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As Support: Can I use a Meditation Cloak?

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As Support: Can I use a Meditation Cloak?
Yeah, it's viable. Explain in comments.
Nah, sucks. Explain in comments.
Mixed/Depends. Still explain in comments.
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Geinexi » April 20, 2020 10:19am | Report
I've found that my carry sometimes gets really low. As I main Terra, who's healing in the beginning is kinda gay, which I can work with, but then the carry does something stupid, and I gotta heal em. So I use a meditation cloak. It's quick. Is aoe. I hardly ever upgrade it. And honestly I've used it to save many matches. I think it's worthwhile if used appropriately and not selfishly. Any thoughts? Even in late game it's a good "oh **** heal". As there's usually someone around me. Yeah it's not the best. But it suits my playstyle as a healer who can not only heal, can do some dps, and take some damage. Not a hybrid by anymeans. I focus on trying to be more tanky with a couple dps items depending on who I'm fighting. I find that some recommendations like thorn of shields isn't worth it? I mean. Sure, I die a couple times. But I get more assists and am never negative, and only if we got feeders do I typically lose. I have a team though. So I dunno. Just three people or four. Always keep a spot open for recommendations if they deserve it. And honestly, I once was just goofing off. But i tried one attack item. And the rest defense items and buffs with another healer, and we just ripped into people. We kept healing each other. We won the match. they cost 7 kills and our team 27ish? Conquest. I'm rambling. I just think that there not being a pure support god, doesn't mean you can't be flexible with an enduring support I guess. I dunno. I'm new I guess.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 20, 2020 10:22am | Report
You only build Meditation on Chang'e Solo due to her passive, which lets her skip Teleport. For Support you should almost NEVER be building Meditation over Shell.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 20, 2020 10:32am | Report
To explain a bit why Kriega is indicating Magic Shell is superior to Meditation Cloak, it's not so much for early game as it is for late. Early game, Med can be quite useful for the burst heal and mana.

Late game, Med's heal gets countered by any anti-heal, so isn't that great for that aspect in a teamfight (and late-game you rarely need mana like you do early).

In addition, while you say you don't usually upgrade Med later (which is fine), the same doesn't go for Shell. Shell upgrade provides 2 stacks of block, completely negating 2 basics. That can be worth the same as 500-1000 health late-game against an enemy building crits.

Shell seems limited because it's a shield that disappears in a few seconds if you're not hit, but it IS more useful when upgraded and used properly.

The other common items for Supports depend on the Support being used. Blink Rune for initiation purposes (Geb / Sylv / Ares / Cerb etc.), Heavenly Wings for any Support, and Belt of Frenzy possibly for teamfights. Shield of Thorns got nerfed and isn't picked up as often right now.

But for you...I'd suggest trying out Shell and getting familiar with its use. Give it a good shot. If you still don't prefer it over Med and you find Med working for you, just keep using it...but just understand the downsides.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 20, 2020 10:37am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

To explain a bit why Kriega is indicating Magic Shell is superior to Meditation Cloak, it's not so much for early game as it is for late. Early game, Med can be quite useful for the burst heal and mana.

Magic Shell = 100 + 12 per level. Meditation = 75 + 12 per level.

Magic Shell is pretty good early.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

That can be worth the same as 500-1000 health late-game against an enemy building crits.

Or an Assassin with Hydra's + high power and pen diving a carry.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » April 20, 2020 11:48am | Report
You find that your carry some times gets low. Make sure to not be out of position - not aggressing when you're at a disadvantage, etc.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » April 20, 2020 12:00pm | Report
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say that while Magic Shell outclasses Meditation Cloak in every way (both early and late game) Med can still be a viable pickup to counter executes, since a well timed Med can save someone from Thanatos, Ao Kuang and even Achilles ultimates.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 20, 2020 12:03pm | Report
I can't see any reason to get med over shell. Mana is just management, and heal is easily countered in the game. Maybe executes but even so, I would just pick aegis instead.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » April 20, 2020 12:15pm | Report
Like bran said, if med, instead of shell, helps the OP win his games at his level, then by all means, keep getting med. But he has to understand how shell outclasses med. If med is helping OP win now, he'll start to see it's weaknesses as the level of competition increases.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 20, 2020 2:45pm | Report
Some points from the discussion.

Yes, a Med can temporarily save someone on the borderline from an execute, but any decent Thana is going to have the rest of their kit available in most cases, and the follow-up will likely finish off any low-health targets. (Not always, but most of the time)

Yes, mana management "solves" the early mana issues, but a counter-argument there is that in some cases, a bit of extra health and mana can be a difference in surviving/winning an early teamfight or allowing you to strongly pressure lane early. Depending on comp, that can give you an early advantage you can use to maintain pressure throughout the game.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 20, 2020 3:22pm | Report
Meditation isn't going to do hardly anything to stop a Thanatos execute, and even if it does the person is still dead.


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