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How to not be/survive ganks when midding

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Forum » New Player Help » How to not be/survive ganks when midding 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RDAJDLH » March 22, 2013 2:51am | Report
Hello, I am roughly level 15 and every time I go mid i get ganked like crazy. Are there any tips you guys could give to help me survive them? I've tried telling my team to MIA and ward but they rarely do. I mid on Poseidon the most, and Ao Kuang second most. Thank you for your time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » March 22, 2013 4:10am | Report
It helps to have some map awareness of your own. Don't always count on your allies to call MIA for you, especially if they aren't communicating that info with you. Take a look at the minimap now and then, especially when you are extending your lane. The closer you are to the enemy tower, the more vulnerable you become to enemy ganks.

As for surviving the ganks, I would highly recommend picking up an ability like Purification Beads or Sprint on your first recall back to base. This way if you're playing those two gods you mentioned (who lack a reliable escape mechanism), you have some way to break yourself out of the slow or CC that gets thrown your way. You may even want to consider buying an ability at the start of the game if you're up against notable roamers like Ymir and Arachne.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » March 22, 2013 3:57pm | Report

You need wards as simple as that. As of the GP5 nerf tanks can't solo ward anymore unless they want to fall behind hard,so you need to get your own wards if you are planning on pushing past the middle of the middle lane :D.

Once you get them put them down in places where enemies usually come from and keep an eye on the map.And for surviving ganks then they happen as Sunfall said beads sprint and aegis are your best friends.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Geletin » March 23, 2013 8:59am | Report
Just make sure you're very aware of the left and right sides of the lane. Look over to the other lanes and see if anyone is missing.

And most importantly, if you think you're in danger hug that tower!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aberra » May 23, 2013 8:51am | Report
Another thing to do is to take into account the scenarios that make ganking mid possible. When they happen, exercise some caution if your teammates aren't heeding advice to call MIAs. Supposing you don't ward or find yourself without escape items/skills, learn as much as you can about the other team through the minimap and the kill feed like where each person is and who they are up against.

If you see a roamer/jungler on the enemy team then be careful in general. Also, if you see a lane get pushed and some ally deaths pop might be time to back up a little and do a little planning. Seeing the writing on the wall, so to speak, can make all the difference when your team isn't helping out and you aren't as prepared as you'd like to be.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OssiansFolly » May 24, 2013 12:27pm | Report
I recommend watching the behavior of the enemy in mid. If you see that they typically are using abilities and then they didn't this last creep wave, or they seem to be approaching you then you need to back off and go back to your tower.

What happens most of the time is they are letting you push the lane or drawing you in so you are caught forward and get ganked. Either that or they will push at you ignoring creeps which is a good signal that someone is coming in for a gank.

Obviously some map awareness is needed, but you can only do so much...thats why playing with friends is important. Their jungle/gankers "should" be in your right lane (their left lane which is your right lane has their blue and red jungle camps), so that should be a larger focus than left lane.

You should also never be further than mid-way through until you have your Ult at level 5. I try and remain back until like 7 or 8 just to be safe.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » June 2, 2013 2:41pm | Report
Wards. I know you may think: ''Why should I Buy wards?'', Wards are one of the greatest things of the game, the second greatest consumable in my opinion.

So, you shall ward some jungle paths to your mid lane. Or, try to have team communication( I have a friend on your level, and so usually his team doesn't communicate to him. 'Cause they don't know how to use the VGS commands), so learn the VGS commands. If your team doesn't know how to use it, then teach.

And also, stop pushing. Farm at tower if an enemie is missing.

An example:

You're Ao Kuang fighting a Ra in the mid lane. You're dominating the lane. Then, your right lane says their enemie is missing( Ymir). So you have no wards near to your jungle paths, so you stop pushing and stay at your tower. Use your Tornadoes in the creep wave under your tower. Ymir tries to tower dive you, but leaves with low HP.

Congrats, you survived a gank.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » June 2, 2013 2:53pm | Report
Here is my take on this:

1. Always be able to predict the outcome of events. For instance, if you are pushing the lane, you have a higher chance that you will be ganked. If an enemy dies, always assume that they could gank you. If there is a jungler, always assume that they could be around the corner. If a MIA is called, always assume that they are coming for you.

Awareness is key. Wards help, obviously, but if you're up in lane you have a harder time getting to safety, which could get you killed.

2. Learn to watch the mini-map at all times. If an enemy sign is gone, they could be close to you. Know where your wards are, and always have an escape plan should you be up in lane.

3. If the mid enemy is missing, do whatever you can to farm deprive them. Unless they are clearly ganking a lane that is not doing well, in which case go get that **** if possible. You can also get red buff, since it's obviously helpful.

4. Always assume that in the absence of an enemy on mid, someone can take their place temporarily. If they do, you have a harder time getting items and they could have an advantage. Keep watch of who is dead, who is MIA, and try to make sure that this doesn't happen. If it does, either keep farming or call for help. It's your best shot.

5. Did I mention wards? If you're nervous, or just in general, ward the jungle entrances that you believe you have a higher chance of being ganked at.

6. If your God does not have escapes, have a sense of caution. If you get tag-teamed, you will probably die.


7. Know your enemy. If they are sitting in lane... they're probably waiting for help or they're afraid of you. If they're running right toward you like an idiot, you might be in the middle of a death sandwich.

8. If you kill the enemy, don't hang around. Go and get items.

9. Do not assume that your allies are reliable. Some of them are idiots, and they might not be the best in calling ganks or helping out. If they help, great. If not, then they're either busy or they're idiots.

10. Try to have a sufficient supply of mana. If you DO get ganked, make sure you have the means to either defend yourself or run away. Seriously... just do it.

I hope this helps. Follow these, and you should be fine. Oh, and if Thor drops on you with his Ult... run.

Check out my Artemis Guide and my Ao Kuang Guide!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 13, 2013 1:27am | Report
Also you need to know what you need to do to get out of a gank when you are caught in one.

If I was posideon and I was ganked, the first thing I would do is try to throw down a whirl pool on top of myself, turn around hit a mofo with my wave and fight while retreating unless on low health.

Most the time I juke like crazy, if I'm running strait I will stop hurry up and move backwards then strait again which most the times makes the idiots turn around giving me time to get away.

I played Ao Kuang today and kept getting ganked by a failure *** fenrir who I killed both times when he ganked me.

Basically I threw his tornado down and I went inside my own tornado forcing him to take damage if he wants to TRY TO kill me, while inside I just attack him with my 1 and try to juke.

Each time he died and each time I typed "EAT MY NADO *****" my team was laughing hard at his failure ganks


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