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Dark Jaw's Blog
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Dark Jaw
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June 29, 2014

Archiving all of my guides.

Views: 2095 Dark Jaw
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Due to the lack of time, I'll just archive EVERY of my guides for now. I plan to update them, but my procrastination concerns me. Also, my lack of interest on SMITE too...

Once I update all of my guides, I shall come back to SmiteFire, join the discussions and such. My apologizes, everyone.

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May 21, 2014

SCII Hat from Heroes' Contest.

Views: 1545 Dark Jaw
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Hat  |  Heroesfire  |  HotS  |  SCII  |  Starcraft II  |  stuff
Finally! It's here. It's finally here. My SCII Hat that I got from the Heroesfire contest!

I pretend to take a picture with it. By the way, it looks so good! I think that was the first time I actually got a prize from a contest( I usually don't win contests).

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April 02, 2014

So many feelings.

Views: 1878 Dark Jaw
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A bunch of different  |  Happy  |  Mad  |  New Patch  |  Sad
Okay. Today I feel Angry, Happy and Sad in the same time. How's that possible? Let's look up for what happened today.

I don't know if I was on SmiteFire during last year's April, but I remember of not being able to get Feaster Bunny Bakasura( He's one of the few assassins I actually like), so I thought: ''Next year I'll buy it for sure!''

Now, the ''next year'' is in, and Feaster Bunny returns. And my rage as well. Why? Only 37 moda****in' gems left to buy this amazing skin. And I might not be able to purchase it( I do not have a credit card for myself, like those fancy first world country kids), plus, my parents thinks it's stupid to ''waste'' money on a game, if you can play it for free.

Other than that, I'm happy with the new Bastet Model. I used to laugh with my friend at how clunky she used to look like. ''She looks like something from Play-Doh.'', and so on. Plus, my SC2 Hat is coming! I will look so swag with it.

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February 20, 2014

Some good stuff.

Views: 1558 Dark Jaw
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Sup guys. This is not a depressive post, I got over all this stuff. I won't make your life worse with depressive posts, for now on!

What have I been doing all this time? Playing LoL. Yes, I know a lot of Smite players hate LoL for some reason, but you should give it a try. Smite Community is being the exact same as LoL's, so community is not a reason for complaint. The game itself is amazing, with cool updates. It's also pretty damn popular here in Brazil, and I've even made some ''friends'' that play LoL on school. I'll try to stick to Smite, but certain changes... just make me not feeling to play it.

Imma noob.

I also have been playing some Dawngate with Jararo, Snub and other people. It's a cool game, too.

BACK TO SMITE, I loved the Agni visual upgrade. Now I can rage at a cool-looking god. While that, I'll cry in a corner while Bastet does not receive a sexy, good-looking visual upgrade.

I also gathered some ideas for a Remake of my Apep God Concept. Quotes, Taunts, Jokes…
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February 05, 2014

My future, and thoughts.

Views: 1991 Dark Jaw
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Time for another depressive post of your favorite Jaw, Dark Jaw.

On a serious note, I'm sure my future might change. All the plans I've dreamed to realize, and that I was close to achieve, are now only dreams. Fulls of tears.

Not so long ago, I made a long post about my life, and how sad I was about it. At the end of the post, talking about my current state of life, I mentioned that my parents were having a tough time, fighting a lot. This now reached a concerning point. My father threatened my mother, saying that if she dare to divorce him, he would beat her so much, that no Hospital would save her. My sister started crying, when he was about to advance on her. But as I mentioned, it was only a threat. I was ready to jump on him if he dared to kill my mother.

After all, he must be feeling threatened. If he wants to beat my mother, while HE is the wrong one of the story, it must be the truth.

Anywho, I have no escape. Here are my two cents of what might happen next to my life.

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