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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sorang » November 19, 2018 1:30pm | Report
Hi, hi! I'm on level 23.
I've played about 60 matches so far, Most of them are conquest.
My favourite role is ADC so far because it allows me to carry the game evenif some of the allies get a lot of deaths. I've got 71% of win rate as Hachiman.
However, as I started to meet more skilled people as my opponent, I've got some questions.

1. How do I deal with Athena on the lane? Everytime I approach to the minion to kill them, Athena would taunt me. I always try to keep the distance from her and try to poke her with my abilities so that she wouldn't be with enough health to pick up the fight. However, Unless I decide not to kill the minions at all, I always get taunted eventually. Beads would save me for sure, but it has a cool down. What should I do against her?

2. When I see Mercury on the enemy team, I always get scared because Mercury will be killing me a lot of times on the late game. Against other assassins, I can try to juke or attack him when I have an enough life steal. or as Chiron, I can just turn my ult on and try to kill the assassin because I'll be able to revive for free. However, Mercury always comes from nowhere, does whatever he wants to do, and disappears in a few seconds. I usually don't even get a chance to attack him. I try to stay in the back with the ally mage or guardian, but they usually can't help me when mercury appears because he's too fast...

I don't want to blame my teammates for everything, but I actually think those problems should be handled by the ally guardian.
The guardian should try to attack Athena when she's being aggresive, so that she wouldn't be able to approach more or would be forced to taunt the guardian instead of me.
And the ally mage or the guardian should try to stop mercury for a while by using their crowd control skills before he escapes so that I or other allies can kill him.
but again, I just don't want to blame my teammates while I'm doing nothing, so I decided to figure out what I can do by myself.
A little korean boy who plays League of Legends, Smite, PUBG, Waframe!
I'm also a furry artist, and a youtuber with 3k subscribers


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 19, 2018 1:43pm | Report
You're probably facing a lot of issues due to quality of teammates.

That said, there are some things you can try to do to help yourself out.

With your Athena example, she's only really effective when she taunts you and her teammate(s) can follow up. You might watch how aggressive Athena comes out to challenge you, and how far back the enemy ADC is. If Athena comes past your minions, you can try baiting her taunt out...although she can hurt you with her Shield Wall and her dash ( Preemptive Strike), Confound does no damage and has a long CD. Bait the taunt with her teammate in no position to take advantage, and you can turn and aggress the other way, possibly killing Athena early before she has much in the way of protections...even better if your Support can also focus her.

Another option, if you're quick enough with Hachiman, would be, say she likes to dash in then immediately taunt...if you're looking for that, you can dash through her with Iaijutsu, possibly dodging her taunt, possibly getting 2 hits and a stun. Obviously don't blow your dash if it's dangerous, and especially if you don't have your ult up as backup.

For Merc, yeah, if they're good, it can be very difficult. You need to save beads for him when possible, and even then he might still kill you. You will unfortunately be somewhat reliant on your teammates to help out there. Merc needs nerfs. Obviously wards will help, but even then, depending on where you are when you spot him, you might still be toast.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sorang » November 19, 2018 2:35pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

You're probably facing a lot of issues due to quality of teammates.

That said, there are some things you can try to do to help yourself out.

With your Athena example, she's only really effective when she taunts you and her teammate(s) can follow up. You might watch how aggressive Athena comes out to challenge you, and how far back the enemy ADC is. If Athena comes past your minions, you can try baiting her taunt out...although she can hurt you with her Shield Wall and her dash ( Preemptive Strike), Confound does no damage and has a long CD. Bait the taunt with her teammate in no position to take advantage, and you can turn and aggress the other way, possibly killing Athena early before she has much in the way of protections...even better if your Support can also focus her.

Another option, if you're quick enough with Hachiman, would be, say she likes to dash in then immediately taunt...if you're looking for that, you can dash through her with Iaijutsu, possibly dodging her taunt, possibly getting 2 hits and a stun. Obviously don't blow your dash if it's dangerous, and especially if you don't have your ult up as backup.

For Merc, yeah, if they're good, it can be very difficult. You need to save beads for him when possible, and even then he might still kill you. You will unfortunately be somewhat reliant on your teammates to help out there. Merc needs nerfs. Obviously wards will help, but even then, depending on where you are when you spot him, you might still be toast.

Thankies a lot for the advices!
As you said, I still think my teammates should help me with these problems
but now I know what I should do to reduce the chance to get reckt!
A little korean boy who plays League of Legends, Smite, PUBG, Waframe!
I'm also a furry artist, and a youtuber with 3k subscribers


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 19, 2018 3:10pm | Report
About athena it's simple avoid being taunt with her 2. This skill is very powerful against squishy targets as ADC. Purifications Beads (a relic) can help you plus, and only in last case a defensive item magi's cloak can be done to counter it.

About Mercury there's nothing you can do about it. Just accept your death. Stay together with your team and call for help is the best chance to survive. Do not walk around alone.

I hope this helps you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 19, 2018 3:27pm | Report
@Myst, it's never that simple. Between her tankiness and her range with the dash, it's very difficult to avoid the taunt. And it's horrible to have to blow your beads on an ability that comes up every 18 seconds max (less with CDR). So it's needing to bait when possible, or just be in a location that makes you safer...and if you have specific abilities that can interrupt, be ready with a twitch of the finger.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 19, 2018 3:33pm | Report
I do know bran, but I'm on my smartphone so it's horrible to write things here. People could do an app of this site :p

In fact, things are simple, but how you will do it is the problem.


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