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I'm new to this game and I started to dislike the game

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Forum » New Player Help » I'm new to this game and I started to dislike the game 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sorangkun » October 16, 2018 4:26pm | Report
Hi, First of all, you will be finding so many grammar errors on this thread since I'm a korean.
I've played leage of legends since the first season, and tried some other MOBA games.
My boyfriend brought me to the world of smite, I really liked the game.
However, Like I've already mentioned on the title, I've started to dislike the game.
I usually play Conquest, and I get some annoying people on every matches.
People those simply lock in the gods directly without notifying what the lane they want is,
People those get tons of deaths on early game (I don't blame people for being a noob but, this kind of people usually don't even communicate with their teammates. They just do what they want to do, and get more deaths)
People those blame their teammates no matter if they're losing or not.
I've learnt there's no way I can get rid of those people by playing LoL for several years.
However, Since I'm new to this game, I can't be so sure if the problem is on me or not.
I mean, On LoL, If somebody got more than 10 deaths on early game, Nobody would be able to carry the game. But... Maybe the things are slightly different with this game. I dunno.

Sorry for complaining. The question is... Is there I can win the match with those kinds of people? I usually play as Ratatoskr (He's name is so confusing to spell -_-) Jungle. Can I prevent the game from being doomed by ganking the lanes a lot or something?
or when I play as Ra mid, Can I carry the game by farming Xps and golds, growing up??

I've even started to doubt if I could ever win.
I need help while I don't even know what the thing I exactly need is
This is just, frustrating. I really love the game and want to enjoy it
However, I'll never be able to enjoy the game if I always get rekt because I'm surely not a masochist. Sigh...
Sorangkun is a noob Smite player from South korea.
He has been learning the game, losing tons of matches.
Pyonpyonkun is the person who recommended the game, and is the love of his life


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 16, 2018 4:43pm | Report
Hi Sorangkun,

Sorry to hear you've been having these issues. Thing is, depending on what level you are, you're still going to be in noob hell. (I've had this experience in reverse, as I've played just a bit of LoL lately, and it's full of people that have 0 clue what's going on, combined with smurfs in almost every match)

Can you carry a game if you gank and are doing very well? Sometimes. But it might not always be enough to make up for teammates that are feeding their brains out. You can't be everywhere at once.

The best way to deal with this is to join with groups that know what they're doing. If you've come across someone in your matches that you feel does well, try to friend them. Get enough of them, and you'll be able to play often with people that will help balance your experience better than when you just solo queue.

That's about as much as I can even suggest, unfortunately. It is a great game, but I understand your frustration. Try to stick with it.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sorangkun » October 16, 2018 5:30pm | Report
Thankies for a lot replying!
I'll look for some right people to play with~
Sorangkun is a noob Smite player from South korea.
He has been learning the game, losing tons of matches.
Pyonpyonkun is the person who recommended the game, and is the love of his life


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » October 17, 2018 12:53am | Report
Could try ranked as usually people call out their roles there.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 17, 2018 7:11am | Report
Hello Sorangkun,

Man I understand what you are feeling. I'm a 110 Account level on Xbox, and when I created a new account on PC I got so many newbies on every match I played. Same for Xbox, where I created the account x RaTaToSkr z, and on the first match I got more than 20 kills with Cupid because nobody there knew what they are doing (except a smurf Awilix and me) (you can check the match here).

Also this happens in any game, when your account is new, you get new people, that usually, don't even know what they are doing or how to play correctly the game, it's normal.

So, don't let this newbies make you stop playing, use this matches to test characters and builds for when you come to "normal people" matches, you will be ready for the true Smite. Play with your friends, read the guides here, watch videos, learn and explore the game now and later you will be unbeatable ;)


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