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Little bit of a Dilemma

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Forum » New Player Help » Little bit of a Dilemma 18 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 3, 2018 9:40am | Report
(Diabolic, this is Bran...I've created extra paragraphs to help break up the big gray wall of text, hope you don't mind.)

Hey everyone, I'm experiencing a little bit of a dilemma and wanted to ask if there was some way to remedy it. So I mostly play arena and lately I've been experiencing what I feel is a long and unnecessary losing streak.

Now before you stop reading and label me as a "sore loser", hear me out. I honestly don't care if I win or lose, I play Smite casually to have fun but how I've been losing lately is really starting to get to me. I solo queue and so far every match I've played for the last 5 matches or so has been horrible and my team doesn't seem to grasp the concept of teamwork. It's like a never ending dream where I literally walk out of base (half the time I don't even get out of my towers range) and get hit by 2 or 3 forms of CC followed by multiple abilities all aimed at me. If I'm lucky enough and the other team isn't camping outside the fountain I more often than not come out to see an entire wave of minions walking into our portal uncontested. And of course when I am able to intercept them I'm shut down with multiple CC and die.

I understand that I might be playing with some really new and inexperienced players, I myself am far from an experienced player and have much to learn, but a full wave of minions should not be able to walk into your portal uncontested unless your entire team is waiting to respawn (which hasn't been the case for me). On top of that, in a teamfight mode like arena the enemy team shouldn't be able to have 3 or more guys camped outside of our fountain waiting to shut people down. They should be under pressure most of the time and not feel that safe so close to your base.

Half the time I don't know where my teammates are. They're either off trying to steal buffs or chasing a lone enemy towards their base who's not in any real danger of dying, leaving the rest of the enemy team and their minion waves a free pass to our portal. I don't have voice chat but whenever I send in-game commands I don't get any response and our team remains completely divided doing their own thing.

I apologize for the long rant but it's been getting frustrating and I'm not sure what I can do. I would play with a pre-made team but I don't have any friends who play and I play at irregular times that I can't find re-occurring people in my clan that play same time as me or are a similar level. I don't know if you guys have any suggestions or advice that might help or some god suggestions that are able to carry a team when built and played right that might help offset the lack of teamwork but any help is greatly appreciated. Another option is just stop playing arena and go to another mode like Conquest where teamwork might be more common.


Posts: 60
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 3, 2018 9:53am | Report
Arena is a bit of a mixed bag. If you're on the PC, you should join our clan.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 3, 2018 10:01am | Report
I'm on PS4 but PC might be something I need to try. Playing on PC would be a bit of a learning curve but the main reason I haven't done PC yet is I don't know that my PC really has the specs to run Smite efficiently.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 3, 2018 10:15am | Report
What are your specs? I run it on an i5-4690k oced to 4.2 Ghz with 8 gigs RAM. I also have a 1080 ti, but I used to have a 970 that worked just fine with Smite.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 3, 2018 10:47am | Report
You're still very new in terms of account level (28), and that means you're going to be paired with anywhere from brand new players to people with slightly more experience...unless you're talking smurf accounts.

A lot of what you're experiencing should be expected, unfortunately, as new players on console tend to be less caring about things...oh, I'm gonna try to get kills (like I do in CoD), and if I get frustrated in the middle of a match I'll just leave, who cares, I'll go back to CoD or GTAO or whatever.

This is an account level grind, then, and you just have to have patience. Play the game as well as YOU can, and you'll eventually get to a point where you'll be playing with more experienced players.

Arena also tends to be a haven for players that don't understand the finer nuances of the more complex modes (LOL I should know).

As an FYI, in your latest match where you were Osiris, here are the spread of account levels:

4, 6, 7, 7, 8, 17, 18, 23, 28 (you), 29. Average account level 15. No surprise.

The game before was a bit better, with most players in the 20s, but still...that's very low account.

You'll have to do the same type of slog on PC, but between the two, PC is the better option if your setup can cut it.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 3, 2018 10:47am | Report
I couldn't tell you right now. The computer I'm using right now doesn't meet the minimum requirements and there is a computer I might be able to use but it's not with me and I haven't checked the specs yet. I don't know much about computer specs so I can't really guess at what would work, I just use the Can I Run It site.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 3, 2018 11:00am | Report
Oh yeah, that was my other pet peeve, half the team leaving 10 minutes in. Yeah everyone I generally match up with are low levels like me or less and I guess this is just one of those account grinds but I've got to say, it sure makes learning a new god hard. Getting nuked every time you show your face isn't the greatest learning method though I suppose bots are an option for learning combos and whatnot. I'll look into the PC thing more but I'm a little hesitant just because I won't have my ultimate god pack anymore and I don't know if I want to spend the money again.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 3, 2018 11:42am | Report
If you do decide to come over to the PC, there are plenty of us who are more than willing to help you get your feet under you.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 3, 2018 11:44am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

What are your specs? I run it on an i5-4690k oced to 4.2 Ghz with 8 gigs RAM. I also have a 1080 ti, but I used to have a 970 that worked just fine with Smite.

So checked my specs with that "Can I Run It?" site and I meet the minimum requirements and the only thing I'm lacking in is the recommended CPU (minimum CPU is fine though). According to the site I have an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz. 8 gigs of ram. Not sure if that helps.

@Bran Thanks, don't mind the edit at all. I should've gone back and fixed it right away but didn't (not really sure why). My bad.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » October 3, 2018 11:48am | Report
I got a solution for you. Play a full tank, selfish support ***bakharna. Go around the map just spamming your 3 and occasionally your 2. Return to base when you're at half health. Now keep in mind that you'll still lose the game if your team doesn't follow up, but what can you do in a 1v5 situation anyway?

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Also, your pc specs are fine. Just play on minimum graphics if youre unsure.

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