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Noob Help!!

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Forum » New Player Help » Noob Help!! 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mirrorneith » September 2, 2013 10:13pm | Report
Hello All,

SO i have just started playing smite today. Was interested by my boyfriend. I am really liking the game so far but i have only played the basic tutorial because i am trying to get as familiar with as possible. My question to you all is, do you have any advice for me? Any tips? Especially from those that of course may still be new but have of course been playing longer than a day? I played LoL before and i am usually a carry/support. Advice please!!! Anything i will take!

Thank You All!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by meleewarrior » September 3, 2013 12:00am | Report
hey, just play as much defence as you can while trying to attack when they are half health and mana if you want we can get a few games?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 3, 2013 8:10am | Report
mirrorneith wrote:

Hello All,

SO i have just started playing smite today. Was interested by my boyfriend. I am really liking the game so far but i have only played the basic tutorial because i am trying to get as familiar with as possible. My question to you all is, do you have any advice for me? Any tips? Especially from those that of course may still be new but have of course been playing longer than a day? I played LoL before and i am usually a carry/support. Advice please!!! Anything i will take!

Thank You All!

look up a few builds here and search which god you like.

buy the ultimate god pack its worth it so much.

in game try to becarefull around minions at early levels because the will kill you faster then in LOL.

just play and relax. in smite early levels you don't really have to try to win. just have fun, ofcours you can go try hard and try to win if that brings you fun.

last but not least
FINISH YOU ITEMS BEFORE BUYING ANOTHER ONE. that is something you see A LOT at early levels and it hurts my soul.

have fun and welcome to the awesome world of smite :D
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aidiakapi » September 3, 2013 2:49pm | Report
First of all, the role dividing in SMITE is more flexible than in most MOBA's (a bit more than LoL, and A LOT more than Dota). Every god has the potential to snowball and kill a lot, however, some gods have an easier or better time doing so, and have a set of abilities to support it. Sorry for the wall of text, I hope it helps.

Some tips:

- When an enemy is running away, and you're not 95% sure you're gonna get a kill, just retreat, his friends could be waiting around the corner to gank you. And be 99% sure you can get the kill when you dive. Every hit from the tower deals a ****load of damage, and only do it when you're absolutely sure it's worth the hp loss.

- What counts for every MOBA is that you must remain peaceful, if you turn it into a ragefest you will only play worse, and annoy others. Same goes for other people, if they're being stupid, or just calling you ****, there's a mute button, use it. (Hold tab, click on the mic thing)

- Read up on your god before playing. Know what the abilities do (and especially the passive), watch the SMITE god reveal on YouTube, and know where that god is best at.

For example, if you play Freya, you should know that in order to survive she needs to kill the enemy before they kill her. Killing her is easy because she's so squishy, but getting killed by her is even easier, because she simply deals massive damage.

If you were to play Aphrodite (arguably the only real "full support" in SMITE) on the other hand, you rely on your soulmate a lot (yes, you can play her as a mage to deal more damage, but let's be honest, other gods are simply better at that). So before you lock in your god, look at what your team is, and think if someone would make a good soulmate, and if you could lane with them. Which brings me to my next point...

- Team composition. A good, balanced team generally exists out of: 2/3 magical gods, 2/3 physical gods, a tank, a bruiser, an ADC, an APC and a mage/support. The tank to simply be your meat shield and provide you invaluable CC (from my experience Ymir is one of the tanks that's most fun to play, because your stun just lasts forever and you can stack a massive slow over it, and then watch your team wreck). A bruiser to deal damage while being able to sustain enough damage to make sure the enemy dies. An ADC to provide physical damage, and APC to provide magical damage and a mage/support for damaging and healing/***-saving. (I personally think Hel really fits in this perfectly, deals a whole load of damage (though she has to be at a dangerous range to do so), while also having powerful AoE healing which is now buffed with an extra speed buff.)

- Now comes a whole lot of boring talk about items and such, your build is just as important as your playstyle, so I would recommend reading up on items, but for starters you can choose your items from guides on SmiteFire, even though some of the top rated guides aren't even good builds. A possibly better choice is to look through the popular items tab, lots of times you can create a pretty good build with items from there.

It is also valuable to learn to build for the situation. For example when playing Athena against a team with mostly magical damage (1 non AD carry physical damager) it might be better to pick up Chronos Pendant for the extra MP5 and MP instead of an awesome item called Breastplate of Valor (mana + LOADS of physical protection + cooldown reduction, what more can a tank with extremely low mana pool wish for?)

Building for the situation is something you'll mostly be doing on higher level play, for now guides and popular items will work just fine.

- Get actives and consumables. In game modes where sustain is important (assault) you need those consumables to be able to survive. If you survive and contribute to kills and farm your team will get an advantage over time, which can eventually to victory.

Actives is something totally overlooked by new players.
Defensive actives such as beads (breaks CC and become immunity), aegis (total immunity and immobility, also immune to heals, also immune to CC but cannot break hard CC) and shell (protection and reduction/reflection) are great to increase your lifespan.
Utility actives such as sprint, shard (heals hp and mana based on stacks), combat blink and meditation. They increase your mobility, sustainability and can help escape or survive.
Offensive actives such as creeping curse (aoe slow) and girdle of might (damage buff) can really make a difference in a fight. Even the first rank of girdle of might activated slightly before an ultimate can make that ultimate so much stronger for only 250 gold.

- Upgrading. For both regular items and actives, upgrades are in most cases more useful than the item itself. Most 3rd tier items give a passive effect that can range anywhere from offensive, utility or defensive. You usually pick items 70% based on their stats and 30% based on their passive.

- Percentage items. I still see this a lot, but people who start their item build with a titan's bane, obsidian shard or rod of tahuti are just being silly. All 3 of these scale on percentage, early game, every stat is weak, people don't have much items, so a percentage of weak is even weaker. Early game an obsidian shard against someone with 50 magical protection gives 16.5 reduction, while a spear of the magus 15 base and an additional 20 for stacks, resulting in 35 reduction. More than twice as much.

An early game rod of tahuti may give loads of magical power, but if you're out of mana after 3 spells you'll be more time at the base than in the lane, resulting in getting behind in farm, and lots of other nasty stuff (being easy to gank, having less waveclear than your enemy, losing gold to tower, having to retreat or even base more often).
Early game that rod of tahuti gives about 156 magical power, for 3.3K gold! A book of thoth gives 100 magical power, and lots of mana and MP5, to add to that an awesome passive that converts 3% of your maximum mana to magical power, and the ability to stack up on creeps to gain even more mana (and at 50 stacks that's 15 free magical power), for 300 gold less.

- Have fun! Why play a game if it's not fun, if you don't enjoy it, it's just a waste of time. So just accept that you're not a pro (yet), and you'll have to get better over time, but enjoy the route there! :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » September 3, 2013 5:00pm | Report
Carry/support, you say? Well, you have some choices there.

Carry: There are plenty of them. Apollo, Anhur, Xbalanque, Artemis, Neith, etc. Try them all out and see what you think of them.

Carry/Support Hybrid: Cupid. Seriously, he's amazing. Try him out.

Support: Aphrodite if you want all-support role. Chang'e if you want support mixed with damage. There are other Gods that have support abilities as well.

Check out my Artemis Guide and my Ao Kuang Guide!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Blissey1 » September 6, 2013 9:31am | Report
Aidiakapi wrote:

watch the SMITE god reveal on YouTube, and know where that god is best at.

although keep in mind that some gods have changed since their reveal vidoes. Neith's weaves don't provide sight anymore, for example.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » September 7, 2013 8:53am | Report
All you need to know is. You can't see behind you so always be careful when your alone in a lane.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 8, 2013 12:43am | Report
You being a previous LOL player (came from LOL myself) I got one tip, don't buy like 500 pots each game. You can always spot a LOL player by how many pots he got :p

Pots in Smite are almost useless compared to LOL (ofc you need health pots if you are playing support/tank early game and if you play carry go with one of each at the start).

As you are familiar with MOBAs you probably know a thing or two about what roles you would need to optimize your team adc, support etc

Wards and the minimap are your best friends in Smite! Because it is 3rd person view it is a lot easier to gank in Smite, so having wards is wise.

Learning the voice commands (at least the most important once), so that you can comunicate with the team.

My best tip would be to watch some streams if you got the free time always a lot to learn from the best :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GamerRage » September 15, 2013 5:31pm | Report
You need to know the voice commands or at least memorize the important ones. For example you shouldn't have VVGT memorized as it is just 'That's too bad!' You also need to know that you cannot look back while running away or else you'll get wrecked, just use the minimap to find out if he/she is still chasing. Also, don't recall unless you are sure you're safe.


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