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Tired of sucking at smite

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Forum » New Player Help » Tired of sucking at smite 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Irritated » July 27, 2013 6:06pm | Report
I usually play Isis in the middle lane, she's my fav. However since I've gotten to level 20, I'm going up against better players in mid and I'm getting owned with alarming frequency.

-Xbalanque: He does mid and does his 2+3 combo, My abilities are skill shots, and he dances around in the air the whole time. He pokes me out of the lane.

-Zues: His charges bounce to me, not much I can do. He ignite-pokes me out of lane.

-Hades: He does his 1+2 combo, with an ult when it's up. I'm not poked but killed out of lane.

-Apollo: All his dashes and escapes, once he levels his attack speed I'm done.

The point is that I'm either unable to deal with certain gods which shut me down, or I just suck in general and don't know how to adapt to what the enemy is doing to me. If I'm too cautious, I'm out farmed and the tower gets poked down. All I can do is call for help or switch lanes right now, and that doesn't work usually (as my side lanes are getting killed too). I'd rather not feel so impotent and worthless that I need to be carried by teammates every battle anyways.

Any suggestions, comments, concerns, complaint that could assist me would be much appreciated. Right now I'm just very upset about my inability to win, or even do good in mid lane with isis.


Posts: 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » July 27, 2013 6:21pm | Report
1) Don't use your ball until he flips. Play passive because he will win a lengthened trade, whereas you win a brief one - his autoattacks do less than your spells, but are obviously spammable. Use wing gusts to back up when he tries to go in, and attack him with that. Your ult > his ult, just remember to detonate it.

2) Stay away from your minions and push him to his tower. If he has less minions than you, you will do better. Him using his chain lightning when you have one minion up, will get instant 3 stacks on you, AND wipe your minion wave, resulting in his pushing you.

3) Hades shouldn't beat you, just make sure you ult when he ults, and the magic damage stacks will get your ult to full power for an immense detonation. Wing gusts away from his leap, and silence when he moves in for a fear

4) Apollo is iffy, because it depends on if they land all their auto attacks or none of them. All in all, he shouldn't be mid lane, just ask for a lane swap on him.

Isis recently got nerfed, but in general, your ball enables you to stun them while you wing gust away for a successful trade that THEY initiated. You have nice wave clear with your AoE 3rd attack and wing gusts, and a silence to shut down mages. Collaberate with your jungler as you have one of the best stuns in the game if landed well.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » July 27, 2013 7:19pm | Report
Isis, when her wing gust already reach lvl 3 could only just wait at the tower. With it, you can just wait enemy's minions comes near you and use it to clear them before tower


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