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Top Tier Warriors

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Forum » New Player Help » Top Tier Warriors 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CapnPimp » June 15, 2017 1:19am | Report
Hey peeps,

New player, excited to transition to SMITE from DOTA 2. Was hoping some of you veterans can point me in the right direction: what are currently the top tier warriors for S4?



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » June 15, 2017 5:07am | Report
Bellona and Osiris are the most popular warriors rn because they have cleave autos and can abuse of Death's Toll. However, I'd suggest for you to try Bellona first as Osiris can be pretty difficult.

Ravana and Sun Wukong are also somewhat popular (specially the first one) and are easy to use. SWK is usually called "Jack of all trades, master of none"
#9e2aff #a12bfd #af29e8 #bd29d0 #c828be #d728a8 #d728b0 #e02899 #ee2891 #f02887 #d72875 #d72860
#8a42ff #9c30f6 #ab21ec #b329e4 #b829d9 #ca29c7 #d429bd #de299f #ee2887 #e62873 #e03163 #e53d44
#7b54ff #8d39f6 #a311f4 #a22afb #ae29ed #b63dc7 #a247c7 #ca3d9f #ee3175 #e6325f #e94348 #f14f2c
#676cff #793fff #910aff #871ef5 #7f2ee4 #7542da #665bc7 #8e519f #c04777 #f0464b #f2552d #fc6410
#5384ff #6545ed #7b00e0 #6b1ada #5738d0 #4356d0 #2d74cc #5c65b3 #985b77 #dc5037 #e94c1b #de4606
#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 15, 2017 6:34am | Report
Changing from dota into smite is gonna take some time to adjust.

idk how Chaac has been however I believe he is still a steady pick.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 15, 2017 7:19am | Report
Bellona, Chaac, Hercules, Vamana and Tyr are probably the easiest gods to learn and do well on IMO.

Good sustain and easy to execute.

But the best warriors IMO is Bellona, Osiris, Nike, Hercules and Ravana (in jungle though).
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » June 15, 2017 8:15am | Report
I would also say Nike is pretty easy to learn, not that hard to understand. Odin his bird bomb combo, and late game he becomes an ult bot.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 15, 2017 9:56am | Report

Bellona and Osiris are the most popular warriors rn because they have cleave autos and can abuse of Death's Toll. However, I'd suggest for you to try Bellona first as Osiris can be pretty difficult.

Remember, though, that Patch 4.10, which is now live for both PC and console, introduced a Death's Toll nerf specifically to the cleave basics of these kinds of gods.

“Death’s Toll is the sustain starter for Physical Gods, allowing them to quickly heal up through Basic Attacks. While actually a bit underwhelming on most, Gods like Bellona or Osiris were able to use their Cleave Basic Attacks to heal upwards of 48 Health and 18 Mana every Basic. We are increasing the Mana restored to help more characters use this Relic, while making Cleave Basic Attacks only receive 50% of the benefit they currently do.”

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