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trending builds for slow characters?

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Forum » New Player Help » trending builds for slow characters? 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by pubgshadowrun » April 22, 2020 7:55pm | Report
i assume there are no slow ***ains / hunters
and ive only played fast ones basicly for attack dps.
and ive copied around my best builds onto every suitable similar character.
so i can play half. like, olorun, sol, fafnir, nu wa, freya, ao kuang, osiris, cuchulainn, kali, awilix.. and i can copy myself. not a problem.
im basicly copying my biggest cooldown to he bo, and i think attack speed to poseidon.
i dont know if that should include zeus, i dont understand his lightning bolts yet.

so on slow mages, gaurdians and warriors,
i genuinly dont know where to begin.
i guess mages typicly are all cooldown, penetration - im guessing percentage.
am i right in thinking a penetration of 15 is fairly pointless on a one hit ko and better for small hits
and the percentage is better for for big hits?
probably simple

but for warriors and guardians particularly the slow attack speed ones, i dont know if im meant to build them 100% defense or actually with specific power tools?

an extra edit: im inspiried to try "assault" the randoms one (sry accidently wrote "conquest" as ive only played arena (if that helps any suggestions)

and yes i meant fast as in attack speed..
so with the slow attack speed characters im trying to work out if there any point in building them to basic attack


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 22, 2020 8:48pm | Report
What exactly do you mean by "slow" gods? You mean gods that don't build for basic attack speed? There are a ton of them, and you're usually targeting high power, high pen, and CDR.

Keep in mind that Arena is by far the "fastest" mode with regard to how quickly you level and how much gold you gain every second. In that situation, builds are still important but the choices you make are less important with regard to order or "meta" since you can buy cheap or expensive items at any time with little in the way of lasting repercussions.

In other modes like Joust or Conquest, there's a lot more strategy involved. When you make a bad item choice, or you pay for a very expensive item early, it can hurt because it takes so long to build an expensive item that the enemy has a full T3 item that gives them a significant edge in a fight while you're still working on getting yours online.

And this is where you start getting the type of feedback you've gotten on your arena builds. Not only are attack speed builds only optimal on specific gods, but haphazard item choices don't optimize the damage you're able to output (or the damage you can absorb without dying). To help you get the most potential, you want that build to have PURPOSE.

As an example, you're asking about 15 flat penetration. In the early game when enemies have little inherent or item-based protections, 15 flat pen can help you deal a significant amount of higher damage. You're right, late game it's less functional against tanks, but can still be effective against squishy gods that haven't built protections against your damage type. That's where % penetration comes in...items like Charon's Coin, Pythagorem's Piece, Soul Reaver etc. can all help you deal higher damage against the front-line tanks. If you can make them uncomfortable or kill them, the squishy gods have no one to peel for them, or hide behind.

It's also helpful against even the squishy gods in the latter parts of a game. If you didn't know, all gods have some base level 20, all gods have somewhere in the range of 60-70 physical protections and all have 48 magical protections...without building any protection items. The closer you get those protections to 0 through penetration items, the more your full damage will get through.

Conquest is a completely different beast than Arena, and if you've only ever played arena, it can be very intimidating, and you will feel lost. I know this for a fact since I used to be mainly an Assault / Arena player. There, you need to really learn how to build, and in what order, and where to go, and how to hold back and concentrate on waves, or when to pressure, etc. etc. You might start by reading my Conquest guide to get a general idea of the individual roles, and watch some pro streams to see how they're playing and where they're going.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 11, 2020 12:20am | Report
Well with slow attack speed mages you're never really using auto attacks to kill/damage enemies. Take Merlin for example. You're going to be spamming abilities so the only reason to ever use auto attacks is to speed up his ability combo and add some damage. Like 1>auto attack>2>auto attack>ultimate>1>auto>2 and then maybe use auto attack to confirm a kill.

For Anubis he can be built with attack speed items but really his lifesteal/high power build is his best. Same with him, you'll use auto attacks mainly to combo and not really do damage unless it's to add to his combo. The meat of the sandwich is abilities and auto attacks are like... bread. If that makes sense.

And with Pen you'll want pen even if you're doing a OHK build like Kuku. Every god has some built in mitigation so with squishy gods like mages/hunters you'll want flat pen. For example Spear of the Magus is an excellent item as it makes people take extra damage for 7 seconds. So you'll hit your enemy with 1 (Zephyr) to slow them which will activate the Spear passive then throw Whirlwind then ultimate. It's not really a one hit kill exactly but your pen will cut that armor and provide more damage making your ultimate kill them for sure. For tanks or anyone buying armor you want pen percentage.

So Merlin against squishy targets you want CDR flat pen: Chronos' Pendant Spear of the Magus Charon's Coin Spear of Desolation Gem of Isolation The coin is mainly for some pen % so you're not tickling tanks and movement speed while Gem of Iso is for slow downs so your abilities make them take extra damage.

Against tanks you want Spear of Desolation Soul Reaver Spear of the Magus Obsidian Shard Rod of Tahuti Desolation is there for cooldown, Magus is there for the passive and Rod is there for to confirm kills. The real items of importance are Soul Reaver and Obsidian Shard because they are tank killers. Soul Reaver has pen % and makes gods with high health take extra damage. While Obsidian Shard will shred protections with your first abilities so your ability combo will make them take a ton of damage.

Of course these are examples. You'll actually want to build whatever you're up against. You might need anti heal or maybe defense if you're getting picked off.


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