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What kind of Numbers should I see healing with Hel?

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Forum » New Player Help » What kind of Numbers should I see healing with Hel? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BirdKing344 » May 18, 2020 5:32pm | Report
Ok so I'm very new to the MOBA style games. I've found a few different gods I enjoy playing and Hel happens to be my favorite. I've always focused on healing class characters. I have tried comparing my player heals stat to other players at the end and I notice that not many people are anywhere close. On average I do 19k to 25k healing in an arena match and about 30k to 40k in conquest. I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing to much or getting close to the mark of average or what. I would really appreciate any information that is actually relevant to me gauging my performance level. Right now I kinda feel like I might be the only person Healing in the game (I know I'm not). Thanks
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 18, 2020 6:58pm | Report
The two gods that are likely to see the highest healing in a match are Aphrodite and Hel. Depends on what they focus on, as Aphro is always focused on linking with a teammate in the mid-game and on in Conquest, and from the start in Arena. Even though she's single target (plus herself) healing, it's very substantial and on a low CD, so you can heal a ton.

For Hel, the better players don't just focus on healing, because she also has some good damage potential. Not saying you can't focus on healing above other things, and you have good potential in being able to hit any teammate that's close. But then the teammates have to stay close, or you have to base your location on them, and it can be hard finding a good balance.

The healing you're getting doesn't sound weird. In some cases it might be pretty high, especially for Conquest, unless most of your matches last a long time.

I would be interested in hearing your averages on damage in arena and conquest, and learning about what builds you use.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 19, 2020 1:21am | Report
The numbers sound solid. It's hard to tell your healing performance out of numbers. The things that influences it are game time and the items on both teams.

-The longer the game goes on the higher the healing (and damage) you will have done is.
-If your build contains a Rod of Healing (or it's tier 3) and several other factors it will be higher.
-If the enemy build anti heal it will be lower.

The best way to gauge your healing performance is in a teamfight. If you manage to have your outsustain their damage compared to playing a non healing god in that role.
Thing is the opponent can get a lot of antiheal nullifying your healing so in that case your damage becomes a factor during the fight and your healing after.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BirdKing344 » May 19, 2020 8:10pm | Report
For player damage it's between 15k to 23k minion damage is anywhere from 11k to 30k for arena, and as to the build I really am unsure what I'm doing I just try to find things to help based off what I need but chronos's pendant, boots of focus, rod of asclepius are always there. The damage for conquest I only saved one match so it's hard to say if that's average or not but I did 12k player damage 26k minion damage inn a 45 min game that one I had 29k healing. But I don't seem to get very many kills at all is that usual
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 20, 2020 4:13am | Report
12k player damage is very low if you were playing Hel in Mid in Conquest


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 20, 2020 9:04am | Report
I wouldn't worry about minion damage as much in Arena. You may or may not be the best god to clear minions depending on your team comp and if your focus is more on utility and healing, then that value might be naturally low. Only thing about minions in Arena is to make sure your team is clearing them and not letting them get into your portal.

As for Conquest, as Kriega said, in a 45 minute game, the player damage is low. BUT. It also depends on what role you were playing. Were you the mid-laner? Or were you playing in the Solo-lane or Support? (Note that Support role isn't currently suggested for Hel, as she doesn't have enough CC to be a good standard Support.)

In a 45 minute game as Mid or Solo, I'd probably expect your damage to be in the range of 25-40k on average if you're focusing a lot on healing/supporting your team. Building Chronos' Pendant, Shoes of Focus, and Rod of Asclepius is a build that could be used in Mid, but not so much in Solo or Support roles, where it's probably better for you to be tankier.

In Support, 12k damage could be acceptable if you built tanky items instead of things like CP. The other thing, you're a newer player to MOBAs, so I also wouldn't say you need to hit any specific number, and rather just play, have fun, and get more familiar with the game mechanics. Hel isn't the simplest god to play either.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BirdKing344 » May 20, 2020 4:36pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

12k player damage is very low if you were playing Hel in Mid in Conquest

I was not mid I was playing full support with a belonna
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 20, 2020 5:24pm | Report
Ahhh well then, 12k damage is still perhaps on the low side, but as a support, your main job is going to be keeping your teammates alive.

This can be done in a variety of ways...healing (obviously), tanking (getting the aggro / focus of the enemy and having them attack you instead of your teammate), and crowd control (applying things like slows, silences, debuffs, stuns, etc.). The problem with supports that focus on healing is that it can be countered very easily with anti-heal items. You may not need to worry about that much as a newer player, as the level of competition is lower, and players' understanding of builds and god capabilities is not as good. Most supports look to do the 2 other things...tanking damage and crowd control.

And even if your main focus is healing, you still want to be building items that provide other aura items like Sovereignty, Heartward Amulet and Gauntlet of Thebes. Utility like anti-heal to counter enemy healing and lifesteal, like Pestilence or Contagion. Other utility like Witchblade and Midgardian Mail, or other more pure protection items so you can stay a bit more in front of your teammates soaking damage for them, since they should be focusing more on building for damage output.

The problem in the game of Conquest you mentioned is the Bellona carry. She's not a standard carry, and though she can be a fun off-meta choice, normally you'd find yourself in the Duo lane with a hunter or ADC mage like Freya, Olorun, Sol, or Chronos. So basically, you'll get choices like that in games with newer players.

Anyway, you usually wouldn't choose Chronos' Pendant in a Support build because although it's a great item for her and she really appreciates CDR, you'll need more protections to do a good job supporting. Other items providing CDR to consider would include Spirit Robe, Mantle of Discord, Breastplate of Valor, Genji's Guard, Shogun's Kusari. Also Relic Dagger and Shield of Regrowth are options, but not until you get some protections.

Here's an example video of a pro (now retired) playing Hel support, though keep in mind it's from a year ago. It'll give you an idea of build direction and playstyle when playing her as Support.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 21, 2020 4:23am | Report
Pestilence/Contagion aren’t that great on Hel support especially since she’s a backline Support. This is why it’s better to put Hel in Solo and make sure you have frontliners in Support and Jungle.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 21, 2020 8:44am | Report
Ah, that's a fair point on Pest/Contagion.

I definitely don't suggest Hel Supp. Just saying for this newer player that if they choose that route, they should be building differently.

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