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4.18 PTS Patch Notes | Journey To Asgard

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Forum » News » 4.18 PTS Patch Notes | Journey To Asgard 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » September 25, 2017 3:00am | Report

Belly Ache Ymir
Inu Gami Fenrir
Sequined Sadist Da Ji
Exclusive | Odyssey
Exclusive | Odyssey
Exclusive | Odyssey

Harbinger Nike
Direct Purchase


Purchasable Items – 20% off during 4.18
  • SMITE Time Global Emote
  • Belly Ache Ymir
  • Inu Game Fenrir

Bonus Items
  • Sequined Sadist Da Ji

New Quests and Achievement
  • 7 Norse Quests
  • Norse Conqueror Achievement
    • Awards the Norse Loading Screen Skin



Mounted Archery

As Hachiman, Hit 5 enemy Gods with one use of his Ultimate, Mounted Archery.

Number 1 Stunnah

As Hachiman, Stun 2 enemy Gods with one use of his Iaijutsu Ability.


"In this Patch, we have a few more additions to Project Olympus. Spectator is seeing a small adjustment that will greatly improve visibility to SPL and general Spectator viewers. Server Rollup is being turned off due to the success of Multi-queue. And, finally, Players are getting a long-requested feature: Random Player Loadouts!"


"The Health Bars in Spectator were dark, making it difficult to see the lines that denote 100 Health as well as how much Health was missing, especially in compressed video settings. We have changed these to be lighter in color to help them be more visible (while also shifting them to more colorblind friendly colors, similar to the minimaps Tower/Phoenix/Titan colors)."
  • Updated the Health and Mana Bar colors to provide more contrast when viewing.

Server Rollup is no longer active on any region

"Server Rollups were initially designed to help low-population regions have higher quality matchmaking and faster queue times, but it had the drawback of moving people to regions with higher latency. While it helped, it wasn't a perfect solution. With the release of Multiqueue, players in low population regions have a tool to queue for multiple modes, which helps both matchmaking and queue times. With its release we no longer feel Server Rollups is a necessary solution."

Random Player Loadouts

"Players can now randomize most of their Player Loadout. This setting will be visible in the Player Loadout section and can be enabled for each item individually. The only items that cannot be randomized are Loading Frames and Avatars."
  • Players can now select the "random" option per match on Loading Screens, Pedestals, Jump Stamps, Global Emotes, Recall Skins, Announcer Packs, Music Themes, HUD Themes, Fountain Skins, Level Up skins.
    • Players cannot randomize Loading Frames or Avatars.


  • Fixed an issue where players could not enable random Wards
  • Fixed an issue where players using random Wards would not have their Wards be random in game
  • Fixed an issue where blocked players could message the blocker.
  • Fixed an issue where players on DND could still be messaged.
  • Players on a Blocked List can no longer join Custom Rooms hosted by the blocker.
  • Fixed an issue where players in Grandmasters would always receive a -2 TP penalty.
  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive Triumphant Chests after winning a game. This should already be resolved in the 4.17 patch for Console.


  • Updated the description of this Item to be more consistent with other Items of a similar effect.

Rod of Asclepius
  • Added description text for the buff icon of Rod of Asclepius.

Evolving Items
  • Updated the description of each evolving Item to be more consistent with other evolving Items.


Ah Muzen Cab

  • Fixed issues with Void Piercer Ah Muzen Cab's sound FX.

Ah Puch

  • Fixed an issue where Ah Puch's Basic Attacks had a larger hitbox than intended.


  • Fixed issues with the Storm Tech Chaac's sound FX.


  • Fixed an issue where Chronos' Basic Attacks had a larger hitbox than intended.


  • Fixed a description issue that stated Seething Howl affected allies, rather than just himself.


  • Fixed an issue where Shogun Hachiman did not have orbs to signify the remaining shots of Eagle Eye.
  • Adjusted Hachiman's Basic Attacks and Ultimate shot to better look like they are being fired from his bow.


  • Added description to her Passive to describe the changing size of her Basic Attack chain's hitbox.


Night Terror
  • Fixed an issue where this ability was playing the wrong visual FX on hitting minions


  • Added description to his Passive to describe the larger than normal size of his Basic Attack hitbox.


  • Fixed an issue where The Marksman would say the wrong "VBG" line.


  • Fixed an issue where the visual FX of this ability were continuing even when the ability was canceled or interrupted.


  • Fixed an issue where High Seas Sobek's Parrot would T-Pose upon his death.


  • Added description to his Passive to describe that his Basic Attacks hit enemies in an AoE.


  • Fixed an issue where Zeus' Basic Attacks had a larger hitbox than intended.



"Ancile was an anti-caster Item with a mixed identity. It was not quite defensive enough to survive against sustained damage from a Mage and it was not offensive enough to allow for players to threaten a caster. We are moving it towards the offensive direction, encouraging players to get in close and deal damage to magical gods. This will set them up to be near a target when the Passive effect activates, gaining much more use out of it."
  • Increased Physical Power from 25 to 40.
  • Decreased Magical Protection 60 to 50.

Atalanta's Bow

"Atalanta's Bow was added to provide Hunters with a Movement Speed option that could still contribute toward their end game build. The problem with is was that it did not provide enough Attack Speed to replace another Item in hunter builds. We are increasing this stat to let it better compete with those items."
  • Increased Attack Speed from 20% to 25%.

Chronos' Pendant

"Chronos' Pendant underwent some serious changes at the beginning of Season 4 that made it much more powerful but also more costly. The additional cost has made it very difficult to fit it into builds and also increases the max cost of Mage builds, which are already some of the most expensive. A slight cost reduction will allow it to find a home in core builds for a variety of Mages."
  • Decreased cost from 2900 to to 2750.


"Lifesteal can be a valuable stat, but on an Item that is largely defensive and utility oriented it became useless. We are removing the Lifesteal on Witchblade and replacing it with 10% Cooldown Reduction. This stat will have a more meaningful use on most characters that want to situationally pick up this type of utility Item."
  • Removed 15% Lifesteal.
  • Added 10% Cooldown Reduction.



"Artio is in a much healthier spot than her initial launch, but she is still has some room for adjustment. Life Tap and Heavy Charge are seeing cooldown increases, reducing her long range control and mobility. Decompose is also seeing a decrease in its protection debuff, limiting how much shred Artio can provide for herself and her team. Both these changes should help enemies handle the utility and presence Artio has in a teamfight."

Decompose (Passive)
  • Decreased Protection debuff from 3% to 2%

Life Tap (Heavy Charge)
  • Increased Cooldown from 15s to 17s


"Camazotz has become a dominant jungle pick with his high sustain, poke power, and gank potential. Screech's Echo buff provides a large bonus to his Physical Power which further empowers his strengths. In this Patch, it is seeing a slight nerf to decrease the effect it has on his entire kit. Vampire Bats is also receiving a damage decrease, lowering Camazotz's ability to quickly dive a carry and burst them down and allowing the enemy more time to respond."

  • Decreased Physical Power Buff from 20/25/30/35/40 to 10/15/20/25/30.

Vampire Bats
  • Decreased initial damage from 70/120/170/220/270 to 70/110/150/190/230.


"Heeeeyyyyy! In the last few patches Kuzenbo has seen adjustments to improve how he feels to play with and how he feels to play against. He has become much more consistent in his ability to control a fight. In this Patch we are focused on increasing how often he can impact a fight, especially in the early game. Sumo Slam and Watery Grave's cooldowns are being reduced, giving him access to much more control over the course of a match."

Sumo Slam
  • Decreased Cooldown 16/15/14/13/12s to 12s at all ranks

Watery Grave
  • Decreased Cooldown from 100s to 75s


"Ratatoskr has struggled compared to other Assassins and Junglers. While his early game is pretty strong, he quickly falls off compared to other Assassins that fill similar engaging and diving roles. We are increasing Flurry's scaling to help him extend into the mid and late game, while giving the protection shred from Flurry an increase in strength. When he fully use this skill it will further empower his other abilities, while also helping the other members of his team to deal damage."

  • Increased Physical Power scaling from 20% per tick to 25% per tick.
  • Increased Protection Shred from 2/2/3/3/4 per tick to 2/3/4/5/6 per tick.


"Skadi's control through Permafrost and damage from Kaldr have allowed her to be one of the most consistently strong Hunters. We are reducing the radius of Permafrost at later ranks, lowering how many gods Skadi can affect with her ice slide crowd control. Additional, Kaldr's dash damage is seeing a decrease, lowering Skadi's overall burst potential."

Rune of the Hunt
  • Decreased Kaldr's dash damage from 100/125/125/150/150% to 70/85/100/115/130% of Skadi's Basic Attack Damage.
  • Updated the description of this ability to clearly state Kaldr's Dash damage.

  • Decreased Radius from 16/18/20/22/24 to 16/16/18/18/20.


"Terra is seeing a shift in her power this Patch. Monolith is a highly flexible ability when shattered. It provides strong early game lockdown when combined with Crushing Earth's stun and applies a widespread root to control areas in the later stages of the game. We are removing the root from this ability and replacing it with a slightly longer lasting slow, giving more room for counterplay in both the single target and teamfight scenarios. Previously, because of its power when shattered, we allowed it to be destroyed quickly. This limited how it could be used to block shots or heal Terra's allies. We are increasing the number of shots required to kill it, bringing more power back to its unshattered form."

  • Removed Root from Monolith Shatter.
  • Monolith Shatter now Slows enemies by 30% for 1.5s.
  • Increased Monolith's hit points from 3 to 5.


"Thoth is a difficult God to adjust, given his overall low performance at most levels of play but high success at the very top end. In this patch we want to make adjustments to bring these two skill levels closer together while helping players have better information when fighting against Thoth. Each of his damaging abilities are having updated visuals to better indicate their hitboxes. His Ultimate's audio cue will now be heard from a longer range, helping players know when it is coming from out of sight. Final Judgement will now be more powerful when quickly fired but will reach the same bonus damage it currently reaches when fully charged. The maximum damage it can do however is being reduced, lowering Thoth's ability to one shot opponents in later stages of the game."

Hieroglyphic Assault
  • Updated FX and Visuals to better convey its hitbox.

Evade and Punish
  • Updated FX and Visuals to better convey its hitbox.

Final Judgement
  • Decreased Scaling from from 120% to 100%
  • Adjusted Charged-up Damage from 25/50/75/100% of total damage to 40/60/80/100% of total damage.
  • Updated Audio FX and Visuals to better convey its hitbox.


  • Decreased Mana Cost from 60/65/70/75/80 to 50/55/60/65/70

Change Stance
  • Decreased Cooldown from 14/13/12/11/10 to 12/12/11/11/10

*Source: The Official Patch Notes

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by overld1 » October 4, 2017 12:13pm | Report
This is a off topic question, but it relates to patch notes. I forgot when patch notes happen is been like probably 2 months since I last saw and I don't know when they happen. Can someone tell me?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 4, 2017 12:36pm | Report
They happen today in 25 minutes! Every 2 eeks on Wednesday at the same time.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by overld1 » October 4, 2017 12:39pm | Report
Thanks Bran it's just been so long since I watched so I don't know what was the exact date. I still remembered the time though.


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